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CNN Commentator Proposes the "Regulation" of Sugar
We'll look at this on Liberty Conspiracy radio, tonight, beginning at 10:06 pm US eastern time!
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FDA Claims It Can Regulate Human Cells
This shouldn't really come as a surprise, given all the things the feds claim to have the power to "regulate"... Let's look at that term tonight on the Libety Conspiracy Audio Live...
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Restaurateur Boots TN Anti-Gay State Senator
This ties-in to our radio discussion about private property, private business, and discrimination. We'll discuss it again tonight on Liberty Conspiracy Radio, between 10:06 and midnight eastern US time!
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ABC News and USA Today Don't Know Why Beef (and other meat) Prices Are Rising
Here is the article from USA Today:
And here is the information they didn't bother to mention:
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But, but... We were told by former Senator Juddy Gregg that the taxpayers would MAKE money off the bailouts. And ABC News ran multiple stories on how the bailouts were, in some cases, bringing in PROFITS. HOW IN THE WORLD COULD THEY HAVE BEEN WRONG? What's that? They omitted data to make it look good? Hmm? Oh, you say that you heard Liberty Conspiracy podcasts over two years ago that explained that these bailouts couldn't be profitable, and you later heard follow-up pods that SHOWED THE REAL DATA about how little the gubment was getting back?
How can this be?!!!
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A Pretty Good Fact-Check of the Prez's State of the Union Claims
Take a look! We'll discuss it all on Liberty Conspiracy Radio Tonight at 10:06 eastern US time!
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Buffet's Claims About Taxes Bogus?
Looks like it. Check it out.
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Long Island Gubment School Fixes Kids with Physical-Activity-Monitoring Devices
So it's come to this. And people in the area STILL don't get it. They think it's just a policy that needs some refining... How about looking at the root cause of the problem, which is that this is a GOVERNMENT system, and it cannot satisfy everyone's interests? Do some people want to combat what they see as a danger of "childhood obesity"? Perhaps they think this towering infringement on civil liberties is a good idea. Perhaps others, who still have their tax dollars taken by the government, believe otherwise...
Neither side seems capable of seeing that it is the machinery of government which is pitting them against each other.
Oil/Gas Companies Face Fed Fines for Not Mixing a BIOFUEL THAT DOESN'T EXIST
Ahh, biofuels... Those wonderful things that screw up engines, increase prices and give politicians thrills of joy -- even while they make certain special interests even more wealthy...
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As Predicted Years Ago, The TSA is Rampant Outside Airports
Bus stations, train stations. At least now protestors will be able to make appearances, so that the police and TSA can arrest them for noting the brazen unconstitutionality of the Homeland Security Agengy.
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New Federal "Cyber Security" Bill Provides NONE, Gives Carte Blanche into Private Internet, Total Power to Regulate
One wonders which is more vexing, the fact that the reporter parrots the opening of the press release from the sponsors, who claim that the legislation "stops short of mandating new security standards for sectors deemed critical to national security", only to report that the legislation would require "DHS to evaluate cybersecurity risks for critical infrastructure firms and determine the best way to mitigate them."
If one translates that last, beautifully ambiguous statement into prectical government terminology, it means that the DHS can get access to the servers and data of any firm it deems a part of "critical infrastructure", and then order the company owners to take actions the DHS wants them to take, including shutting down.
EU Banking System on Brink of Collapse
They are reaching a point where passing the buck from one central bank to another won't hide the inherent problem: the assets they have are fraudulent, inflated in price and have little value, while the liabilities are astronomical. There is only one end to this: intense devaluation of currency (or currencies, from Greece, to Italy, to Spain, and on and on)...
EU Finances Ready to Implode - "Cures" Include Job-Destroying Taxes.
It doesn't look good, y'all.
At a time when productivity is incredibly low in European conuntries, they want to tax monetary transactions. Bad idea.
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US Federal "Reserve" to FURTHER LOWER VALUE OF DOLLAR in EU Bailout Program
This is precisely what should NOT be done. It will be the last nail in the coffin of the US Dollar. Get ready for an artificial boomlet, and, as predicted, more price increases with this new expansion of the Dollar supply. Metals will temporarily moderate as "investors" turn back to the stock market, and prices shoot up there. Then, after a quarter, perhaps two or three... as the prices start rising as they must rise, and business contract, lay offs begin again and prices shoot up... Well...
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Our Fave Economic Wiz-kid, Paulsen, Gave Insider Info in 2008
No kidding, really?
It's a long article, but again, Bloomberg News is revealing some of the dark underbelly to the mercantilist system of the US.
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Freedom of Info Demands Reveal: Fed Reserve Shelled out over 7.7 Trillion thru Mar, 2009
Here's a question for the members of the Occupy Movement who keep demanding MORE fed regulations on the investment businesses, and that "Glass-Steagle" be re-applied to banks...
Glass-Steagle would not have stopped the housing bubble. The housing bubble, and all the dominoes that fell with it, was caused by political programs pushing banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford it, by artificially LOW fed interest rates, by the existence of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were CREATED to increase mortgage loans and BUY UP bundled mortgage securities, and by policies like the Reno Justice Department's work to force banks to hand out risky loans before those banks would be allowed to merge.
Many of the Congressmen and Senators Who Pushed for Automatic Cuts, Now Trying to Block Them
As many free market economists have said, politicians have no incentives to stop the growth of gubment, and they have no scruples to abide by the Constitution (well, most of them don't)... Looks like that Constitution hasn't stopped them.
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EU Bureaucrats' Mandate to Bottled Water Sellers: Water Doesn't Hydrate
This is an excellent example of how pop media sources often miss the forest for the trees. As you read this piece, you will probably note the acknowledgment of absurdity the authors offer. Clearly, based on the way the story is structured and the interviews conducted, the authors don't much care for this silly edict. But what is the basis of their dislike? It is the fact that they have differing opinions, and think it counter-productive and silly for EU gubment agents to claim something that runs so counter to what they, the authors, and many others know: drinking water DOES hydrate the body.
What is MISSED here is the larger question, which can be set up thus;
Kids With Cams Reveal Cruel Actions of Govt Teachers
Ahh, but if you ask Elizabeth Warren, we ALL need to pay into this system. It's a "good"! ;)
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