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"Guest Workers" Often Mistreated -- Still Want the Federal Government Handling Immigration?
We have often cited at the Conspiracy the trio of points that government restrictions on immigration politicize what ought to be market processes, retard economic productivity, and are unconstitutional on a federal level.
The debate on the other side of the statist isle has usually been whether the feds should allow lots of immigrants to stay, or ship them back, whether the federal government should build a wall along our southern border, or allow passes to the people who comply to their rules; whether to spy on businesses to see if they are hiring "illegals", or let them do their business.
NH Liberty Forum - A HUGE Success! Well Done Organizers, Guests, and Attendees
Between February 22 and 25, 2007, Concord, NH saw upwards of 366 people attend the first annual "Liberty Forum", at the Concord Holiday Inn.
With featured guests each day and night, informative conversations by people knowledgable on politics, gun rights, education, monetary policy, and political philosophy, the Forum attracted people from as far away as Holland and California, and many Conspirators were there as well.
We would like to congratulate the people who helped put this wonderful event together, and wish them great success for the next Forum! The event will undoubtedly attract even more people from the Free State Project to move to NH, and we couldn't be happier about it!
Welcome Conspirators! Notice re: Registrating and Code Names
Thank you for joining! When you receive verification of your code number, and attempt to log in, make sure you literally include the word "Number", then a space, then your code number. For example, if your code number was 1, you would input this: "Number(space)1", quotation marks provided here merely for example and not to be used when inputting your new identity. It will appear as this when you see it on the screen: "Number 1"
The interest in signing up to provide comments has been very strong. Thanks for being part of this, because these comments and ideas come from some of the brightest people around, and they deserve to be seen.
House Panel Recommends Repeal of NH Parental Notification for Underage Abortion Law, Gov Agrees
A House panel is recommending the repeal of the so-called "parental notification" law for minor females who desire abortions.
This law has brought about great disagreement, and was the subject of a lawsuit that went all the way to the US Supreme Court.
The interesting thing to note here is that many of the Reps and Senators who oppose notification of parents prior to an abortion performed on a minor are IN FAVOR of parental CONSENT prior to sixteen-year-olds going to tanning salons. Differing standards? Sure!
Here is the piece from the UL. Please note that Governor Lynch, who is quite animated about protecting children from sexual predators, supports repeal of the notification law...
Your Datebook: Go to The NH Liberty Forum! Feb 22-25!!!!
Please keep in mind what will undoubtedly be the biggest freedom-oriented event thus far in NH history. Beginning Thursday, February 22, and continuing through Sunday, Feb 25th, the New Hampshire Liberty Forum will be rolling like a juggernaut at the Concord Holiday Inn, just off Rt. 293, in the state's capital! The list of speakers is remarkable, including ABC TV's John Stossel, Texas Rep, and Presidential candidate Ron Paul, former US Libertarian Presidential nominee Michael Badnarik, Jack Cole, of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Jim Harper, Director of Information Studies at the Cato Institute, Chris Gronski, of the We the People Congress, Former State Rep. Don Gorman, Geoffrey Segal, Director of Government reform for the Reason Foundation, and many more. This is going to be a fantastic event, and we hope you will be able to attend.
![]() | Unwarranted Intrusions: The Case Against Government Intervention in the Marketplace |
![]() | Reviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-first Century |
![]() | Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming |
![]() | Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years |
![]() | How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the Present |
![]() | American Health Care: Government, Market Processes, and the Public Interest |
Notice for All New Conspirators re Registration!
Thank you for joining! When you receive verification of your code number, and attempt to log in, make sure you include the word "Number", then a space, then your code number. For example, if your code number was 1, you would input this: "Number(space)1", quotation marks provided here merely for example and not to be used when inputting your new identity. It will appear as this when you see it on the screen: "Number 1"
The interest in signing up to provide comments has been very strong. Thanks for being part of this, because these comments and ideas come from some of the brightest people around, and they deserve to be seen.
