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Federal Bureaucrats Announce Plans to Destroy Private Property in Cases of Suspected Bird Flu
Not only does this abrogate the original intent of the Founders when writing the "interstate commerce clause" of the Constitution, it breaks the proscription against Congress delegating its powers (even if it had them to regulate commerce in this way) to any other body.
George W. Bush on Energy: Government Will Direct the Market
During a panel on energy conservation and efficiency at the National Renewable Energy Lab, President Bush said that when new technology is available like hybrid or flex-fuel vehicles, it still takes a while to change a 220 million car “fleet” to a modern fleet. But Bush told listeners that he is talking about an evolution, not an overnight process.
Remember, this 'evolution' is not going to be directed by private citizens fulfilling their own wants and needs, it will be directed by government, taking peoples' money, directing it into avenues of investment they would not have freely chosen themselves.
Mac Johnson of Human Events Online Discusses The Kyoto Treaty and Facts You Haven't Heard
Mac Johnson, columnist for Human Events Online ( joined EL G Grande recently to discuss the economics of the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty. Mac's analysis of the treaty is excellent. Hear him discuss it in this and part two, and read his article here:
The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World |
Enviro-Capitalists: Doing Good While Doing Well (The Political Economy Forum) |
Conspiracy Audio! Intelligent Design v Evolution Theory in Government Schools! Dr. Michael Shermer, of "Skeptic" Magazine
In our effort to provide more than one side of the debate over whether "intelligent design" should be taught in government, tax-funded, schools (ahh, wouldn't it be nice to eliminate those tax-funded schools, and stop taking people's money to pay for things they opposed), the Liberty Conspiracy brings you Dr. Michael Shermer, founder of "Skeptic" magazine, and frequent contributor to "Scientific American". Shermer, in a pleasant fashion, stands in opposition to the proposition that ID be taught along-side the theory of evolution in government schools. He also states in the interview that a bet
How We Believe: Science, Skepticism, and the Search for God (second edition) |
Conspiracy Audio! Intelligent Design in Schools and Mind - John Calvert of the Intelligent Design Network
The Intelligent Design vs Evolution argument continues, not only in Pennsylvania, but also in Kansas. Hear the pro-design side of the argument from John Calvert, head of the Intelligent Design Network. Find his work at
Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution |
Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing |
Titan - Moon of Mystery
Gardner talks with someone at the Jet Propulsion Labs about Titan, moon of mystery...