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Culture in all its forms
Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame
On a recent podcast, Furb (sp?) did a little rant about the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. While ABBA did make great music, I wouldn't classify it as Rock and therefore they shouldn't be in the HOF. However, why pick on ABBA? There are a bunch of acts that either aren't good or aren't rock that are in the HOF. And there are some great bands who aren't even in. That's my biggest complaint. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame should be for Rock bands. No rap, no Madonna, no Jazz, etc. I'm not a fan of Iggy and the Stooges, but they deserve to be in. Rush and Yes I belie ve aren't in but Madonna is!!! I think Lydon called the Hall "a piss stain".
this shit would totally be on head bangers ball if they didn't sell out
Municipal Waste
Unleash The Bastards
The Prisoners - A Liberty Conspiracy fiction
Hey guys, I wrote this small skit, I hope you will enjoy reading it.
Its about a guy who calls a talk show telling them about his town which has been overtaken by the mafia. Its in standard screen script format.
Fan preferred order of Prisoner Episodes
I am about 1/3 of the way through "The Prisoner". Growing up, I was aware of the show but I never watched it, until now. I was reading online somewhere about a "fan preferred" order to the episodes. Does anyone know anything about this? I won't say "Be seeing you" until I'm done with the whole show.
Just saw Invictus the other night. Has anyone else seen it and what are your thoughts? I loved the rugby, but then again, the Springboks and the All Blacks are my two favorite teams.
BLACK DEATH: metal band with songs "Live Free or Die" and "Second Amendment" members of Libertarian party
The frontman chairs the Brooklyn Libertarian Party and they have two songs "Live Free or Die" and "Second Amendment" that I am sure you all will love.
Instead Of Killing In The Name How About Just Killing Simon Cowell?
Now did I get a bit carried away?
The Song All Anti Immigration Shitheads Should Listen To
Here's a video I made firmly aimed at all the anti immigration types
Darwin's Black Box? Really now!
When I first registered, I noticed that particular title listed in the "On Our Shelf" list. Now, maybe I'm misunderstanding things. Maybe it's none of my business what Gard chooses to read. Just, libertarianism is already considered a kooky movement; why tie ourselves to a kookier one?
A few libertarian songs/artists: DOOBIE, JEFFERY T, HARDFIRE CAST
Thought someone would be interested:
Has cool song about the John Kerry "Dont tazer me bro" incident
My good buddy got me into this band. At first I didn't dig them, however after a second listen I couldn't stop listining...
Jawbreaker - Accident Prone
My good buddy got me into this band. At first I didn't dig them, however after a second listen I couldn't stop listining...
Jawbreaker - Accident Prone
Legend of the Seeker
This is a great series that's on it's second season. It is an adaptation of Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series. It's definitely worth a view. Check out Cara the Mord Sith. She's looks damn good in leather doesn't she?
Twilight Zone, Gary North and the "intrinsic" value of gold
I've been reading Gary North's series of articles on Money on One of his recent articles mentioned the myth that gold has "intrinsic" value. His point was that nothing has intrinsic value. Value is subjective. This brings me to an episode of "The Twilight Zone" called "The Rip Van Winkle Caper". Warning: For those who haven't seen the episode, don't read any further.
The Best Xmas Song Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the only Xmas song I happen to like but it's not the best Kevin Wilson its this one taking the piss out bible bashers & then there's the song for social workers
Recently Australia's commerical tv stations went to digital and we've picked up a few extra commerical channels that re-transmit stuff if you miss it.
Sat down and watched a thing called Fringe today!
Was totally fricking awesome! JJ Abrams production, with a mix of horror and sci-fi. I have to say this is one of the better shows in the genre I have seen for a while.
Blew me away how they were able to mix drama,suspense and all the sci-fi elements in there. Unlike anything I have ever seen on TV!
Am prolly gonna rant some more about this later. Soooo checking for dvds!
End of Rant
where the buffalo roam
I totally suck at writing, however I did manage to get an A in the summer school english class some how. I don't know how, but I have been published before in "Low Rider" magazilne. Well it was just a press release, and all I did was send them the schematics. It is all just so much of a meager effort compared to Gard, or holy hell that dude who had a hand in the twilight zone empisodes! That dude is freakin awesome! Another writer I have an interest in is Hunter S. Thompson. I really do not have too much of an oppinioin of his writing at this point, as I have not read much of his work. However I loved the movies about him. Here is a movie I do not believe too many have seen or known existed.
Where The Buffalo Roam -