Which songs by the Damned

User offline. Last seen 15 years 46 weeks ago.
Number 267
Conspirator for: 17 years 2 weeks
Posted on: March 26, 2009 - 10:59am

I'm looking to buy some songs by the Damned from iTunes. Any suggestions?

User offline. Last seen 7 years 36 weeks ago.
Gardner Goldsmith
Number 6
Gardner Goldsmith's picture
Conspirator for: 19 years 19 weeks
Posted on: March 28, 2009 - 11:06am #1

fjcwiklinski wrote:

I'm looking to buy some songs by the Damned from iTunes. Any suggestions?


I'd get everything they've done. Everything! Brilliant!

But to start, try anything from "Machine Gun Etiquette", and "The Black Album", then go for "FInal Damnation", "From the Beginning", and "The Peel Sessions", then try "Strawberries", and "Music for Pleasure", THEEEEN, mmm yeah!, go for "Grave Disorder", which saw them come back strong in the 2000's. There's a great compilation called "Born to Kill" that includes great live versions of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", and there's one called "Tales of the Damned" that features a great cover of "Citadel" (originally by the Stones), and a recording of the Damned and Motorhead together doing "Over the Top" (for which they called themselves "Motordamned"!!!)

I almost forgot! "DAMNED DAMNED DAMNED" is amazing! And there's the compilation "Another Great CD from the Damned" (Greatest Hits), which includes "Jet Boy, Jet Girl" - hilarious!

I have some news about Dave Vanian coming in a different post! Oh, and the Damned will be in the US to tour starting in May!!!!!!!


Be Seeing You!

User offline. Last seen 15 years 46 weeks ago.
Number 476
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Conspirator for: 16 years 21 weeks
Posted on: April 21, 2009 - 2:58pm #2

I once saw a quote in Rolling Stone (the Magazine) that the Damned would have been bigger than the Rolling Stones (the Band), had they (the Damned) not been so utterly plastered (sotted) all the time (not be confused with "the Time" the late '80's funk band that used to play at clubs with Prince).

And now for something completely different...

