
Items for Tues., 10-23: Microsoft Kneels to EU, EU Arrests UK Man for Music Piracy, Brushfires in CA and The Fed Link, Ron Paul

In addition to a chat with Congressman Ron Paul, Gardner Goldsmith may -- if he is extremely magnanimous -- discuss these events that are pertinent to those who support individual freedom.

First, the brushfires in CA, and their tie to the federal government. Wait 'till you hear the history of this, and the proposals to give federal money to help the victims.

Coming up on ATG: Congressional Resolution on Turkey a BIG Mistake, Higher Fed Regs on Air Travel, FISA on TV, Ethanol n Food

On Today's ATG, Gardner Goldsmith will put on his political armor and look at the latest on Congressional Democrats pushing a suspiciously timed "resolution" on genocide that might have occurred 100 years ago in Turkey. This isn't a good prospect for the US soldiers doing their dangerous work in Iraq, no matter how people feel about the rationale for the operation. Check out Jed Babbin's article on this at HE:

This E-Mail Says It All About the Republicans and Social Spending


The TEXT: Hits Back at Al Gore!

The Conspiracy would like to recognize and praise Steve Milloy, of, for doing excellent work in combating the bogus rhetoric of the socialists who support the bogus anthropogenic global warming theories and their attendant regulations. Here is a very succinct press release from their organization, with a YouTube link for more video evidence that man is NOT causing increases in global temperatures!

Al Gore ‘Debates’ Global Warming for the First Time in YouTube Video;
‘We Debate, You Decide’ environmental education video series launched by

cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
cover of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsUnstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years
cover of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism)The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) Hits Back at Al Gore!

The Conspiracy would like to recognize and praise Steve Milloy, of, for doing excellent work in combating the bogus rhetoric of the socialists who support the bogus anthropogenic global warming theories and their attendant regulations. Here is a very succinct press release from their organization, with a YouTube link for more video evidence that man is NOT causing increases in global temperatures!

Al Gore ‘Debates’ Global Warming for the First Time in YouTube Video;
‘We Debate, You Decide’ environmental education video series launched by

cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
cover of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsUnstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years
cover of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism)The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism)

Many Apologies, Technical Problems Prevent Posting of 10-3 Audio -- If You Missed It, You Really Missed Some Great Calls

But we do have THIS nice little nugget to offer instead! It seems that the UK is starting to catch on to Gore's bogus claims about anthropogenic climate change!

ATG 9-25! "Serenity Found"/SmartPop Editor Leah Wilson Joins Gard, NH Regulations GROW, FCC v Cable, Iran v Columbia, UN Warming

On Today's ATG, Gard will recap the events in NYC yesterday, as Mahmud Ahmedenejad visited and chatted with Columbia University's crowd. Gard will also look at the other evil in NYC today, at the UN, the anthropogenic global warming fantasists who would harm people to further their utopian to "stop man-made global warming".

cover of Coffee at Luke's: An Unauthorized Gilmore Girls Gabfest (Smart Pop series)Coffee at Luke's: An Unauthorized Gilmore Girls Gabfest (Smart Pop series)
cover of Serenity Found: More Unauthorized Essays on Joss Whedon's Firefly Universe (Smart Pop series)Serenity Found: More Unauthorized Essays on Joss Whedon's Firefly Universe (Smart Pop series)
cover of House Unauthorized: Vasculitis, Clinic Duty, and Bad Bedside Manner (Smart Pop series)House Unauthorized: Vasculitis, Clinic Duty, and Bad Bedside Manner (Smart Pop series)

ATG Mon, 9-17! NH Smoking Ban Begins! Jeanne Shaheen: The Sequel, Greenspan on Iraq, Bush, Clinton, EU Antitrust on Microsoft

Yes, even though Al Gore won an Emmy for his Current TV (or is that TB?), the world is not ALL perfect. Por ejemplo, as the Spanish might say...

In his memoirs, Alan Greenspan says the Iraq military action was predicated by the desire for oil. He also praises Bill Clinton for being 'bright', and bashes Republicans for their profligate spending. Alan, one wonders what your old mentor Ayn Rand would have thought...

Gard will chat with the deputy commissioner of Health and Human Services in NH, Mary Ann Cooney, who will tell us how great the NH smoking ban is.

ATG Mon, 9-17! NH Smoking Ban Begins! Jeanne Shaheen: The Sequel, Greenspan on Iraq, Bush, Clinton, EU Antitrust on Microsoft

Yes, even though Al Gore won an Emmy for his Current TV (or is that TB?), the world is not ALL perfect. Por ejemplo, as the Spanish might say...

In his memoirs, Alan Greenspan says the Iraq military action was predicated by the desire for oil. He also praises Bill Clinton for being 'bright', and bashes Republicans for their profligate spending. Alan, one wonders what your old mentor Ayn Rand would have thought...

Gard will chat with the deputy commissioner of Health and Human Services in NH, Mary Ann Cooney, who will tell us how great the NH smoking ban is.

