
A Sirrius-XM Merger Crisis? The Federal Influence on Broadcasting Gets More Poisonous

As has been noted by many Conspirators, the rationale often offered by politicians to support their continued control of the airwaves is that the radio spectrum is a "limited resource". Of course, being limited does not mean it ought to be owned by the government. In fact, it means just the opposite. A "scarce" resource ought to be husbanded through the drives of the consumers in the market, not politically driven special interests and Congressmen. One could argue that TREES are, at any given time, a limited resource, because we could, potentially use them all up without enough to replace them. But, even if this were the case, it would not convince anyone that the federal government should regulate the content of books, newspapers and magazines.

Canadians Say US Violates "Human Rights" Due to CO2 Emissions?!!

In the latest witch trial-like permutation of the "anthropogenic global warming" cult, a group of Canadians wants the US Government cited for "human rights violations" over the change in temperature that they claim is caused by man.

Since, they say, the US uses the largest proportion of oil and emits the most CO2, we should be held responsible for hunters falling through thin ice.

Of course we should!

Here is the text of the piece, from, and after you read it, you might want to read our friend Mac Johnson's piece on what the US CREATES with its use of oil and release of CO2. We are far more productive than any major nation in this regard. The piece by Mac can be found here

Aussies Hold Conference Debunking Anthropogenic Global Warming

Here is the report, from The Age:

Greenhouse sceptics to congregate

Katharine Murphy and Brendan Nicholson, Canberra and Richard Baker
February 28, 2007
Latest related coverage

HARD-CORE global warming sceptics will descend on Canberra today for the release of a book claiming environmentalism is the new religion.

Former mining executive Arvi Parbo will launch Ray Evans' new publication, Nine Facts About Climate Change, at a function at Parliament House.

The book claims climate change is nothing new and declares Howard Government investments in solar power and in cleaning up coal a "complete waste of taxpayers' money".

UN Recommends Global Carbon Tax -- What a Surprise!

The latest development in the religion that man is creating global warming and can also stop or slow its progress, is this idea from the United Nations: Tax carbon, and create a "Global Temperature Ceiling". YEAHH!

Very exciting, yes, yes...

Here is the article. Refer to the Dutch study mentioned here earlier as a way to compare approaches to politics and science.
Climate Panel Recommends Global Temperature Ceiling, Carbon Tax
By Peter Heinlein (GROK! - ed)
United Nations
28 February 2007

A panel of scientists has presented the United Nations a detailed plan for combating climate change. VOA's correspondent at the U.N. Peter Heinlein reports the strategy involves reaching a global agreement on a temperature ceiling.

More on Gore Hypocrisy re Energy Use

The Hollywood adoration of Al Gore couldn't stop the facts about his hypocrisy from being exposed. In fact, all one has to do is THINK about his work to realize that he subsumes his environmental objectives for his own personal pleasure.

Here is a good piece from the AP on Gore's exposure during this supposed time of anthropogenic global warming:

Group: Gore a Hypocrite Over Power Bill

Feb 27 11:40 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Al Gore, a leading voice against global warming, is being criticized by a conservative group that claims his Nashville mansion uses too much electricity. A Gore spokeswoman said the former vice president invests in enough renewable energy to make up for the home's power consumption.

Holland's Andre Somberg Supplies Info on Independent Summary Report Re: UN IPCC + Claims of Anthropogenic Global Warming

One of the many sharp individuals visiting the NH Liberty Forum between Feb 22 and 25 was a man from the Netherlands named Andre Somberg. Andre, a technical entrepreneur, has been watching a large number of issues, and has supplied the Conspiracy with details of an independent report that counters many of the spurious claims made by the politicized IPCC of the UN.

The author of the report is a man named Arthur Rorsch, who is a retired Dutch scientist in the field of climatology. It comes in the form of a Powerpoint presentation, and here are a few of his key points about the IPCC and its political agenda:

cover of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsUnstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years

NH Liberty Forum - A HUGE Success! Well Done Organizers, Guests, and Attendees

Between February 22 and 25, 2007, Concord, NH saw upwards of 366 people attend the first annual "Liberty Forum", at the Concord Holiday Inn.

With featured guests each day and night, informative conversations by people knowledgable on politics, gun rights, education, monetary policy, and political philosophy, the Forum attracted people from as far away as Holland and California, and many Conspirators were there as well.

We would like to congratulate the people who helped put this wonderful event together, and wish them great success for the next Forum! The event will undoubtedly attract even more people from the Free State Project to move to NH, and we couldn't be happier about it!


