
Federal Mileage Tax Gains Steam in Congress, Despite Obama Pledge to Veto

Why not? After all, the Supreme Court recently ruled that Carbon Dioxide is a "pollutant" that can be regulated, the federal gubment hands out all sorts of money for state and federal roads, and oil is evil!

Sure, it's based on faulty science, a faulty view of federal power, and paternalism during a time of economic trouble, but, really, it's a national "crisis" that needs to be addressed, right?

Report: Bush Admin Claimed Extreme Executive Powers for "War" on Terror

Just like Bush said he "had to break the freemarket in order to save it", he evidently thought he had to "break the US Constitution in order to save it".

Americans With Disabilities Act Hits Another Victim - When Will Freedom of Contract be Recognized?

Thanks to the official F. Paul Wilson website,

See the discussion of the topic there, and check out the rest of the great site, and the great novels!

Be Seeing You!

Audio Guest Sue Blevins, of the IHF Hits WorldNetDaily - Report: Possible Rationing of Medicine Under Obamer

The statists, from the Clintons, to Ted Kennedy, to Orrin Hatch, to John Lynch, to Barack Obama, to Newt Gingrich, have been pushing for the federalization of medical data for over a decade. It is coming. And, as WND reports, there is the possibility that the rationing of medical care could come right along with it.


More, from Bloomberg Opinion:

Obama Orders New Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards - Where's Repairman Jack?

Ahh, yes... Nothing like the sweet smell of freedom in the morning. Or is that Napalm we smell? Yes, it's the latter, burning up liberty, the Constitution (which are not always one and the same, of course), and economics. Even though Repairman Jack doesn't really fix appliances, we sure could use his services to fight the baddies in DC right now.

Someone needs to ask F. Paul Wilson if politicians have a lot of "O-DNA", 'cause the "otherness" they exhibit is pretty scary! (Lil' reference to his novels there, in case you're wondering...)

Making Liberty-Fighters Sick: Obama Signs SCHIP Expansion -

Some "bullitt" points, from Steve McQueen:

- The expansion will, just like the creation of the program, impose higher taxes on tobacco products, and funnel that booty into state governments, giving the governors (like Howard Dean and Jeanne Shaheen) the ability to claim they "got" kids health insurance.

- People 400% above the "poverty" line have been able to sign on to the program, which gives partial handouts to them. It inspires people at these various levels to drop their own personal-family health insurance coverage in favor of the government system.

Another Example of Non-Fetal Stem Cells Providing Medical Breakthroughs

For those who suffer from MS, and those who greatly care about them, this is a huge piece of news.

For those who continue to push the argument (as discussed in a recent production at Liberty Conspiracy Audios) that the federal government has to use tax money to create fetal stem cells, this is another piece of news they would rather not hear:

"Stimulus Package" Forces Turn-over of All Personal Health Information

Socialized medicine is one of the most pernicious forms of the doctrine that we must be forced to be "our brother's keeper" - and hence we must all be "kept".

This is important stuff, and reflects another open-ended, unwarranted, interpretation of the inter-state commerce clause of the US Constitution.


Obama Pushes Higher Fuel "Economy" Standards, Contrary to Constitution and Liberty

So, how many more highway deaths will result from higher CAFE standards when the auto manufacturers have to make more light-weight cars? And hwo much will the costs rise due to the federal mandates? And, how will this effect sales? Hmmm.. Seems that if the American public wants higher fuel efficiency cas, the manufaturers have an incentive to make and sell them. Funny, that, since that is precisely what has been happening in the past two years. To maximize efficiency, one doesn't need to turn to government.

Obama to Issue New Exec Order Allowing US Taxpayer Money to Be Taken to Fund Planned Parenthood, etc., in Foreign Nations

As mentioned in the recent cast featuring CABAL Member Stephanie, the abortion issue is going to creep back into the lime light. This time, it begins with Obama's executive order re-allowing US tax funds to be sent to oversees abortion and "family planning" organizations. (One day after the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, by the way.)

Nothing like the morality of taxation, is there?


Be Seeing You!

US "Request" That Foreigners Register Data Online 72 Hrs before Flying -- Now Mandatory

It would be interesting if some of the prople who promote the growth of the police state in order to "keep us safe" and "keep out unwanted foreigners" actually read the US Constitution and realized they couldn't do this kind of thing unless there were amendments to the Constitution.


But who reads anymore anyway, right?

The Cow Flatulence Tax Proposal Gains, uh, Steam...

The global warming alarmists can't actually quote climatology or atmospheric science as their justification. They can't use the US Constitution to justify the regulations. But they propose them anyway, and what the heck, let's add taxes to the regulations of the economy!

Enjoy the story!

Gubment Energy Provider TVA Leaks Tons of Coal Ash Onto Private Property - ABC News Uses Case to Push Obama Anti-Coal Plan

For those who watched ABC "World News Tonight" and weren't throttled by the intense interest US network news reporters and editors have over what happens in Gaza, there might have been another story that caught your attention. The TVA spilled tons of coal ash out into private water areas and private lands. But, strangely, ABC didn't really discuss the fact that it was a government agency that screwed things up, didn't mention how difficult it would be for private citizens to get any sort of compensation from the gubment from the Tennessee government.

UK Lawyer Pushes for World Court to Prosecute Violators of Environmental Regs!

There are so many dangerous concepts here, so many hits on freedom...

And so many liberty supporters suspected it would be proposed.

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