Pelosi's Plane vs. Pelosi's Rhetoric on Environment

Has anyone noticed that on the VERY SAME day House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D - CA) testified before a Congressional Committee about "America's need" to use less oil and to stop "man-made global warming", she was embroiled in a battle with the Pentagon about her desire to get a 757 jet to fly her non-stop to and from Oakland? As noted here earlier, this plane would spew 10,000 pounds more CO2 into the air with each trip than if she were to use the kind of plane Denny Hastert used when he was Speaker.

Why these politicians aren't forced to buy their own air tickets, one may never know. But at least this episode with the Pelosi Plane has brought to light her towering hypocrisy on the issue of just WHO has to comply with political schemes to "save the environment".

There will be sound of her testimony before the committee on Environmental Affairs available here soon. Right now, check out the great cut of Dana Rohrabacker doing what Pelosi ought to be doing, questioning the rhetoric about "man-made global warming".