Al Gore has won a little metal statue from a bunch of self-righteous leftists.

Thought you'd want to know.

Had something to do with a bogus "hockey stick".

Gobal Warming News! Get It before the WORLD BOILS! Gore to Employ PMRC "Explicit Lyric" Bands for Earth Aid Concert in July!

Yesssssss. You read right, Al "the Saint" Gore, is scheduling a world-wide concert to raise awareness about Global Warming, or as Tom Brokaw would say, "Grrrrroble Warnnningggggg, Gardner!".

But these bands, don't they sing songs with explicit lyrics? And wasn't that deemed DANGEROUS by Al and Tipper in the later Eighties? And will all these bands be playing acoustic guitars? Otherwise, they'll use ENERGY! Will it all be provided with solar cells? And if so, what will be used to MAKE the SOLAR cells? One needs metal, plastic, and rubber... and... Hmmm... Forget the POWER for the concerts, and the satellite use to get them up there, what about the WOOD of even the acoustic guitars?!! NOOOOOOO! This concert could DESTROY THE WOORRRRLD! First you have these EVIL bands playing and then you have their instruments, and then you have the media through which the music will be transmitted, and then... OH NO!

cover of Reviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first CenturyReviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first Century
cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
cover of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsUnstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years
cover of How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the PresentHow Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the Present
cover of American Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public InterestAmerican Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public Interest

Your Datebook: Go to The NH Liberty Forum! Feb 22-25!!!!

Please keep in mind what will undoubtedly be the biggest freedom-oriented event thus far in NH history. Beginning Thursday, February 22, and continuing through Sunday, Feb 25th, the New Hampshire Liberty Forum will be rolling like a juggernaut at the Concord Holiday Inn, just off Rt. 293, in the state's capital! The list of speakers is remarkable, including ABC TV's John Stossel, Texas Rep, and Presidential candidate Ron Paul, former US Libertarian Presidential nominee Michael Badnarik, Jack Cole, of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Jim Harper, Director of Information Studies at the Cato Institute, Chris Gronski, of the We the People Congress, Former State Rep. Don Gorman, Geoffrey Segal, Director of Government reform for the Reason Foundation, and many more. This is going to be a fantastic event, and we hope you will be able to attend.

cover of Unwarranted Intrusions: The Case Against Government Intervention in the MarketplaceUnwarranted Intrusions: The Case Against Government Intervention in the Marketplace
cover of Reviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first CenturyReviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first Century
cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
cover of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsUnstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years
cover of How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the PresentHow Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the Present
cover of American Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public InterestAmerican Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public Interest

Pelosi's Plane vs. Pelosi's Rhetoric on Environment

Has anyone noticed that on the VERY SAME day House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D - CA) testified before a Congressional Committee about "America's need" to use less oil and to stop "man-made global warming", she was embroiled in a battle with the Pentagon about her desire to get a 757 jet to fly her non-stop to and from Oakland? As noted here earlier, this plane would spew 10,000 pounds more CO2 into the air with each trip than if she were to use the kind of plane Denny Hastert used when he was Speaker.

Why these politicians aren't forced to buy their own air tickets, one may never know. But at least this episode with the Pelosi Plane has brought to light her towering hypocrisy on the issue of just WHO has to comply with political schemes to "save the environment".

Rep. Dana Rohrabacker (R - CA) Exposes the UN Climate Panel for the Sham It Is

On Thursday, Feb 8, California Congressman Dana Rohrabacker slammed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the UN for its sloppy and biased work on man-made global warming.

Listen to the excerpt from his exchange with Dr. Susan Soloman of the UN and NOAA, as he tries to get a straight answer about the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere that is produced by man, and the percentage that is produced naturally. This is at the heart of the debate. The scientists testifying at this sham "hearing" could only refer to general changes in either temperature (and the stats on that are collected in such a way as to make as dramatic as possible the changes in global temp since the mid 19th Century, which was the end of the "Little Ice Age") or CO2, but not, at any time, any data concerning the percentage of MAN-MADE CO2, which is at the heart of the debate about MAN'S EFFECT on the climate. Washington State Rep Brian Baird (D) attempted to overlook this glaring lack of information, turning the testimony about changes in parts per million of CO2 into a parthenogenic snowball (to stick with the climate motif) that, since CO2 has risen, the percentage that MAN is inputting must be increasing. But compared to WHAT? Could there be a general increase in CO2 due to natural phenomena? One would have to have data on the percentage made by man 100 years ago or more, and the percentage made by man today, RELATIVE to the percentage made in nature. Simply citing a general trend in CO2 levels gives one no more idea of what is CAUSING it than if one were to measure ambient room noise in a house at various times, and claim it is due to the ownership of a new dog. What if the measurements were taken during times that included thunderstorms, or parties, or what if the dog were never allowed in the home? This is such sloppy science, is so politically driven it is laughable. Baird doesn't consider these important factors, despite his claim that he once taught "Scientific Method" (oooooh).

cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming

2 NH Legislators Follow Massachusetts in Attempt to Force Businesses to Not Serve Trans Fats

Two NH Representatives have jumped into the fray to regulate food servers. Praise gub-ment! They want to BAN the EEEEVIL TRANS FATS!

Paladins they may think they are. But it might seem to observers that: A. How people eat is not a matter for legislators to investigate, and B. The NH Constitution has no provision allowing them to attempt to regulate businesses in this way.

Here is the piece from the AP. What do you think?

"CONCORD, N.H. -- Two Portsmouth Democrats are on a mission to ban New Hampshire restaurants and stores from preparing and selling food made with heart-damaging trans fats.

Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Global Warming, Al Gore... Peace Prize.

Or, as Basil Fawlty once asked, "Is this a PIECE of your brain?"

Here is the story, from All Headline News:

Al Gore Nominated For Nobel Prize

February 1, 2007 12:30 p.m. EST

Julie Farby - All Headline News Staff Writer
Oslo, Norway (AHN) - After receiving wide-spread acclaim and an Academy Award nomination for his 2005 film documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," on the dangers of global warming, former Vice President and 2000 Presidential candidate Al Gore was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work bringing attention to the oft-overlooked topic....

The Death of the Republican Party in NH

November 7, 2006 saw the expiration of the RINO party in NH.


Charles Bass is slammed by Paul Hodes, something conservatives and libertarians warned would happen many moons ago.

Jeb Bradley is beaten by Carol Shea-Porter, a woman who came out of nowhere, whose political machine was run by her daughter until two months ago.

The NH House falls into the hands of the Dems, the Senate appears to be going that way at the time of this writing.

The NH Governorship is easily held by the lefties with a D in their title.

The US Congress goes Democrat, the US Senate appears to be headed in that direction as of this writing. It could end up tied, but functionally Democrat, when considering the leftist ideas of the RINOs still there.

Gore-Brit Alarmism on Global Warming

Here is an excellent press release from Myron Ebell, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Myron will be on ATG on Tuesday, October 31. The subject, the British report on Global Warming, and the move by the UK to HIRE Al Gore to give the UK government advice on the supposedly man-made warming problem.

Here is the press release from CEI:


Competitive Enterprise Institute

British Economic Review of Global Warming Fuels Alarmism;
Economist Cherry-Picks Data to Forecast Overblown Scenario

Washington , D.C. , October 30, 2006—A new report commissioned by the British government on the potential costs of global warming and its prevention is deeply flawed and should not be used to justify a global emissions trading scheme, the Competitive Enterprise Institute warned on Monday.

Note: Truth does not have an expiration date.

Refer to the information on John Lynch recently posted here at the Liberty Conspiracy.

Bill Frist and Gardner Goldsmith: Pleasant Confrontation

The appearance of Bill Frist on "Against the Grain" has inspired some discussion. Senator Frist may run for President. In his recent conversation with Gardner Goldsmith, Senator Frist attempted to offer his rationale for federal funding for scientific research, including fetal stem cell research. He also sounded off about REAL ID, and how he believes the United States is a "pluralistic" nation. Hear the details on our audio player.

In addition, many people may not know that the US government has the power to ban things such as Vegemite from being brought into our country. Freedom has never tasted so bad, but the freedom to eat vegemite ought to be afforded the people of the US, shouldn't it?

RFID Information Can be Captured and Mimicked by Hackers -- Coverage from 'Against the Grain'

As reported here, via Yahoo News, word is finally reaching the public that RFID identification cards might not be so impervious to hacking as the gub-ment thought.

El G covers the story on "Against the Grain".

cover of Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFIDSpychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID

Hackers Announce -- RFID Biometric ID Card Info Can be Captured, Blocked, and Mimicked

Yahoo News has announced that the baby of government bureaucrats everywhere, RFID, is not as perfect as they might think.

Technology follows human desire. If people want to be unfettered by government ID tags, they will develop ways to do so.

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