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Ethically Challenged H. Clinton Wants 'Religion out of Stem Cell Debate', ie 'Shut up and Give Us Your Cash, No Matter What.'
In a speech delivered to a large crowd at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, NH, the subject of the Sonics' song "The Witch" once more offered here striking take on the ethics of taxation and redistribution. This time telling people to shut up if they might have a few qualms about the majority taking their money to pay for fetal stem cell research.
She actually had the gall to say she wanted "religion out of the stem cell debate," as if that could EVER happen, not only for the stem cell debate, but for many other unconstitutional and unethical federal programs. Regardless of whether fetal stem cell research currently kills and will continue to kill unborn human beings (scientifically speaking, this is the case, you decide how you feel about that reality, but it is a fact), morality and religion also play a part in thoughts on things like, oh... THEFT.
The Witches |
The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy's Dossier on Hillary Clinton |
It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back |
High as Hell |
Witch |
Thanks, 'Free Talk Live'. Gard to Fill-in with Julia for Ian and Mark, Friday, Saturday
Many thanks to Ian and Mark of Free Talk Live ( for asking Gard to fill in (tonight), Friday, and Saturday nights. He will be on with Free Stater Julia beginning at 7pm and will welcome Sheldon Richman, of the Foundation for Economic Education, to talk about the Republican Debates, energy policy, and even the travesty of US participation in World War I!
Check it out, and feel free to call!
Post-Dem Debate Stories - 1. They Are Massive Hypocrites 2. Lefty Writer Eric Alterman Gets What He Deserves
Here is the AP/Breitbart story on the posing of the Dems. Chris Dodd is particularly cute with his "restore the Constitution" blather. What a massive, deceptive, hypocritical squirrel this man sounds like. Bill (I guess I wasn't recruited by a pro baseball team when I was young) Richardson almost did him one better when he called for a federally mandated $40,000 per year minimum wage for teachers.
Foul, sick, distasteful. But important to dissect. Listen to Free Talk Live tomorrow night (6-4-07) to get more. Gard will be with Ian and Mark to get deeper into it. For now, here is the piece on the wonderful saviors of the world in the Democrat party. Nice.
Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News |
And That's the Way It Isn't: A Reference Guide to Media Bias |
The Law |
The Other Side of the Coin - NH House Passes Smoking Ban, Reduces Liberty and Freedom of Contract
The NH Constitution states, in Section Two, Article 83, that the state may regulate monopolies and companies that are collusively pricing. This does not include restaurants does it... This does not include bars.
The legislators who voted in favor of this bill have broken their oath to uphold the NH Constitution. Never vote for them, oppose them with every ounce of strength you have, tell others about them. Affirm the sanctity of private contract, and private property.
Here is the story, by John diStaso, of the Union Leader:
Concord – The New Hampshire House today approved a ban on smoking in restaurants, cocktail lounges and some other public places, moving the bill to Gov. John Lynch, who is expected to sign it into law.
Insurance Price Controls in NH Are Defeated - Should NEVER Have Been Proposed
As reported late yesterday by the Union Leader, health insurance price controls have been stopped in NH. They should never have been proposed. No free society can afford such irrational and destructive thinking to make its way into a governing body.
(THANKS Joel Winters!)
IN AN astonishingly clear-headed report, the House Commerce Committee last week recommended killing Senate Bill 220, a bill to establish a committee to decide whether the state should create a commission to impose price controls on health insurance rates.
Stunning - The USDA Is Trying to STOP a Private Cow Breeder from Testing All His Stock for Mad Cow Disease!
This is one of the most incredible examples of government oppression and backwards thinking in years.
The Bush Administration is actually trying to PREVENT a private beef provider from testing all his herd for Mad Cow Disease. The USDA is taking the man to court, and wants no more than the 1% that it tests!
The USDA is, prima face, absurd, unconstitutional according to a strict reading of the interstate commerce clause (which was designed to stop tariffs by one state on the products of others, not to give the federal government power over all interstate trade), and has often been shown to suppress the incentives for people to be vigilant for their own well-being. There has never been a more obvious example of why the USDA is not only bureaucratic and slothful, but counterproductive and dangerous.
Hazardous to Our Health? FDA Regulation of Health Care Products (Independent Studies in Political Ec |
Customs Inspection Workers Admit Fraud - Still Want the Federal Government Handling Immigration and Airport Security?
