Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame

User offline. Last seen 11 years 2 weeks ago.
Number 234
Conspirator for: 17 years 9 weeks
Posted on: December 28, 2009 - 10:04am

On a recent podcast, Furb (sp?) did a little rant about the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame.  While ABBA did make great music, I wouldn't classify it as Rock and therefore they shouldn't be in the HOF.  However, why pick on ABBA?  There are a bunch of acts that either aren't good or aren't rock that are in the HOF.  And there are some great bands who aren't even in.  That's my biggest complaint.  The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame should be for Rock bands.  No rap, no Madonna, no Jazz, etc.  I'm not a fan of Iggy and the Stooges, but they deserve to be in.  Rush and Yes I belie ve aren't in but Madonna is!!!  I think Lydon called the Hall "a piss stain". 


Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it

Learned Hand

In the past men created witches: now they create mental patients.
Thomas Szasz

Relinquish liberty for the purposes of defense in an emergency?
Why? It would seem that in an emergency, of all times, one needs
his greatest strength. So if liberty is strength and slavery is weakness,
liberty is a necessity rather than a luxury, and we can ill afford
to be without it—least of all during an emergency.

F.A. Harper

User offline. Last seen 10 years 14 weeks ago.
Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 16 years 21 weeks
Posted on: December 30, 2009 - 1:29am #1

In response, I could have ripped on another of this years class of inductees the Holly's, but they aren't nearly as annoying to me.

But here are my top ten most worst picks as performers of Rock n' Roll, in no particular order.  I will denote favorite artists of mine, with (<3)  Artist I loathe are denoted with a (X).  Some of these artists are terrific, but I just don't classify them as Rock n' Roll.  Of course this is purely subjective, but it is a subjective judgment for which I pay for, regardless of my own volition to do so.  I wish I had been inducted into the medically induced coma hall of fame instead of having these picks in the Rock n' Roll HOF.:

Madonna (X)- Pop

James Taylor - Folk

The Bee Gees (X) - Pop

Gladys Night and the Pips - pop

The Impressions (<3) - soul

Simon and Garfunkle - folk

Marvin Gaye (<3) - pop

B.B. King - Blues (could be cited as early influence)

Joni Mitchell - folk, jazz

The Mama's and the Papa's  (<3) - folk, pop

I would love it if there was some other sort of entity (preferably one funded by volition, instead of coercion) dedicated to all musical styles, as my tastes are eclectic to to point of being bizarre by most peoples standards.