
Large Study Indicates that Many American Students Lie, Cheat, Still Think They're Honest

So, given the results, is it appropriate to speculate that perhaps this lack of ethics tends to permeate gubment as well?

Um. Yeah!

Obama Achieves a First - Wins Election for US President after Openly Calling for Skirting of Constitution

Yes, "we" can, folks.

"America has come so far, we have seen so much, but there's so much more to do..."

Barack Obama has beaten the "Constitutional Scholar". What can we expect from the coming administration?

With the help of an even more powerful Democrat party in Congress, Obama plans on nationalizing the last remnants of the health care industry that aren't already under federal control.

Uncovered Audio From Jan, 2008: Obama Says He Will Bankrupt New Coal Power Plant Endeavors

In January of 2008, Barack Obama sat down for an interview with a San Francisco radio station, and this is a transcript of what he had to say about new coal power plants coming on line in the future:

"Let me sort of describe my overall policy.

"What I've said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else's out there.

BLOG OF BILE - Excellent Economic and Political Analysis, the Blog of Bile! We LOVE This Site!

Anyone who studies Hoppe is high on our list of heroes. Visit this site often. It's an honor to have them as part of the conspiracy for freedom.

John McCain in His Own Words - Grow Government, Increase Socialism, Increase Regulation

As this piece from MSNBC illustrates, John McCain is very much in favor of continuing the anti-constitutional approach. He wants to continue regulating political speech (if only Sam Adams could hear that), while increasing regulations on energy producers and consumers. Soo, if you're a consumer or supplier and you don't like it? Try speaking out against it 60 days prior to an election.

Ahh, freedom...

Check it out, Strongbad!

National Security Pinhead Advises: "Global Warming" Could Increase Terrorism -- Is Your Head Hurting Yet?

Thanks to the on-the-ball Stephen Smith, we can give you the latest nonsense from the statists. As Stephen says, now one rationale for expanding the state can support another piece of fascism.


American Indians and Others Fighting Fed Gubment to Keep Land From Being Taken for Border Fence

And all to fulfill unconstitutional laws that have been enacted to stop low-price labor from arriving here in the US.


Capn' Trade Cereal Defeated in Senate, Great Piece on Anti-economics of Housing Bailout

As many conspirators know, the Warner-Leiberman Cap and Trade bill was defeated in its new guise, a 491 page re-written bill that no one got to read anyway. The scientific rationale for both bills is about as strong as the constitutional rationale -- meaning that there isn't any rationale.

That's the good news.

Take a look at this good piece from for more evidence that the federal bailout of mortgages is baaaad mojo, baby!

BAD NEWS - NH Senator Sununu May Vote FOR Cap and Trade Regulations

Chris Horner, or the Competitive Enterprise Institute, reports that John Sununu, Jr., may be pandering once more, possibly voting FOR a replacement "Cap and Trade" "environmental bill" that would smother productivity and do nothing to change the weather.

Check out the report, here!

Intellectual Ammunition to Fight Against Environmental Fascism

On Monday, June 2, Gard had the opportunity to talk to Chris Horner, a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Chris' new book, "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism" is a treasure-trove of information to help you combat the specious arguments of the emotively driven collectivists who promote more and more regulation on the free market. Chris is a big hero for freedom, and his book goes highly recommended. Check it out by hitting the Amazon link provided!

cover of Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global WarmingShattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming
cover of Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and MisguClimate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and Misgu
cover of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism)The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism)
cover of The Chilling Stars: The New Theory of Climate ChangeThe Chilling Stars: The New Theory of Climate Change

Gubment Continues the Dance - SEC Investigating Oil prices! What heroes. Plus: Audios FINALLY Starting to Post

Check out the news on the MANY months spent trying by government trying to look like the protetor of tha "little guy". Meanwhile, because of gubment regs, taxes, and boondoggle programs, the "little guy" pays more and more of his money -- which is also made to be worth less and less by the Fed!

Nice system!

Link to It! Sheldon Richman's Website, and the Foundation for Economic Education

As many Conspirators know, Sheldon Richman is one of the best proponents of free markets and individual liberty, expressing important economic lessons in cogent and powerful prose. We hope you'll visit his website and drop him a line. It is at:

Also, Mr. Richman is the editor of "The Freeman", published by the legendary Foundation for Economic Education. FEE also produces a daily update on important news stories, edited by Sheldon. Read it at:

Enjoy, and spread the word!

McCain's Fake Free Market Solution to Supposed Anthropogenic Global Warming - Cap and Trade Is Just Regulation Under A New Name

The "Constitutional Scholar" is at it again. Can't wait for him to be President.

Check out this story, and remember, the "Cap" part of "Cap and Trade", is all you need to see to set off alarm bells.

Clueless Constitutional Scholar McCain Proposes MORE Federal Involvement in Health Insurance Industry

As Gard has spelled out in "Live Free or Die", the health care market is a market just like any other. Government manipulation of it has increased costs, decreased choices, and led to even more cries from Americans that they need help. As the vicious cycle continues, the same government pinheads who caused the problems now step up to "solve the problems of the market". Anyone with any understanding of the history of federal health insurance legislation and its negative consequences knows that if the market were LEFT ALONE, it would reduce costs, and increase efficiency.

EEEEVIL Senate Republicans Kill Extension of Satute of Limitations for "Pay Disparity Suits" - Congress to Ban "Genetic Discrim"

Thomas Jefferson once said that he would rather have a vibrant news media than a government. Too bad we don't have the first, and the second is strangling private enterprise and the morality of private interaction.

States Sue EPA over Carbon Dioxide and "Global Warming, Gardner", The Mortgage Bailout, and the Great Heather Graham!

Nowadays, the federal government is involved in regulating so many things that it is not supposed to, American's seem to reflexively think it has a role in "protecting" people from purported environmental hazards. Incredible. Here is story number one, on CO2, the state governments, and the EPA:

cover of The Seance (MIRA)The Seance (MIRA)
cover of The Dead RoomThe Dead Room
cover of The Death DealerThe Death Dealer

Congress Further Regulating Private Health Industry: This Time for "Mental Health Parity" -- One More Step Towards the Goosestep

Yep. Paul Wellstone did it, with his pals on "both sides of the isle", so you know it's got to be good, right?



Oh, there are those three nagging factors: The Golden Rule, Economics, and, uh... The US Constitution! Whoops!

As Often Mentioned by Conspirators, Claims of Anthropogenic Global Warming Are Unsupportable, See Latest on Flares and Temps

If you are a conspirator, you've probably been enjoying the comical self-abuse in which many people have engaged when it comes to studying the causes of "global warming". It's a shame more people haven't paid attention to the work of Fred Singer, and the book, "Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years", which explains the very sensible and empirically supported thesis that sunspot activity is the driving force behind most of the cooling and warming cycles Earth has experienced over many millennia.

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