Culture in all its forms

GREEN DAY - libertarians?

I heard someone say on an FTL podcast, co-hosted by Gard, that GREEN DAY were libertarians.

Can anyone confirm this?

By the way, loving the new single and CAN'T WAIT for the new LP!

Star Trek Music

The ending tune by Nichelle Nichols reminded me of this performace by FZ, John Lennon, and Yoko OhNO!

Although I'm pretty sure that FZ put her up to that.


Dr. Who Serials

I was going over some entries for books which I have registered on  I thought you might enjoy this entry I posted back in 2004.


Be seeing you,


making freedom a best seller

Live Free or Die: Essays on Liberty...

Congratulations to Gardner!  His book has been selected by participants of the Freedom Book Club as the 2008 Second Chance Book.

I will be sharing my thoughts here when I get caught up in my reading.  I'm sending out the alerts now, to those subscribed to the club's list.  I look forward to your thoughts on the book.

March 29 Red Dwarf Music Pod! Here's the Song List!

1. Danko Jones: Time Heals Nothing

2. "Demons": Voodoo Charm

3. Girls Against Boys: Super-fire

4. The Stooges: I Got a Right!

5. Fu Manchu: Cyclone Launch

6. McLusky: Joy

7. McLusky: Collagen Rock

8. DMZ: Bad Attitude

9. The Psychedelic Furs: Should God Forget

10. The Dead Boys: Sonic Reducer

11. Electric Frankenstein: All Moving Faster

12. Motordamned (Motorhead and the Damned TOGETHER!): Over the Top! and


Red Dwarf: "Back to Earth", debuts on Good Friday on the Dave network! Grab a vindaloo and lager!



Started watching on hulu, and i'm enjoying it. The most recent episodes have been fleshing out the backstory (as the cliched term goes), and now I see that Tim Minear and Jane Espenson are aboard.

The show could take on a very wide pro-liberty scope soon. Looking forward to more.

Be Seeing You!

Dave Vanian, of the Damned and Phantom Chords: His First Film Score, and It Sounds INCREDIBLE!!!!

Big news, everone! BIIIIIG NEWS!

I just got done hearing some of the music for the movie "The Perfect Sleep", which is a new kind of "film noir" to be released in select theatres, and, perhaps, more widely later. Gary Oldman is in it, so that ought to say something about the approach!

But the really big news about it is this music. The soundtrack has been done by Dave Vanian, and I'm in awe. It's truly astounding! Not only is this sound amazing, but it marks such a monumental achievement by Vanian that I almost can't explain how good it is. You have to hear this!

I knew he was talented, but I had no idea that Dave Vanian could reach levels I'd never even imagined. It nearly defies description!


Anyone a fan? Three-piece power-pop/ metal/ (prog?!) combo from Texas.

I caught these boys at London's ELECTRIC BALLROOM, recently... very cool band. Best live show I've ever been to.

I've been into them for years, now. Their main vocalist and bass player turns 59 soon, and he looks about about 25 years younger than that.

They have a song called 'FREEDOM' which has libertarian overtones - check it out on i-tunes.



Hey guys,

As some of you may have heard on the podcast of Free Talk Live, DROP DEAD GORGEOUS (my apocalyptic zombie horror novel) is available to buy...

It isn't *strictly* a libertarian-themed novel. However, the recurring themes of power struggle and human nature in the face of disaster do pop up! Come on - where better to consider a voluntary society in action than during an apocalypse! LOL

Anyway, you can click on my signature to be brought to my website, where you can read more details. I'd love to hear what you guys think of the book - it's available throughout the US at BORDERS/ WALDENBOOKS or from the any major online retailer (Amazon, Barnes and Nobles etc.)

Thanks for checking it out.

Which songs by the Damned

I'm looking to buy some songs by the Damned from iTunes. Any suggestions?

Froggy Rantz Videos

Gard posted one of these videos to the main page a little while back. You might enjoy some of these other amusing rants:

3/12 - Asian Dub foundation - Target Practice

Yeah, just catching up on old podcasts.  But this one cranked with a song I recognized, but didn't realize it was used in Vexille (why I recognized it) until googling a bit.

Anyhow, I bought it from Amazon for a buck.  linkage:

The Vexille dub is more studio, the one from the original album is more raw/live in timbre.  Your call.


March 15 Music Pod! Wauthink?

So, you wanna know what's on the new music pod?

Ask and ye receive!

1. The Psychedelic Furs, "I Wanna Sleep with You"

2. MC 900 Ft. Jesus, "The City Sleeps"

3. The DAMNED! "I Think I'm Wonderful"

4. The Rubber City Rebels, "I Wanna Pierce My Brain"

5. The Quadrajets, "Punkinheaded Motherfucker"

6. The New Bomb Turks, "ACTION"

7. THE DAMNED! "Wait for the Blackout"

8. George Carlin, "A Place for My Stuff"

9. The Upper Crust, "Cream of the Crust" WATCH THEM ON "The Late, Late Show, with Craig Ferguson, Monday night to Tuesday morning, at 12:15 am, on CBS!

I Know Gard' Likes Midnight Oil But Does He Know ...

I know Gard likes Midnight Oil

But is he aware of Pete Garret's (lead singer) activities since the demise of Midnight Oil

Drum & Guitar Duos

If there’s been a prevalent trend in rock this decade it must be the one of the minimalist rock band…the guitar & drum duo.


The best known being The White Stripes

Rocked out with Danko Jones

GREAT show in Oslo!!!!!  Despite considerable technical trouble and drunk people jumping on stage, it was BEYOND pleasure!!!!

I also had a chance to meet and take pictures with the band (OK, two of them, Danko and JC) and Danko sends best wishes to Gardy. He even wrote it for me! One new hat, an autographed CD, stickers, picks, and slightly damaged eardrums later I am convinced DJ is the greatest musician alive today. At least in my own opinion!

The Market for Liberty

"The Market for Liberty" by Linda & Morris Tannehill, is the Book of the Month on .  I have heard Ian Freeman on FTL sing the praises of this book.  I look forward to reading this.  Anybody have insights on this.  It hasn't arrived from yet, and I'm chomping at the bit!

Video Game On Political Economy

I didn't know where else to put this.

Check out this wac flash video game, where YOU decide who get's the bailout funds, and who doesn't.

10,000 Subscriber Celebration Pod 2! The List!

1. Goldfrapp - Clowns

2. Massive Attack - Man Next Door

3. AR Rahman - Cut 3, from Slumdog Millionare - Mausam and Escape

4. Portishead - Glory Box

5. WIRE - Hard Currency

6. Genesis - The Return of the Giant Hogweed

7. Morphine - Thursdays

8. Goldfrapp - Lovely 2 C U

9. Goldfapp - Slide In

10. Radio Birdman - Found Dead

11. Ginger - G.T.T.

12. Muse - Stockholm Syndrome

13. McLusky - Lightsaber Cocksucking Blues

14. Ted Kennedy on Barack Obama

15. The Golden Palominos - Featuring John Lydon - The Animal Speaks (a nice way to follow up Ted Kennedy)


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