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FURB's Cut the Crap Blog, Episode 3
First the good news:. I was MVP in my office for the month of August. I received a 15% raise! I was promoted to district leader. So good things are happening for me in my business. This is great for me, as I badly need to bolster my finances.
However, I am still struggling.
FURB's Cut the Crap Blog, Volume 2
Well Hi there!
Welcome to the second installment of my Cut the Crap series of blog posts.
On August 27. 2013 I took and passed my Life Insurance Lincense Exam, scoring 85 out of a possible 100 correct answers. Woo-hoo. While that is a pretty terrific score and all, I'm afraid that the hard work has only just begun. I am now set to start studying for my series 6 & 63 Securities Licensing Exam.
Really, the problem I'm having right now is fear.
"Fear of what?" You ask?
Giant Catfish Faces Extinction: A Fish Story?
It is unknown how many Mekong Giant Catfish there are in existense according to my soon to be released audio production on this topic. I make reference to this blog post a couple of times in that audio, so I'm posting it in advance.
The audio is derived from two videos that I encountered.
Back! With more content! We welcome Conspirators!
Hi, all!
It's been a while since we've been able to post at the site, so we hope you pardon the delay!
Just some simple things to send to you occasionally, as we work on turning the hope of building the site more soon.
If you're interested, take a look at GG's new articles at the Media research Center site! They're not entirely libertairan or anarcho-capitalist, but they asked me to write for them, and it gives me a great opportunity to slide ideas of total freedom towards the paleo conservative crowd!
Hope you like! Be Seeing You!
Warrantless Vehicle Searches On the Beltway
I learned about this incredibly frightening story from my friend Nikki,
More Hidden Fees and Taxes in the Fed medical Fascism Law - aka 'Affordable Care Act'
As Social Security was a lie, a ponzi scheme from the start; as it, medicare, medicaid and the "CHIPS" program are all unconstitutional, so we see the unconstitutional medical fascism law forcing insurance companies to act in certain ways (which will raise costs dramatically, inspiring more people to drop their policies), and we see false promises and hidden fees in the law.
Some of those fees are clearly designed to raise further the prices of individual policies, inspiring more young people to not buy, which, in turn, will increase the prices once more...
The plan has been well-crafted for the elimination of private insurance companies in a few years.
The Federal Reserve, 100 Years Later
A bad idea. And for those who think that the creation of money should be left in the hands of the US Treasury, please consider a "freedom" alternative: allow private banks to compete with their own currencies, separate from all government ties and from ties to the Federal Reserve. Allow them to compete, and you will see consumers looking for currencies that retain their value, that are not hidden behind fractional reserves, and that are tradeable all over the world. You will see inflation go away, and DECREASING prices occurring thanks to productivity gains.
Allow for liberty to flourish.
Glenn Jacobs Launches New Liberty Website!
Good luck, Glenn!
Thank you for continuing to fight for freedom, and now, fighting even harder!
Be Seeing You!
US Treasury Dept Warns Bitcoin Recipients: You MUST Comply and Report
Feel free to comment here about the podcast we recently did on the unanswered questions some free market thinkers have about Bitcoin's ability to function if the feds want to crack down, and about the possibility that Bitcoin could end up being just one of a possibly infinite number of electronic currencies, rendering them virtually worthless... Are such worries unfounded? We'd love your thoughts...
Be Seeing You!
US Treasury Dept Warns Bitcoin Recipients: You MUST Comply and Report
Feel free to comment here about the podcast we recently did on the unanswered questions some free market thinkers have about Bitcoin's ability to function if the feds want to crack down, and about the possibility that Bitcoin could end up being just one of a possibly infinite number of electronic currencies, rendering them virtually worthless... Are such worries unfounded? We'd love your thoughts...
Be Seeing You!
As We Discussed a Day Prior to This Report - GM Has NOT Paid Back Its Bailout, Despite What ABC News Lies
If you listened to the radio show on Monday, December 16th, you heard El G Grande play a report from ABC news in which David Muir tried to tell people that GM had paid back its "bailout", and in which Mr. Muir tried to portray GM as a thriving, expanding business. Gard explained (and we'll publish the podcast of this audio on Wednesday, December 18th) that GM DID not pay back its bailout cash, and he also explained that GM only appeared to be in the black because it was deemed absolved of its corporate taxes for a few years thanks to its bailout deal. To think that a major network can get away with such deceptive "reporting" (aka propaganda) is sickening, but they do it.
DC Politicians FAIL to Ban 3D Printed Firearms
This is one we will have to continue to watch. The politicians could sneak amendments to ban these kinds of firearms at any time. Also, the President might (unconstitutionally and immorally) issue an executive order to try to get the ATF to police against such firearms.
Here's the story, via the excellent Ben Swann site:
Be Seeing You!
US Admits, Drone Strike Kills 15 at Wedding Party in Yemen
But don't the the terrorists "hate us" for exactly the reasons the neocons and left-statist-dems say? Gotta be because of our "freedoms", and not the actual reasons the terrorists have openly articulated, like, um, US policy in the Middle East and neighboring nations. Just keep payin' those taxes so more wedding parties can get blasted.
Be Seeing You!
More Information on Detention Pods at US Airports
Okay. So there is nothing in the US Constitution that gives the federral government the power to be in airports, let alone searching people in airports.
Obama Admin Hands out $600 Million to Rail Giants
But remember, he's for the little people!
Be Seeing You!
US Supreme Court to Hear Non-Warrant Cell Search Case
Notice how the author of the article doesn't actually refer to the TEXT of the US CONstitution, but to a pior Supreme Court ruling about a cigarette pack. The text of the Constitution is clear, and doesn't come close to allowing this kind of invasion. Beyond that, the Constitution is something that is, itself, being imposed on all of us. None of us signed this document. Only the politicians who put themselves up for office, and the bureaucrats and cops, soldiers, etc., who sign up for their jobs agree to defend the rules.
As John Lydon, of the Sex Pistols, said after they'd been ripped off at the end of their first US tour, "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"
UK Government Cuts Baby from Italian Tourist's Womb
No joke. This is fo-real.
Be Seeing You!
Health Fascism Law Pushers: "Perception is More Important Than Facts"
No kidding. If folks haven't learned that lesson by watching government and the politicians who push it, they haven't been paying attention.
Be Seeing You!