H. Clinton Proposes $110 Billion per Year Gubment Bureaucracy for Health Care

One of the women about whom the Sonics might have sung, Hillary Clinton (remember the name comes fro Sir Edmund Hilary, who climbed Everest, um... after she was born...) will introduce on Monday, September 17, her new, IMPROVED gobment health initiative.

Here is the piece from the AP:

Clinton to Offer Health Care Plan
Sep 17 12:06 AM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

Free Speech Friday on ATG! You Make the Call! Debates. Gambling in NH? Email Gard at,

Join Gard today at 1 as he opens the lines for "Free Speech Friday"! He'll talk about the Republican Presidential debate on FoxNews, the issue of gambling in NH, and Michael Chertoff's anger at Americans who want don't want to sacrifice their liberty for supposed 'security'.

We'll also read your emails and take calls from anyone on anything... Almost.

Lipid Leggin' - John Edwards is looking forward to it... are you?

Read it online - LipidLeggin', a short story by F. Paul Wilson, as it says more about the direction that John Edward's health care ideas will move us than anything else we can think of...More and more, this 1978 short story is coming true. Transfat bans are just the start, but add in Edward's mandatory health care visits, and we'll be there for sure.

cover of An Enemy of the State (The LaNague Federation, Book 1)An Enemy of the State (The LaNague Federation, Book 1)
cover of OTHERS: The Tales of F. Paul WilsonOTHERS: The Tales of F. Paul Wilson

John Edwards' Anti-Constitution Health Plan would FORCE Americans to Make Doctor Visits

A new report from the AP cites John Edwards as explaining that his health plan (which breaches the US Constitution on so many levels it could make you ill) will FORCE Americans to go to the doctor. Here is the story:


By AMY LORENTZEN, Associated Press Writer Sun Sep 2, 6:30 PM ET

TIPTON, Iowa - Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards said on Sunday that his universal health care proposal would require that Americans go to the doctor for preventive care.

Hundreds of People Pose Naked Atop Swiss Glacier to Protest, Um... Nature

Despite the fact that thousands of scientists either don't believe man is to blame for slight rises in global temperature, or they don't believe anything government can impose on people can solve the problem, hundreds of people stripped bare in Switzerland this weekend to pose for a photo atop a glacier. Heavy stuff, we know. Hard hitting, yeah.

We'll leave the puns up to you, fellow conspirators.

Here is the link:

Brilliantine and Snooty Newt Gingrich Proclaims 'America Needs a New Energy Strategy' -- More Top-Down Thinking

The so-called "conservative", Newt Gingrich, who is OBVIOUSLY going to announce a plan to run for President in September, came out with more over-blown rhetoric this week. This time, his statist ideas were directed at coming up with a "new" energy policy paradigm for the US.

How about this, Newt? How about you get the government out of the regulation and manipulation of the energy market, and leave us alone?

Can you do that, Newt? Are you strong enough? We doubt it. You know better than consumers, don't you...

Here is the piece, from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:


Gingrich says war on terror 'phony'

Lobbying Over Upcoming Wireless Spectrum Auction by Feds -- Washington to Make Billions off Airwaves It Should Not Own

As Conspirators know, the federal "ownership" of the broadcast spectrum is not only economically unwise, it is patently unconstitutional. Yet the political manipulation of the system continues. Case in point: the upcoming January 2008 auction of wireless spectrum spaces for telecom carriers to utilize. Google wants a piece of the action, and may spend billions in the auction, where it will be up against AT&T and Verizon Wireless. If Google loses, it is arranging what it sees as a backup plan -- to get Congress to force the winner to carry competitors' services... Huh?

Yes. You got it. The Googlers want the winner to BE FORCED to carry the Google service.

Class Acts - Obama and Edwards Pledge Their Socialist Health Systems Will Pay for Abortions - Further Constitutional Erosion

Okay. So let's say you are oriented towards the superficial side of these issues. You look at the Constitution as a piece of toilet paper, a mere speedbump in the road towards uniting America behind one health "care" standard, run, of course, by the efficient and honest politicians in Washington. Let's further stipulate that you are pro-abortion, and believe the Supreme Court's invention of a "penumbra" of unenumerated rights as spelled out in the Roe v. Wade and Griswold decisions is valid. It would make sense, then, that you would consider abortion a "medical procedure" which ought to be covered just like removal of tonsils or care for broken bones.

Rock Bands Against 'Live Earth' -- Finally.

The list of detractors continues to grow.

(No we don't need to mention Al Gore's son, Al Gore Jr. the Third, AKA "Mini-me". That story is left to you to consider. But we can only think that perhaps, if Al and Flipper had just gotten those "indecent content" labels on CDs a few months earlier, the young man might have been saved from the influence of EVIL music!)

Here is the story form the AP. Best line, Roger Daltry, of The Who: "The last thing the planet needs is a rock concert.":

Rock group Arctic Monkeys have become the latest music industry stars to question whether the performers taking part in Live Earth on Saturday are suitable climate change activists.

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