The Death of the Republican Party in NH

November 7, 2006 saw the expiration of the RINO party in NH.


Charles Bass is slammed by Paul Hodes, something conservatives and libertarians warned would happen many moons ago.

Jeb Bradley is beaten by Carol Shea-Porter, a woman who came out of nowhere, whose political machine was run by her daughter until two months ago.

The NH House falls into the hands of the Dems, the Senate appears to be going that way at the time of this writing.

The NH Governorship is easily held by the lefties with a D in their title.

The US Congress goes Democrat, the US Senate appears to be headed in that direction as of this writing. It could end up tied, but functionally Democrat, when considering the leftist ideas of the RINOs still there.

And all of this happened despite the RINO/"Compassionate Conservative" approach of constant "compromise" in NH and across the US. The Republican party, once seen as the best chance to defend the NH and US Constitutions, has, due to the hubris of its leaders, given up on defending the documents and defending the principles that undergird them.

In debates, both Bass and Bradley tried their hardest to appeal to voters by citing all the times they GAVE things to people through the mechanism of government redistrubtion of wealth: Alstead, school loans, energy assistance, energy research, education, scientific research and much more... In NH, tired old puppet masters like Tom Rath and Pat Griffin, people who have done nothing to defend the principles of the republican party, but have instead tried to go along to get along, have finally lost their grip on the strings of the puppets. Their hands are too dirty to handle things any more. Dirty? Yes, these people who have held onto control of the party are players in politics, sellers of platitutes rather than principles. They have repeatedly tried to turn to their grass-roots, never realizing that the members of their grass roots groups are becoming comparatively small compared to the numbers of leftists here in NH.

It will take a re-seeding to grow grass roots. Rath doesn't understand this. Perhaps Griffin does. Does Ted Gatsas, does Judd Gregg?

In order to re-seed, one needs to educate people about the principles of free markets, constitutionalism and individual liberty. When was the last time you heard a republican trying to tell people about those princples, trying to educate people about them?

A paradigm shift has occured in NH. Though it has become noticable in one night, it didn't happen overnight. It goes back to people like Steve Merrill, Steve Duprey, and many others who just don't understand how to spread the word of freedom.

We will do the job they failed to do.