GREEN DAY - libertarians?

User offline. Last seen 14 years 7 weeks ago.
Number 553
Conspirator for: 15 years 50 weeks
Posted on: May 7, 2009 - 6:55am

I heard someone say on an FTL podcast, co-hosted by Gard, that GREEN DAY were libertarians.

Can anyone confirm this?

By the way, loving the new single and CAN'T WAIT for the new LP!


User offline. Last seen 15 years 10 weeks ago.
Number 571
Conspirator for: 15 years 43 weeks
Posted on: June 11, 2009 - 3:41pm #1

I really doubt it... but it's possible.  I'll have to research that a bit when I get home.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 10 weeks ago.
Number 571
Conspirator for: 15 years 43 weeks
Posted on: June 12, 2009 - 2:18pm #2

Armstrong apparently is, though I question how principled...  


Didn't turn up much but there's this as source-

User offline. Last seen 14 years 7 weeks ago.
Number 553
Conspirator for: 15 years 50 weeks
Posted on: June 30, 2009 - 3:32pm #3

Yeah, I found a few things online, myself.

Billy-Joe's been loving Obama a bit too much, in the press, to be truly Libertarian.

I could understand it if he was to preface his 'PROBAMA' (hey, new phrase coined - think it'll catch on?) comments with 'for a politician...' or 'compared to Bush...'

Wait, even then it's a stretch.