There is an old adage, "when you see one cockroach, there are a hundred more that are unseen."
Here is the roach:
Congress May Lift Ban on Local Taxation of the Internet and Wireless Devices
Dispensing with the Constitutional questions arising from a federal ban on state and local internet taxation (see cases such as the NY "Miln" case from the 19th century for an example of the byzantine nature of some commerce issues), the Conspiracy needs to draw your attention to the simple economic threat of possible state and local taxation on the internet and wireless devices. In NH, we are no longer immune to big spenders in our state capital. Note this article from CNET for more information, and then tell your US reps and senators what you think!!
Politicians weigh renewal of Net access tax ban
Pelosi and the Politicians in DC Debate Gas Price Controls -- AGAIN? Insulting.
We shall let our friends at Advocacy Ink say it this time.
What To Do About Gasoline Prices?
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her liberal cohorts’ solution to high gasoline prices is to take us back to the fuel shortages and long lines at the pump of the 1970s. As Ronald Reagan said to Jimmy Carter, “There you go again!”
Pelosi Lieutenant, Representative Bart Stupak (D-Michigan) is pushing a bill that provides for the implementation of price controls on gasoline and other hydrocarbon products in the guise of protecting consumers against “price gouging.”
The bill uses the phrase “unconscionably excessive” in relation to a fuel pricing. What is “unconscionably excessive” one may ask? Heaven only knows because the term is defined nowhere in the legislation.
The Republican Debate over Ron Paul at the Debates
Texas Congressman and Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul has received a great deal of criticism from fellow Republicans for suggesting that our continuted US presence in the Middle East has given terrorists like bin Laden fuel to recruit supporters.
Of all websites, Slate has a good commentary on it. Check it out and look at the links to which Republicans are circulating petitions to keep Paul out of future debates, by clicking this link:
On the Lighter Side - Government Health Recommendations - Myths Busted
MSN recently provided a list of popular myths promulgated by government and many health "experts". Take a look at these for a bit of lighter information for the day.
Double Injustice: Bush Signs Executive Order Mandating More Ethanol Usage
As you will see in this link to his "speech" at the Rose Garden on Monday, President Bush announced plans to sign an executive order to make the EPA mandate 35 billion more gallons of ethanol be put into the refining system for US domestic use by 2017.
This is not only an injustice to economics and freedom, pushing the market in a direction which free participants have not chosen, and, by definition, sending capital into less efficient areas, it is an insult to the Founding Fathers.
Watch for Gardner's article about the ethanol boom, and why, of all people Fidel Castro was on the right track when he criticized the US government for manipulating the market in favor of bio fuels.
Congressional Proposals to Force Ethanol on Us -- Bad Ideas! Please Read!
Not only is ethanol a net energy LOSER, requiring more energy in the process of collection of corn, storage, transport, refinement, and shipping than it provides to internal combustion engines, it does not dissipate at low temperatures, causing increases in smog at low atmospheric levels. It is also derived from corn, which will cause the prices of corn, beef, milk, cheese, chicken, and many other products, to increase. Here is a report from the AP outlining some of the environmentalist-backed idiocy in Congress (um, can anyone, ANYONE, actually abide by the original intent of the interstate commerce clause?)... Following that, please check out the information about how the price of milk products will go up 40 Cents per gallon, at the OUTSET. It is estimated that the price will rise even more, perhaps 20 additional Cents.
Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming |
Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years |
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) |
The Global Warming Battle Hits CNN Tonight 5-2-07, on Glenn Beck's Program
We will let Glenn say it as only he can:
" In case some of you haven’t heard or seen me gently mentioning my global warming TV special—“Exposed: The Climate of Fear”—it’s on tonight! Okay, so maybe I wasn’t so gentle and I’ve mentioned it over and over and over again like I’m doing one of those never-ending PBS pledge drives. Whatever—I’ve been so persistent in promoting this special because I believe in the message so intensely.
The truth is, I’m really not a science guy. I mean, I’m interested in it but I’m not some “climate change” groupie who watches the Weather Channel for fun—it’s not my pet project and I don’t talk about it over dinner with friends. But here’s what I am passionate about—getting at the truth…peeling away the layers of hypocrisy and letting the best information available inform, educate and enlighten me. And on the issue of global warming, that hasn’t been happening.