2 NH Legislators Follow Massachusetts in Attempt to Force Businesses to Not Serve Trans Fats
Two NH Representatives have jumped into the fray to regulate food servers. Praise gub-ment! They want to BAN the EEEEVIL TRANS FATS!
Paladins they may think they are. But it might seem to observers that: A. How people eat is not a matter for legislators to investigate, and B. The NH Constitution has no provision allowing them to attempt to regulate businesses in this way.
Here is the piece from the AP. What do you think?
"CONCORD, N.H. -- Two Portsmouth Democrats are on a mission to ban New Hampshire restaurants and stores from preparing and selling food made with heart-damaging trans fats.
Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Global Warming, Al Gore... Peace Prize.
Or, as Basil Fawlty once asked, "Is this a PIECE of your brain?"
Here is the story, from All Headline News:
Al Gore Nominated For Nobel Prize
February 1, 2007 12:30 p.m. EST
Julie Farby - All Headline News Staff Writer
Oslo, Norway (AHN) - After receiving wide-spread acclaim and an Academy Award nomination for his 2005 film documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," on the dangers of global warming, former Vice President and 2000 Presidential candidate Al Gore was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work bringing attention to the oft-overlooked topic....
US Senate Passes Minimum Wage Order, Reconciliation with House Next
The US Senate has done it again. They have spurned the ideas of the Founding Fathers and passed their own increase in the "Minimum Wage", $2.10 over two years. This matches the House version, but the Senate also passed tax breaks for small businesses, and Nacy Pelosi will not stand for that.
Here is something Conspirators will want to watch closely, and remember.
WASHINGTON Feb 1, 2007 (AP)— The Senate voted overwhelmingly Thursday to boost the federal minimum wage by $2.10 to $7.25 an hour over two years, but packaged the increase with controversial tax cuts for small businesses and higher taxes for many $1 million-plus executives.
Ed Brown, IRS, NH Labor Sec on Minimum Wage and "Against the Grain"
As many people know, Plainfield, NH residents, Ed and Elaine Brown have been found guilty of tax evasion and fraud in relation to their non-payment of federal income taxes for many years.
There is no predicting what will transpire in the Brown case. Federal Marshalls could move on his property now, or any time through late April when the court will sentence him. His wife is in Massachusetts, monitored by electronic bracelet.
There will be more sound to hear soon in this case, for now, take a listen to the moment when Ed hears of the sentence, broadcast on "Against the Grain", with Gardner Goldsmith.
Former Speaker Gingrich Open to Fed Govt. Abridging First Amendment
The incredibly slick and egotistical former Speaker of the US House, Newt Gingrich, recently visited NH to speak at the Union Leader's "First Amendment Awards" banquet. While in NH, he happened to mention that we in the US may need to "reassess" the right to free speech.
Perhaps Mr. Gingrich could acknowledge that, logically, and philosophically, one cannot hold a "right" if that "right" can be abridged.
Perhaps Mr. Gingrich ought to reconsider running for President.
US to Require Passports for Nearly All Air Travelers Entering US Beginning Jan 23, 2007
Michael Chertoff announced today that nearly all airline passengers (one wonders if he also means small craft), will be required to carry passports in order to enter the US, beginning January 23. Previously, Canadians, Bermudans, and some Mexicans did not have to show this form of ID.
Here is the AP report:
The Death of the Republican Party in NH
November 7, 2006 saw the expiration of the RINO party in NH.
Charles Bass is slammed by Paul Hodes, something conservatives and libertarians warned would happen many moons ago.
Jeb Bradley is beaten by Carol Shea-Porter, a woman who came out of nowhere, whose political machine was run by her daughter until two months ago.
The NH House falls into the hands of the Dems, the Senate appears to be going that way at the time of this writing.
The NH Governorship is easily held by the lefties with a D in their title.
The US Congress goes Democrat, the US Senate appears to be headed in that direction as of this writing. It could end up tied, but functionally Democrat, when considering the leftist ideas of the RINOs still there.
