Your Datebook: Go to The NH Liberty Forum! Feb 22-25!!!!

Please keep in mind what will undoubtedly be the biggest freedom-oriented event thus far in NH history. Beginning Thursday, February 22, and continuing through Sunday, Feb 25th, the New Hampshire Liberty Forum will be rolling like a juggernaut at the Concord Holiday Inn, just off Rt. 293, in the state's capital! The list of speakers is remarkable, including ABC TV's John Stossel, Texas Rep, and Presidential candidate Ron Paul, former US Libertarian Presidential nominee Michael Badnarik, Jack Cole, of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Jim Harper, Director of Information Studies at the Cato Institute, Chris Gronski, of the We the People Congress, Former State Rep. Don Gorman, Geoffrey Segal, Director of Government reform for the Reason Foundation, and many more. This is going to be a fantastic event, and we hope you will be able to attend.

There will be more information coming. Right now, head to the website, and make some plans to come to the event! It will be amazing! Here is the link, which is also listed on the left margin of the Liberty Conspiracy website!

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User offline. Last seen 8 years 3 weeks ago.
Number 2064
Conspirator for: 8 years 20 weeks
Posted on: September 11, 2016 - 11:52pm #1

It sounds exciting. Surely, there are lots of things that we can learn from the event. - Gary McClure