
Head of NSA Doesn't Know What Fourth Amendment Actually Says About Search and Seizure. Surprised?

Take a look at this.

Gard has been working the past two nights on a mega music pod for Christmas, but his audio program has now crashed THREE times, totaling about eight hours of work, so the music cast will have to come later, when he isn't ready to boot his computer to Titan.

For now, be prepared for some entertaining info, courtesy of the NSA. It shows how ignorant those dangerous people are.

Talk to you tomorrow via podcast!

News: FED Wants to Issue DEBT?! Tom Daschle to Head HHS, Mortgage Defaults Could MUSHROOM, Unemployment Claims at 26 yr High

Wow, there sure is some bad news out there, and it seems to be due to gubment action, fancy that!

Barry Cooper and Osborne Do It AGAIN! Kop Busters Expose Crooked Procedures of Police!

Congratulations to these courageous and inventive men!

Take a look at the story of Kop Busters, and the girl they seem to have set up in jail for years.

UK Lawyer Pushes for World Court to Prosecute Violators of Environmental Regs!

There are so many dangerous concepts here, so many hits on freedom...

And so many liberty supporters suspected it would be proposed.

Dow Drops Below 8,000 For First Time in 5 Yrs., Obama's Record on Firearms

Despite all the jerry-rigging by the feds, the stock market continues to drop. SO WE'D BETTER FLOOD IT WITH MORE USELESS MONEY!

And for those of you who know Obamistas, or whatever the supporters are called, ask them about this information:

Gubment Throws Ian Freeman in Jail for 93 Days - Contempt of Court over "Sofa" Code Violation

Listeners to the nationally syndicated radio program Free Talk Live might be interested to know that co-host Ian Freeman has been sentenced to 93 days in a NH jail for failure to stand in the presence of the "judge" who was to preside over his "trial" for having a sofa on the lawn of his property. Said sofa was not allowed by the city of Keene, NH, and Ian was told to pay people for violating their rules about his sofa. Ian refused, had to appear in court, and was cited for "contempt of court" for not standing and calling the judge "your honor".

Here is more on the story:

Obama to Employ "Executive Orders" to Implement Policy -- Welcome to the Imperial Presidency.

Executive orders are routinely used by Presidents to give them the ability to enact de-facto laws without Congress bothering with all that untidy stuff of actually PASSING laws, and without that burdensome document... Hmm, what was it called? I seem to remember, but I was hanging out with Hamilton Bergeron's parents. Oh yeah, the CONSTITUTION!

Obama Achieves a First - Wins Election for US President after Openly Calling for Skirting of Constitution

Yes, "we" can, folks.

"America has come so far, we have seen so much, but there's so much more to do..."

Barack Obama has beaten the "Constitutional Scholar". What can we expect from the coming administration?

With the help of an even more powerful Democrat party in Congress, Obama plans on nationalizing the last remnants of the health care industry that aren't already under federal control.

Tom diLorenzo does It AGAIN! See His Excellent Piece on Obama and McCain, the "Socialist and the National Socialist"!!!

DiLorenzo has been a friend to the Liberty Conspiracy and Gard's show on numerous occasions. Look for Tom's new book, "Hamilton's Curse", at!

Glenn Jacobs was on the ball about it. It was just released! GET IT!!! (And Gard's awesome book, too!)

cover of Hamilton's Curse: How Jefferson's Arch Enemy Betrayed the American Revolution--and What It Means forHamilton's Curse: How Jefferson's Arch Enemy Betrayed the American Revolution--and What It Means for

Free Markets, Free Minds! REASON!

Visit the famous Reason website often! Check out ReasonTV!

DC Under Dems Will Try to Nationalize 401K Savings, Ted "Series of Tubes" Stevens CONVICTED! Dolphins Owner to Sell Before Obama

So, have you been looking for a way to attract the attention of friends who are more interested in touchdowns than political and philosophical ideology? How about this? The owner of the Miami Dolphins wants to sell the team before Obama is sworn in, because he knows he will have more of his well-earned cash taken by the gubment. Smart man.

Newburyport Mass. Bans "Bad Food" in Privately Packed "School Lunches"

“It’s irresponsible for government to attempt to legislate us into being thinner and healthier,“ said J. Justin Wilson, senior research analyst at the Center for Consumer Freedom.

Well said. But unfortunately, there are too many PC-hippie dummies out there, suckling off the education administration bottle. Here's the story, for your... amusement?!/srvc=home&position=7

John McCain in His Own Words - Grow Government, Increase Socialism, Increase Regulation

As this piece from MSNBC illustrates, John McCain is very much in favor of continuing the anti-constitutional approach. He wants to continue regulating political speech (if only Sam Adams could hear that), while increasing regulations on energy producers and consumers. Soo, if you're a consumer or supplier and you don't like it? Try speaking out against it 60 days prior to an election.

Ahh, freedom...

Check it out, Strongbad!

National Security Pinhead Advises: "Global Warming" Could Increase Terrorism -- Is Your Head Hurting Yet?

Thanks to the on-the-ball Stephen Smith, we can give you the latest nonsense from the statists. As Stephen says, now one rationale for expanding the state can support another piece of fascism.


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