
User offline. Last seen 7 years 36 weeks ago.
Gardner Goldsmith
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Posted on: March 30, 2009 - 12:41am

Started watching on hulu, and i'm enjoying it. The most recent episodes have been fleshing out the backstory (as the cliched term goes), and now I see that Tim Minear and Jane Espenson are aboard.

The show could take on a very wide pro-liberty scope soon. Looking forward to more.

Be Seeing You!

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Posted on: March 30, 2009 - 4:10am #1

I've been a Whedon fan for some time, now. Buffy, Angel, Firefly - even his run (well, the first story arc, anyway) on Astonishing X-Men was fantastic...

I had heard bad things about Dollhouse, though - from the press (reshoots etc.) and fans alike. I haven't seen it yet, but have high hopes for it regardless of what I'm hearing.

Whedon's work has certain libertarian undertones. Does anyone know if he swings that way?  


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Posted on: March 30, 2009 - 7:03am #2

We've been watching, and really enjoying it. It's really picking up steam these last couple of episodes, and I look forward to what happens this Friday, when several of the Dolls awaken. Don't know if it has anything to do with the mysterious "Alpha", but the preview at the end of this week's show looked like it's going to be one heck of an episode. I do wonder if Dollhouse will be back next season, and if the awakenings are a way they could prep for a wrap up, in case it's dropped.

My favorite episodes so far have been the latest "Man on the Street" and "Echoes". I read this is where the writers really got the chance to take off with their own story ideas - that the first several episodes were heavily influenced by the folks at Fox. For just a downright fun episode - seeing The Middleman as an outdoorsy survivalist manhunting murder in "The Target" was a hoot.

Minear is the libertarian in the writing group. Whedon may have tendencies, but I see libertarian ideas in the questions posed by the BSG writers too, and they're pretty far left, if you ever listened to the podcasts. I think they just know how to tell a great story - and a idyllic world under a benevolent all-powerful government or corporation isn't terribly exciting. Asking the big questions about self ownership, religion, black markets, mysterious mind altering corporations and meddlesome authorities is far more interesting... especially when there are strong, butt-kicking women and explosions.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 7 weeks ago.
Number 553
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Posted on: March 30, 2009 - 2:20pm #3

LOL! 'Strong, butt-kicking women and explosions' has to be the greatest things on earth, really.


Tim Minear did a run on Angel, and Lost, as I remember.


Hey - anyone reading the Angel and Buffy comics? They're considered 'canonical'... I'm impressed, thus far. Particularly with Angel.


User offline. Last seen 15 years 33 weeks ago.
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Posted on: April 30, 2009 - 3:32pm #4

HOO-HAA wrote:

Hey - anyone reading the Angel and Buffy comics? They're considered 'canonical'... I'm impressed, thus far. Particularly with Angel.


Those covers by Jo Chen are just freaking amazing. Issues 1 and 3 are my particular favs. Now, if only Buffy would have gone with the hot lesbo action while she was on the screen...

User offline. Last seen 15 years 21 weeks ago.
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Posted on: May 16, 2009 - 3:33pm #5

I knew the Buffy comics were out there, but haven't gotten any. Now you've rekindled my interest.

Dollhouse rocks. Simple. The curve of interest for me got steep about ep 6.

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Posted on: August 9, 2009 - 6:30am #6

Amen, brother, on the hot lesbos action!

User offline. Last seen 10 years 14 weeks ago.
Number 468
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Posted on: August 13, 2009 - 2:38am #7

I sat next to a dude on my flight from Manchester, Nuevo Hampshire to Las Vegas, Nevada reading these comics.  He had a stack of them.  He and I had an interesting conversation about dollhouse, and other interesting libertarian topics, like intellectual property and such.

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Posted on: July 24, 2009 - 11:01pm #8

I saw a couple of episodes. It really didn't grab me. I love Whedon though. I prefer J.J. Abrams Fringe.

User offline. Last seen 11 years 29 weeks ago.
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Posted on: July 25, 2009 - 10:52am #9

Looks like Dollhouse has been picked up for a second season.  I missed the first three episodes of Season 1, but recently got caught up on the rest.  The Season 1 DVD set will include a previously unaired 13th episode.  Should be worth the rental.


- Stephen M. Smith

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Posted on: September 2, 2009 - 8:16pm #10

Can't wait for the new season to start up on the 25th. Speaking of Tim Minear has anybody read his screenplay for the moon is a harsh mistress?

User offline. Last seen 10 years 14 weeks ago.
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Posted on: October 28, 2009 - 3:39am #11

I haven't read the screenplay for TMIAHM, but so far I am very much liking Dollhouse.  My writing may be a bit subpar at the moment, as I am fighting pain due to complication of wisdom tooth extraction with out the use of narcotic pain killers, but I have to say,


This show is absolutely amazing in it's content.  The libertarian themes are rich and engaging.  I urge you all to watch.  I don't think I've enjoyed a show more since my dad and I watched the prison from front to back.

User offline. Last seen 7 years 36 weeks ago.
Gardner Goldsmith
Number 6
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Posted on: October 28, 2009 - 1:38pm #12


Just watched the latest ep on Hulu, and I really like the way they utilize the sinister aspects of something going wrong in their system. Tim Minear's influence is clear, and the complications and depth of what they can do are wiiiiiiide open for exploration. I'm preppring a couple of spec script ideas for the show, and will need to fit in time to work on them while I write short stories for this anthology I'm intent on completing soon.

It's a very vool and very different show that challenges the writers. Like a combination of Mission Impossible and Blade Runner, with REALLY beautiful women featured, so how can I NOT watch?!

User offline. Last seen 14 years 32 weeks ago.
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Posted on: October 28, 2009 - 3:27pm #13

It stinks that the show won't be on during November sweeps since Fox would rather have House and Bones repeats. I love watching House too but the show is on at least 4 different networks. 

User offline. Last seen 14 years 32 weeks ago.
Number 614
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Posted on: November 12, 2009 - 11:32am #14

Aw man this just sucks. Maybe Joss can move the series to another network.

Fox’s decision on “Dollhouse” isn’t a surprise, as the net had already yanked the show from its Friday slot during November sweeps. Show will return to the sked on Dec. 4 and run the nine remaining episodes in its order for the season. 20th Century Fox TV at present is in production on the Eliza Dushku starrer’s 11th episode.

“This gives Joss the opportunity to end in a significant way,” the network said in a statement.

“Dollhouse” narrowly avoided cancellation last spring after its first season; show has struggled this fall on Fridays, however — a night that Fox hasn’t found much success over the past decade.



User offline. Last seen 10 years 14 weeks ago.
Number 468
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Posted on: November 12, 2009 - 11:49pm #15

I hope I get season 1 on dvd for christmas.  Season two will be purchased as soon as it becomes available.