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A Very Good Piece on the Tsunami of Waiting, Expenses and Limits Coming Due to Med Fascism Law
The laws of economics, of supply and demand, of political force, cannot be avoided. Read this piece, from Mr. Goodman, who is often published by the excellent Independence Institute, and remember his warnings a few years from now!
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Romney Pick of Ryan Really Illustrates How Disconnected GOP Is From Liberty and Memory
So the pop media and GOP big-wigs are both saying that Congressguy Paul Ryan is a "staunch" conservative. Even the Dems are flailing about, saying he's "radically" anti-spending.
If that's the case, why did he vote with the Bushies 94% of the time? Why did he support the unconstitutional, immoral, and economically insane Medicare Part D plan that Congress passed at 5:40 on a Saturday morning? If he's a real strong small gument "constitutionalist", then why the HECK did he vote to give Bush the unconstitutional "permission to use military force" everyone tells us is now the "War" on "Terror"?
French Gubment to Impose 75 Percent Tax on High Earners - Causes Flight Outta the Country
No, really?! What a shock!
Business creators are heading out? What the--?!
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Economic Data Doesn't Look Good for the US - 70 Data Points to See
This comes from a site that might or might not be completely aligned with the ideas of total freedom, but some of the stats and references are very valuable, especially when one compares the information to the cheerleading from the pop media news folks.
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VT Cops Get a Bit of Blowback for Their Aggression Against a Plant Grower
This is a wonderful story. A farmer who has been attacked by the state for growing marijuana has allegedly taken his tractor and rolled over eleven of the empty police cruisers.
Aggression by the state sees blow-back. Unfortunately, given the acceptance of the tax system by so many people, and given the fact that so many people accept the myth that police protect them (it has been proven false statistically and legally), the cruisers will likely be replaced at the expense of more taxpayer cash.
But this is pretty cool.
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Those Principled Republicans and the Medical Fascism Law
So one of the Romney advisors (ya know, an advisor for the guy who brought in his own anti-constitutional fascist mandates on the health insurance industry in MA) is making cash advising state gubments on how to conform to the federal medical fascism law. Anyone actually bothered to look at the Constitution and see that the interstate commerce clause doesn't give the feds the power to tell insurance companies what to sell, nor does it give MA the power to do the same or to force people to buy said manipulated insurance plans. Welcome to real fascism. Welcome to the United States "two-party" system... Choose your poison.
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IRS ReWrites Fed Medical Fascism Law to Counter States That Are Not Implementing
As these state gubments push back and don't implement the law, the IRS re-writes the text to make it apply, to levy the fines (sorry, the "tax"), and expand the fascist nature of this law.
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WOW - Govt Medical System in India Sees Possibly Hundreds of Needless Hysterectomies Performed
Good thing they have the universal health system, tho, huh?
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More Americans Filed For Disability Cash Than Found Jobs Last Month
But at least there's that "safety net" to help keep the economy going! Good thing no one's figured out where the money comes from for the "net"...
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Springsteen Hit By Very Tragedy of the Commons He Loves So Much
Yep. The man who wants all sorts of things decided by "the majority" got socked by the very commons he loves. It happened in London, while he played with Paul McCartney...
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Be Skeptical of the Pop Media Reports on GM Sales Figures
As we have mentioned many times, GM did not really turn a profit last year. The only reason it was in the black was because it didn't have to pay taxes, the way FORD does. The arrangement was part of the gubment bailout of GM. If they had paid taxees (not that we support taxes, but this is a company that got BILLIONS of other peoples' dollars), they would have been 14 billion in the red!
Now comes this story, refuting the recent sales figures reported by GM.
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Random Survey of Docs Shows 83 Percent Consider Leaving Due to Med Fascism Law
But remember, there's no force involved, and the statists will keep telling us it's not fascism.
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It's Coming...
Remember, for a brief period, the US will look like the 'safe haven', but that is a mirage, and will begin to be shown as such when the invitable price increases caused by the central bank inflation and US gubment debt begin showing themselves with greater clarity in the economy.
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Get Ready for IRS Policing Medical Fascism Law
Lalalalalalalalalala! That's the happy tune of fascism, sung by agents of the state, as they march towards you!
So, how about that Fourth Amendment, huh? And don't forget to provide your medical records!
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Prez Signs Unconstitutional Highway Law - Puts Roll Your Own Cig Cos Out of Biz
Gee, who'd have thunk that the politicians might "regulate" away business to help those who lobbied them with tons of cash?
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TSA Now Testing Liquids INSIDE Check Point
Ya know how the TSA forces you to dump your drink before you pass through "security", thus making you have to replace it with one bought beyond the "security" screeners? Well, evidently, that's not enough. Now they want to check your liquids after you pass through the check-point!
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EU Parliament Does NOT Pass ACTA
Big news! Good news! But the fact that the EU Parliament exists is still a threat to all kinds of liberty in action.
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Happy Dependence Day all you "terrorists" out there...
Here's to hoping you aren't one of those pervs who is "reverent of individual liberty". Sickos.
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Tom diLorenzo on Economic Fascism - Welcome to the US - Happy Independence Day
Land of the Free?
Ask your statist friends if they favor freedom or fascism. And tell them you're not trying to be bombastic, but that you are using precise terminology...
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US Supreme Court Rules Medical Fascism is OK
So the unconstitutional interpretation of the Interstate Commerce Clause was never challenged by the SCOTUS -- that's the provision in Article One, Section Eight, that is supposed to let Congress stop tariffs being placed on state goods by other states, but is interpreted to mean Congress can regulate anything that goes over state borders... With this as an "accepted" basis, then we can see how the SCOTUS would never bother to wipe away all the unconstitutional regulations placed on insurance companies (things such as "guaranteed issue" and "group rating")...
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