The Lynch Lingo Is Growing Tiresome
“Lynch Lingo”
October, 2006
P. Gardner Goldsmith
Tell me if these words sound familiar:
“Together, working in a bi-partisan way, we… Uh, came together! Partnering in an inclusive fashion, to put partisanship to one side, to move forward for the people of New Hampshire and impact the wellness of all our children, all our seniors, and all our working people. That’s what leadership is all about.”
If you watched the WMUR/Union Leader debate between Governor John Lynch, and Representative Jim Coburn, you probably recognize lots of those phrases, and if you’re like I, you didn’t appreciate them.
Note: Truth does not have an expiration date.
Refer to the information on John Lynch recently posted here at the Liberty Conspiracy.
Bill Frist and Gardner Goldsmith: Pleasant Confrontation
The appearance of Bill Frist on "Against the Grain" has inspired some discussion. Senator Frist may run for President. In his recent conversation with Gardner Goldsmith, Senator Frist attempted to offer his rationale for federal funding for scientific research, including fetal stem cell research. He also sounded off about REAL ID, and how he believes the United States is a "pluralistic" nation. Hear the details on our audio player.
In addition, many people may not know that the US government has the power to ban things such as Vegemite from being brought into our country. Freedom has never tasted so bad, but the freedom to eat vegemite ought to be afforded the people of the US, shouldn't it?
Devote Extra Attention: Congress/Senate Move to Selectively Suspend Writ of Habeas Corpus
The US Congress this week set forward something unprecedented: the selective suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus for so-called "enemy combatants". This ambiguous term has been applied, and may be applied once more, to American citizens.
Not since Abraham Lincoln (hero? no) tried to suspend the previlege of a Habeas Corpus hearing has the United States seen a more flagrant breech of civil liberties. It all stems from the Bush Adminstration's attempt to capture, hold, and try people (both foreigners and US citizens) in a manner which is not consistent with Common Article Three of the Geneva Conventions. Both Iraq and Afghanistan are Signatory Powers to the Converntions, and as such, even the non-uniformed fighters in their territories must be afforded the protection of the Conventions. Either the Adminstration and Congress recognize that they should try terrorists as they have tried terrorists in the past -- under US criminal codes -- or they must declare WAR, a term of art which is the only means by which the us military may be properly used according to the Constitution.
New Interrogation, Clinton, Wallace, and Grommit...
The Bush Administration has told us for over a year that its "detainees" were being treated according to the Geneva Conventions.
If so, then why, when the Supreme Court found that Bush had to either prosecute them under US Criminal Codes or try them as prisoners of war, did Bush then say that such a ruling would not allow them to interrogate the prisoners the way they had, and they would be unable to get the vital information they had been getting in order to save American lives?
See our audio files for more on it, and listen to Senator Bill "RINO" Frist try to explain why he cannot give details of the interrogation agreement which was sold to us as an agreement on details!
The Growth of the Conspiracy
Over the past two weeks, members of the Conspiracy have waited patiently and have offered encouraging words for the expansion of the organization.
This week, another piece has been added. Our sound files/podcasts are ready for fast access on the site. Look now for the conversation between Gardner Goldsmith and ABC's John Stossell, coverage of the unacceptable NH Surpeme Court Ruling in the Londerry Education suit -- something that must be understood by NH citizens and those outside the state -- and information about the September 11, 2001 attacks.
As the members of the Conspiracy contin
Federal Judge Rules Bush Administration's Warrentless Wiretaps Unconstitutional
Federal District Court Judge Anna Diggs Taylor ruled today that the NSA "Foreign Surveillance Program" (so described by the Bush Administration and Atty Gen Alberto Gonzales) which spied not only on foreigners but also on American citizens without proper warrents, violates the right of free speech and privacy, and breaks the separation of powers between the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch.
The Bush Administration argues that in order to prove that the program is well within the Presiden't authority, it would have to reveal state secrets. Cute, huh?
Alberto Gonzales announced today that the Bush Administration will appeal. Shocker!
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