Ron Paul

A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship

cover of A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendshipasin: 0912453001
binding: Paperback
list price: $19.95 USD
amazon price: $18.68 USD

Ron Paul has always believed that foreign and domestic policy should be conducted according to the same principles. Government should be restrained from intervening at home or abroad because its actions fail to achieve their stated aims, create more harm than good, shrink the liberty of the people, and violate rights.

Ron Paul - the Return of ATG!

He’s “Dr. No” to spending from the feds. Hooray!

Thanks to Ron Paul!

ATG Returns Today! - with Matt Simon on Drug Policy, with Merrimack Toll Protests, and with Congressman RON PAUL

Tune in, at 1 pm, on WTPL, 107.7 FM Concord, listen live at, or check here for the sound files, and sign up for the feed!

Ron Paul with Dennis Miller on His New Radio Program

Congressman Paul was recently interviewed by the insightful Dennis Miller.

A smart listener posted the audio on Youtube:

Check it out!

The Republican Debate over Ron Paul at the Debates

Texas Congressman and Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul has received a great deal of criticism from fellow Republicans for suggesting that our continuted US presence in the Middle East has given terrorists like bin Laden fuel to recruit supporters.

Of all websites, Slate has a good commentary on it. Check it out and look at the links to which Republicans are circulating petitions to keep Paul out of future debates, by clicking this link:

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