
Director of UN "Climate Change" Panel Will Profit Handsomely off Cap n' Trade

WOAH! Now hold on theyah, boy! Are you tellin' Foghorn that them there political types would be makin' money off junk science and regulation?

I say, I say, BOY!

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Climate Change Nuts Broker "Deal" in Copenhagen-daas

Before you read, keep in mind that there are only about three valuable paragraphs in this article. First, it's mentioned that there is no actual treaty. And then you can gleen that the US gubment has promised $100 Billion to "developing nations" -- ie a bunch of crooks who lead THOSE countries -- to help them reduce their "climate change emissions".

Whose money is that?

Hmm... Hmm...

So hard to figure out!

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Al Gore Caught Lying About Climate Info Once More

This is beautiful.


(We're sure you remember that, Al. It's the title of a song by The Mentors. You and your wife really liked to talk about it at the PMRC hearings in the late 1980s.)

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Thanks to Illegitimate Supreme Court Decision, EPA Now Ready to Regulate CO2 in America

OK. So we've covered over and over how CO2 has been shown not to be the drive in increased global temps, but that increases in global CO2 FOLLOW increases in global temp. Then there's the fact that the data pushing the IPCC has been shown to have been tweaked by people at the UK college of East Anglia. Yet, thanks to members of the Supreme Court who don't challenge real assumptions, the EPA is now ready to regulate CO2 emissions. They won't need a Congressional bill; they won't need a "treaty", they can just... do it, as Nike said years ago.

Australian Parliament Kills Global Warming "Cap n' Trade" Nonsense

Goodonya, mate!

This spells a bit of trouble for the Obama-Gore crowd and their hysterical drive to unconstitutionally impose limits on the amount of energy people use.

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UK's Lord Finsbury: Let's Have a PERSONAL Carbon Allowance n Tax

First, we will stress the science.

Higher carbon dioxide releases do not PRECEED higher temps in the atmosphere, they FOLLOW higher temps.

Second, this story ought to be a message for anyone who was at all inclined to hit those "evil" companies out there with Cap n' Trade fascism. This is just a personal version of it. But hey, if government can do it to businesses, why not individuals? After all, the individuals will be feeling the effects of cap n trade on businesses anyway, this just makes it a bit more obvious!

Incredible stupidity.

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A Great Turnout for Michelle Bachman's DC Rally Against Fed Health Fascism

Rep. Bachman, of Minnesota, came up with this idea only one week ago, yet 50,000 people turned out, including actors like Jon Voigt and John Ratzenberger. The crowd wasn't there just to shout, they were there to ACTUALLY GO INTO THE OFFICES of their Reps and tell them to stop the fascism. A great idea, and well executed. Hats off to them, even if we don't agree on every single issue, such as drug prohibition or the so-called "war" on terror, which isn't a declared War, and is therefore unconstitutional.

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Senate Panel Approves "Climate Change" Bill

If these idiots aren't careful, there will be a new change in climate -- the political climate. Well, we can hope, can't we?

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Thanks to Mark Edge: CBS Does Good Work Revealing FAKE Gubment H1N1 Numbers

As expected, the gubment is making up the numbers regarding Swine Flu cases.

Where's the vaccine to protect us from the state!

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Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to Neurological Side Effects - Use Caution

We wanted to repeat this story.


The moral imperative for self control becomes even more pressing when it is being said that the federal government and localities might MANDATE that kids get the shots in their public schools.


This could be a tough time to be a parent.


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Even If One Accepts Premises of Enviro Fascists, Cash 4 Clunkers Will Have Negligible Impact on "Evil Emissions"

First off, the carbon dioxide emissions that are central to the enviro-fascist argument do not preceed rises in global temp, they follow rises in global temps. There is no causal relationship leading from CO2 to higher global temps. The temp fluctuations over centuries on earth are likely due to fluctions in solar flare activity.

But, that said, even if one accepts the enviro-fascist premises, the Cash 4 Clunkers program will barely do anything to reduce emissions.

Take a look at this piece...

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More Costly Mandates Coming... Congress May Prohibit Antibiotic Use in Industrial Farm Animals - Food Prices Will Rise

People like the noxious Pew Center, and the Union of Concerned Scientists are behind this bill. Obviously, it will increase the health risks for farm animals, thus increasing costs for farmers and for consumers, all at a time when people are out of work, and food prices are not only rising, they will rise steeply as the inflationary policies of the US government and its legal money monopoly, the Fed, hit the stores. Sometimes one wonders if the bad ideas coming one after another in DC aren't pre-planned.

Here is the piece:

C-Span appears to be the only network that has covered this.

Here is the C-Span video:

No Surprise: NH Gov. Vetoes Medical Marijuana Bill

This was predicted, but still must be a disappointment for all the good people who tried to loosen the grip of government over people's lives. In this case, the folks who tried to allow sick people more freedom to put into their bodies what they choose, well, they have run smack into a dunderheaded governor who not only has two faces, he doesn't even understand the difference between the word "empathize" and the word "sympathize".

Hey, Gov, you cannot EMPATHIZE with someone unless you have experienced what he or she has felt. You can SYMPATHIZE, and IMAGINE what it's like, but you can't EMPATHIZE. So, John Lynch, unless you've been dying of cancer or had glaucoma or some other physical malady that can be alleviated by using pot, shut up, pal.

Gore Likens Himself to Winston Churchill and Compares Global Warming Fight to Battle Against Hitler and Nazis

Woah. Nice to see Gore's lack of understanding that Churchill has had a LOT of his mistakes overlooked, but how about that ego, huh? And global warming is like the Nazis? Funny, but it seems like his answer to global warming requires, uh... FASCISM to proceed. Strange, that.


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