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More Hidden Fees and Taxes in the Fed medical Fascism Law - aka 'Affordable Care Act'
As Social Security was a lie, a ponzi scheme from the start; as it, medicare, medicaid and the "CHIPS" program are all unconstitutional, so we see the unconstitutional medical fascism law forcing insurance companies to act in certain ways (which will raise costs dramatically, inspiring more people to drop their policies), and we see false promises and hidden fees in the law.
Some of those fees are clearly designed to raise further the prices of individual policies, inspiring more young people to not buy, which, in turn, will increase the prices once more...
The plan has been well-crafted for the elimination of private insurance companies in a few years.
The Federal Reserve, 100 Years Later
A bad idea. And for those who think that the creation of money should be left in the hands of the US Treasury, please consider a "freedom" alternative: allow private banks to compete with their own currencies, separate from all government ties and from ties to the Federal Reserve. Allow them to compete, and you will see consumers looking for currencies that retain their value, that are not hidden behind fractional reserves, and that are tradeable all over the world. You will see inflation go away, and DECREASING prices occurring thanks to productivity gains.
Allow for liberty to flourish.
Glenn Jacobs Launches New Liberty Website!
Good luck, Glenn!
Thank you for continuing to fight for freedom, and now, fighting even harder!
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US Treasury Dept Warns Bitcoin Recipients: You MUST Comply and Report
Feel free to comment here about the podcast we recently did on the unanswered questions some free market thinkers have about Bitcoin's ability to function if the feds want to crack down, and about the possibility that Bitcoin could end up being just one of a possibly infinite number of electronic currencies, rendering them virtually worthless... Are such worries unfounded? We'd love your thoughts...
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US Treasury Dept Warns Bitcoin Recipients: You MUST Comply and Report
Feel free to comment here about the podcast we recently did on the unanswered questions some free market thinkers have about Bitcoin's ability to function if the feds want to crack down, and about the possibility that Bitcoin could end up being just one of a possibly infinite number of electronic currencies, rendering them virtually worthless... Are such worries unfounded? We'd love your thoughts...
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As We Discussed a Day Prior to This Report - GM Has NOT Paid Back Its Bailout, Despite What ABC News Lies
If you listened to the radio show on Monday, December 16th, you heard El G Grande play a report from ABC news in which David Muir tried to tell people that GM had paid back its "bailout", and in which Mr. Muir tried to portray GM as a thriving, expanding business. Gard explained (and we'll publish the podcast of this audio on Wednesday, December 18th) that GM DID not pay back its bailout cash, and he also explained that GM only appeared to be in the black because it was deemed absolved of its corporate taxes for a few years thanks to its bailout deal. To think that a major network can get away with such deceptive "reporting" (aka propaganda) is sickening, but they do it.
Obama Admin Hands out $600 Million to Rail Giants
But remember, he's for the little people!
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Health Fascism Law Pushers: "Perception is More Important Than Facts"
No kidding. If folks haven't learned that lesson by watching government and the politicians who push it, they haven't been paying attention.
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US Troops Likely to Stay in Afghanistan until 2024
Pay no attention to that blowback, to that bankruptcy... Just keep "moving forward"...
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FLA City Shows The Nastiness of 'Little Leviathan' - FINES Folks for Private Gardens
Leviathan. That term employed by Thomsa Hobbes in his political treatise of the same name, and used since that time to describe the generic State.
Many people overlook the insidiousness of local zoning and "regulatory" laws, but there are thousands of them infringing upon individual liberty and property rights. Here is a good example, from FLA...
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Chinese Gubment to Ease One-Child-Per-Couple Policy, Abolish Labor Camps?
Well isn't that nice of 'em...
To what degree do other nation-states mandate lifestyle choices on residents living within their borders?
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EPA Scales Back Unconstitutional, Immoral, and Anti-economic Ethanol Mandate, by a Tiny Amount
Although this leaves some space for the product to be closer to what the market demands, the move does not counter the spurious claim that the federal gubment has any appropriate power granted to it to regulate oil or gasoline products in any way. Without questioning that notion, more regulation will follow. Just look at how the Bio-fuels (ie corn) lobbyists respond to this small move by the EPA, as if they have a RIGHT to be in the product the oil refiners/gas companies make.
CIA Collecting Data on International Money Transfers - Cites Patriot Act As Power
This is yet another example of the unconstitutional activity of the US government, and if people think it is okay to "monitor" foreigners without warrants, they need to explain where the provisions and prohibitions for the gubment that are written in the US Constitution do NOT apply when dealing with foreigners. It doesn't matter if the person being surveilled is a foreigner, such surveillance without warrants is not a power granted the US gubment in ALL cases.
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New Revelation: Fed Medical Insurance Law Includes New Taxes on High-Earners Who Sell Their Homes
The pot is getting hotter, fellow frogs...
Good reporting by this local TV station.
Too many people accept the fraudulent idea that others have claims on their neighbors. We have to spread the word about the primacy of the individual to decide for himself how he will live his life and what he will do with the fruits of his labor.
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DHS Spends $500,000 on Fully Automatic Pepper Spray Launchers
Not only do we have a standing army in our midst, we have multiple standing armies...
Watch out, kids. Just to let you know, the DHS has already rounded up homelss people in a SC city and stuffed them into a FEMA camp:
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Libertarians Tried to Warn People: Now Obama Admin Officials Admit They Knew Millions Would Lose Health Insurance
File this in the "anyone who understands economics and government regulations applied to businesses told you so years ago" department.
The pop media has a lot to answer for on this. It's simple logic. Mandates mean higher prices and a decrease in those covered. It has happened everywhere such regulations have been applied to businesses.
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State and Fed Gubments Eye Black Boxes to Monitor Road Usage, Charge Fees - And Know Whereabouts
Not all libertarians think this is a "good" idea. In a world of government-run roads, it might help reduce the problem of charging people don't use the roads (via general taxation), but it invades privacy and does not address the fundamental issue: the gubment has no place running, building or supposedly "keeping up" (poorly so) roads.
If the roads were run privately (as thousands of miles of roads were in the US), the choices coul dbe made voluntarily, and differing degrees and combinations of privacy and ease coul dbe achieved. Not so with gubment. It's one size fits all, and force. Simple as that.,0,6090226...
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The US Federal Reserve Note Is Losing Its Position as World Currency
And it's about time. Libertarians have been trying to warn people about this for years. The government/Fed control of the money supply is a big mistake. Currency should be allowed to be a competitive market, with private banks issuing redemption slips for stores of gold or other valuables, and competing with each other. If government, or a government-granted monopoly like the Fed, controls the issuance of the currency people use to trade, it will inflate the supply of the currency, destroying the buying power of it, and making it worth less and less over time.
This is why two years ago, the Chinese gubment dumped over 90% of its US bonds. They knew that if they kept them to term, the return would be in less valuable Fed reserve Notes.
TSA Now Invading Personal Information PRIOR TO YOU ENTERING AIRPORT
So, the race is on for the invasion of privacy. Which anti-constitutional agency will win, the TSA, or the NSA?
Lest we forget the IRS, invading your neighbor's personal business information to pilfer his earnings and now going in to grab money from you if you don't buy health insurance.
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Nancy Pelosi on Pork in Default "Stop-Gap" Bill: "What Difference Does It Make?"
She is just a class act, all the way.
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