Congress Will Soon Push for Higher CAFE Standards to be Forced on Auto Makers and Consumers
Check out this little gem from the Washington Post:
Politics of Fuel Economy Catch Up to Automakers
War and Worries About Foreign Oil Increase Pressure
By Sholnn Freeman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 21, 2007; Page D01
The auto industry is facing one of its toughest political battles in years as shifts in the political and business landscape have eroded its defenses against stricter fuel-economy standards.
Congressional Democrats and environmental groups have new allies in the fight to mandate higher vehicle mileage, including a coalition of business executives and retired military leaders. President Bush's support of higher standards also has hampered Detroit's efforts to fend off new rules. Increasingly, the war in Iraq and related concerns over U.S. dependence on foreign oil are changing the dynamics of the debate.
Gore Admits to Exaggerating Global Warming, for Our Own Good, of Course
James Taranto has uncovered a nice bit of information. It concerns Al Gore's admission that he over-emphasizes the influence of man in global warming.
Here is the text of what Taranto found from an interview with "Grist":
Q: There’s a lot of debate right now over the best way to communicate about global warming and get people motivated. Do you scare people or give them hope? What’s the right mix?
Gore: I think the answer to that depends on where your audience’s head is. In the United States of America, unfortunately we still live in a bubble of unreality. And the Category 5 denial is an enormous obstacle to any discussion of solutions. Nobody is interested in solutions if they don’t think there’s a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis.
Watch Them Carefully -- DC Politicians Hold Hearings That Include Warnings About Internet
As you will see in the attached piece from the "Washington Times", Congressmen and Senators are beginning to sound the same, tired, Gingrich-like rhetoric about the "unregulated" use of the internet by us low-lifes. Why? Because the internet can be used to spread radical Islamic propaganda, and to recruit people to their anti-western cause.
It is valid to say that the net can be, and is being, used to recruit. Of course, in order to recruit people to a cause, one has to have a cause, and much of that hatred for the west is predicated on the jihadist defense of the "holy land" against the infidel invaders, ie, the jihadists are attracted to the cause because of western actions inside the Middle East. One can argue that this is a rationale created by the radical Islamist leaders, who would find any way they could to recruit followers in their quest to take Saudi Arabia, and its oil riches, but that is debatable. Internal communications exposed to western eyes have shown that the radical Islamists use the western presence in the Middle East as the primary recruiting tool, not western culture or western economic status.
With great thanks to Dutch fellow Conspirator Andre Somberg, we would like to draw your attention to something that has been out on the web for the past few days, and deserves multiple viewings, recommendations and high praise.
Shortly after attending the NH Liberty Forum between February 22 and the 25th, Andre mentioned that there was a documentary coming to British television that would surprise many people. Entitled "The Great Global Warming Swindle", the program is authoritative and solid in the science. It features scientists who were once attached to the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and who left in disgust over the political agenda they saw, and it also features many speakers who have appeared on "Against the Grain" and who have sound files available in our archives.
Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years |
Pope Benedict XVI Calls On Catholics to Oppose Abortion, Says It Is "Not Negotiable"...
As reported by many news organizations, Pope Benedict XVI made an unambiguous announcement today that Catholics must oppose abortion and homosexual marriage. He placed particular emphasis on the need for Catholic politicians to hold to those standards.
Here is the Washington Times report. Your religion is your own choice, but Politicians make choices for others. It is up to you to decide where government should be playing a part in any of these issues.:
VATICAN CITY -- Pope Benedict XVI yesterday set out "nonnegotiable values" as he urged Catholic lawmakers to oppose laws favoring divorce, abortion, homosexual "marriage" and euthanasia.
CA Appeals Court Rules Dying Woman Can be Prosecuted under Federal Statute for Using Marijuana -- States' Rights Disregarded
Once more, the unconstitutional federal drug prohibitions have been upheld by judges who seem more interested in serving political agendas than in serving justice or the US Constitution.
In a continuation of a case that went to the Supreme Court two years ago, a 41 year old woman suffering from a tumor and scoliosis tried to bring a new defense to the table. She was rebuffed again. Here is the article from the AP:
Calif. appeals court rules against dying woman in medical marijuana case
By Associated Press.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - Updated: 05:10 PM EST
SAN FRANCISCO -- A California woman whose doctor says marijuana is the only medicine keeping her alive can face federal prosecution on drug charges, a U.S. appeals court ruled Wednesday.