Culture in all its forms

China Wants To Ban Dr Who


The Chinese censors want to ban time travel dramas that means they want to ban Dr Who



Chistian Bale & Barbara Streisand Mash-up

This mash-up has bad words in it.  Babs should take her own advise.


"Freedom" by RAVELYN

RAVELYN: Check out their song "Freedom"


Vote for libertarian musicians AARON GIBSON:

Atlas Shrugged: A Review by J. Neil Schulman

from Rational Review, here is J. Neil Schulman's review of Atlas Shrugged part 1.

First Impressions of Atlas Shrugged: Part 1

Here is the excerpt that really brought the value of the movie to me.  I plan to see it, if it is shown in my area.

There is, in the movie, a new railroad bridge made out of a new kind of steel - lighter, stronger, and cheaper than steel - and this bridge is elegantly simple.

Atlas Shrugged: Part 1 is that bridge.

If you've loved the novel and understand the limits of independent film, you should appreciate the film adaptation.


Hell, yeah.


It amazes me that so-called "middle America" is still shocked by hard music performed by a guy with a lot of energy. That's what ROCK IS!


Be Seeing You!

What Causes Cannabis Users To Be Paranoid?


I read this very interesting article about paranoia in cannabis users.  Turns out parts of the brain are activated when cannaboids are in the system, which causes people to be "paranoid."   This might also be seen as heigtened awareness.

To me, paranoia is just a finer degree of reality.



Gman dude, I read through Edwyn's wiki. It mentioned one of his songs was on the Austin Powers soundtrack. That is awesome!


New interview w/ PARANOID (lost of Voluntaryist talk)

New interview w/ PARANOID (


Lost of Voluntaryist type talk you all will love.

End the Fed rally (live bands) April 23 Philadelphia PA

Upcoming End the Fed rally (live bands!):


Saturday, April 23 · 12:00pm - 3:00pm


Screw The Oscars Viva The Republic

It might of won 4 Oscars including best Director, Best Actor & Best Picture, but I found the Kings Speech incredibly boring & am I the only who did?

Christopher Hitchens wrote a piece last month criticizing the film for not being historically incorrect Well Braveheart was historically inaccurate (in fact seriously inaccurate) but I can’t deny that I thought it was a great film.

Okay I’ll admit being as I’m a hardcore republican I’m fed up with Hollywood lording awards on films that are flattering about the British monarchy, particularly as it imbeds a false impression of the British monarchy upon the masses etc & as a consequence there are political views opposing the monarchy that get emotively shouted down just ought heard.

Song at Beginning of 1-14-11 Podcast-The Horrible History of Indian Boarding Schools?

Can anyone tell me what is the song at the beginning of this podcast?  It's one of the coolest things I've heard!


One more thing: a suggestion for the Gard (or El Garderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing); could you list the titles and artists for songs that you include in the podcasts?


Thanks to all

Gaga for Lady Gaga

I just secured tickets to see Lady Gaga in concert on March 19, 2011 in Salt Lake City, Utah.  These are the best pop music concert tickets I have ever had for a stadium show, section nine row twenty.

I think this will be an outstanding concert.  However, due to the perception that the Church of Latter-day Saints pushed California Proposistion 8 to keep gay marriage unrecognized by the state may raise the ire of the Gaga.

So far I have been unsuccesful in obtaining backstage passes.  Anyone know how to do this?

New BBC sci-fi drama 'Outcasts' first episode was on last night & it looks as if the BBC has spent big bucks on this series & it looks as if its going to explore some interesting ideas.

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