
Americans With Disabilities Act Hits Another Victim - When Will Freedom of Contract be Recognized?

Thanks to the official F. Paul Wilson website,

See the discussion of the topic there, and check out the rest of the great site, and the great novels!

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ABC News: Obama Wants to Reinstitute "Assault Weapons" Ban - Thanks for the Find, Andrew Chalwa!

With a big high-five to CABAL member, Andrew, here's the news from ABC:

Obama's National Health Plan Begins - Starting Point $1 Trillion

Combined with the new position created in his "Stimulus" Package, a position which appoints a single bureaucrat to oversee "healthcare efficiency", and who can tell doctors what procedures are and aren't "efficient", this new wrinkle is starting to look really ugly.


ABC's Jake Tapper ties this in to the planned tax increases coming...

Be Seeing You!

Freed Detainee Returns to Britain after Claiming He Was Tortured

What comes of a US Congress that doesn't declare war, and an executive branch that doesn't want a declared war.

Jim DeMint (flavor-fresh!) Tries to Move a Vote to Ban "fairness Doctrine" - Nice Idea. Does It Have a Chance?

With so many Democrats (you know, the ones who supposedly believe in freedom of expression) in office in DC, it's doubtful this thing has a chance. But it's a nice thought, unnecessary under a US government that actually followed the Constitution, but nice given the present state of things.

BTW, the Constitution could never have stopped the growth of the gubment, only slowed it. The US stopped operating under it during Washington's administration.

What we need is free markets, not gubment.

Another Pernicious Consequence of Gubment Owning the Roads - NH Proposal: Serve One Drink Per Hour, Max!

Did you ever wonder why people get up in arms about clearly dumb proposals like this one, without looking into the root cause of dumb proposals liek this one?

If they could see that the cause of all of these kinds of restrictions on freedom of contract and free association is the presence of government in road ownership and maintanence, perhaps they might see the problem they should have been trying to stop a long, long time ago: government.


Bill Clinton Recorded Wishing "Fairness Doctrine" Would Be Reimposed

Of course, if this were to be played on a talk radio program, that would get the statists upset. They'd call for more "balance" through fascistic regulation of radio and television content.

Just give all the politicians the power, you'll be fine, y'all.

Be Seeing You!

Audio Guest Sue Blevins, of the IHF Hits WorldNetDaily - Report: Possible Rationing of Medicine Under Obamer

The statists, from the Clintons, to Ted Kennedy, to Orrin Hatch, to John Lynch, to Barack Obama, to Newt Gingrich, have been pushing for the federalization of medical data for over a decade. It is coming. And, as WND reports, there is the possibility that the rationing of medical care could come right along with it.


More, from Bloomberg Opinion:

Obama Orders New Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards - Where's Repairman Jack?

Ahh, yes... Nothing like the sweet smell of freedom in the morning. Or is that Napalm we smell? Yes, it's the latter, burning up liberty, the Constitution (which are not always one and the same, of course), and economics. Even though Repairman Jack doesn't really fix appliances, we sure could use his services to fight the baddies in DC right now.

Someone needs to ask F. Paul Wilson if politicians have a lot of "O-DNA", 'cause the "otherness" they exhibit is pretty scary! (Lil' reference to his novels there, in case you're wondering...)

"Emergency Camps" Bill, Proposed with Good Intentions, Parallels Hitler-Era Germany

Jerome Corsi has written a very interesting piece at World Net Daily, in which he lays out the details of an under-reported federal proposal to build numerous "emergency" centers to house displaced families during natural disasters/terror attacks.

Clearly, these sites are unconstitutional, and, further, they have the potential to act like the internment camps for Japanese Americans in WWII, or the Nazi Concentration Camps. As we've often said, the idea that government should "protect" people leads to these kinds of outcomes. It is inevitable.


"Stimulus Package" Forces Turn-over of All Personal Health Information

Socialized medicine is one of the most pernicious forms of the doctrine that we must be forced to be "our brother's keeper" - and hence we must all be "kept".

This is important stuff, and reflects another open-ended, unwarranted, interpretation of the inter-state commerce clause of the US Constitution.


House Republicans Defeat Proposal to Delay Digital TV Mandate

There is no constitutional or economic reason for the federal government to be in any way associated with, or in control of, the radio spectrum.

CABAL members have likely read Gardner's lengthy piece explaining the history of how the federal gubment got invovled in regulating the spectrum and its "content". Soon, Gard will produce special casts to go out to your ipods, and in the casts he'll explain the anti-freedom history of the FCC (originally known as the FRC -- the "Federal Radio Commission"), and the free market approach to the radio spectrum.

Obama to Issue New Exec Order Allowing US Taxpayer Money to Be Taken to Fund Planned Parenthood, etc., in Foreign Nations

As mentioned in the recent cast featuring CABAL Member Stephanie, the abortion issue is going to creep back into the lime light. This time, it begins with Obama's executive order re-allowing US tax funds to be sent to oversees abortion and "family planning" organizations. (One day after the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, by the way.)

Nothing like the morality of taxation, is there?


Be Seeing You!

Former NSA Worker Breaks His Silence: Wiretaps on Reporters, Average US Citizens

Despite his leftist economic leanings, Keith Olberman has done a very good job covering the towering breaches of Constitutional procedure (disregard of Fourth Amendment rights, etc) perpetrated by the Bush Administration.


Here is the video:

Here is a link you might want to explore:


Be Seeing You!

SEC to Look into Apple Head Steve Jobs' HEALTH -- WILL PATERNALISM NEVER END?

Now, just remember, you're too stupid to handle your own affairs and investments. You need an unconstitutional entity filled with socialists and classically defined fascists to do that for you.

National Safety Council Calls for Federal Ban on Cell Phone Use While Driving...

Are they just worried that we might be calling friends to inform them about how fascistic, paternalistic, anti-constitutional and anti-economic this proposal is?


Read on, MacDuff!

Feds Want to Regulate College "Bowl" System! From Stephen Smith, THANKS Mr. S!

Here is a lovely tidbit offered by CABAL member Stephen Smith. His comments are attached at the opening:


Stephen ( "What's next? Every time a coach challenges a call on the field, a Congressional committee will be convened to review it? This bill was introduced by a Republican - the small government party, right?"

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