Stunning - The USDA Is Trying to STOP a Private Cow Breeder from Testing All His Stock for Mad Cow Disease!

This is one of the most incredible examples of government oppression and backwards thinking in years.

The Bush Administration is actually trying to PREVENT a private beef provider from testing all his herd for Mad Cow Disease. The USDA is taking the man to court, and wants no more than the 1% that it tests!

The USDA is, prima face, absurd, unconstitutional according to a strict reading of the interstate commerce clause (which was designed to stop tariffs by one state on the products of others, not to give the federal government power over all interstate trade), and has often been shown to suppress the incentives for people to be vigilant for their own well-being. There has never been a more obvious example of why the USDA is not only bureaucratic and slothful, but counterproductive and dangerous.

Here is the article from MSN. Please pass on the word to others:

cover of Hazardous to Our Health? FDA Regulation of Health Care Products (Independent Studies in Political EcHazardous to Our Health? FDA Regulation of Health Care Products (Independent Studies in Political Ec