EEEEVIL Senate Republicans Kill Extension of Satute of Limitations for "Pay Disparity Suits" - Congress to Ban "Genetic Discrim"

Thomas Jefferson once said that he would rather have a vibrant news media than a government. Too bad we don't have the first, and the second is strangling private enterprise and the morality of private interaction.

Take a look at these stories, the first being the move by the Senate to NOT pass an extension of the statue of limitations for lawsuits over "pay disparity". The Senate move is a good one, but the fact that such a proposal even exists, and that suits CAN be brought in federal court, those are BAD signs for freedom. Private property and private contract are voluntary, and should not be interfered with my politicians who are not party to the exchanges. Here is the story:

Then there is the move by Congress to "ban genetic discrimination", a move which knuckle-heads will applaud, but which stands in such dramatic contravention to the principles of the Golden Rule, and to the underpinnings of voluntary contract, it is ridiculous! In order to be free, one must be FREE TO NOT DO BUSINESS with someone he doesn't want to do business with. One must be free to charge more for whatever he desires, whether such activity reflects "discrimination" or not. The service provider will suffer or prosper based on his actions. There is NO moral rationale for government intervention, and no practical reason for said intervention. Here is the piece: