El G Grande to Go National, Saturday, November 18!

Gard will broadcast across the US tomorrow, November 18, when he fills-in for nationally syndicated host Todd Feinburg. Todd, well known for his show on WRKO, 680, Boston, hosts his program from 1 to 4 pm, and has asked Gard to sit in for the first two hours.

Feel free to tune in at WRKO (beware of the possibility of preemption due to BC football), or visit www.toddtalk.com to stream the program. You can also find the call-in number at Todd's website. Gard would enjoy hearing from his pals and fellow conspirators!

One topic for tomorrow? Gard will interview a member of the Belmont, CA City Council, who has been integral in pushing a smoking ban, even in private homes!

Legendary Economist Dr. Milton Friedman, Lost to Us at Age 94, November 16, 2006

The well-spoken, and oft-spoken-of economist Dr. Milton Friedman passed away on November 16, 2006.

He will be badly missed by libertarians, conservatives, and even leftists, who no doubt disagreed with him, but did not find him personally disagreeable.

Dr. Friedman began his economics career as a Keynesian, in favor of many of the New Deal policies he woud later recognize as destructive. As a student at the University of Chicago, he studied under such infuential figures as Frank Knight. He later was to teach at U of Chicago, where he cemented a branch of economics and teaching of it called Monetarism, and the Chicago School, respectively.

Milton Friedman Has Died. Rest in Peace, Dr. Friedman

A towering figure in the world of economics, Milton Friedman, died on November 16, 2006.

We will devote more time to the achievements and ideas of Dr. Friedman later today.

RINO Autopsy in Order, NH Policy to go HARD left, and Bush Wants a CIA Man for Defense Sec.

There is a very obvious lesson for the Republican Party to learn after the 2006 elections: Do not compromise.

The willingness of Republican strategists to try to look "moderate", in order to have a "big tent" has led to the greatest NH GOP failure in its history. (It should be noted that this failure came BEFORE Wayne Semprini took over as head of the party; he is only dealing with the after effects of bad ideas from the past.)

It should come as no surprise to those who have been watching this train move down the tracks that a wreck was inevitable. If the GOP wants to appeal to leftists (and that is what the moderates actually are, let's not kid about it) by expanding spending, expanding regulations and increasing the size of government, they have no right to be in the GOP.

The Death of the Republican Party in NH

November 7, 2006 saw the expiration of the RINO party in NH.


Charles Bass is slammed by Paul Hodes, something conservatives and libertarians warned would happen many moons ago.

Jeb Bradley is beaten by Carol Shea-Porter, a woman who came out of nowhere, whose political machine was run by her daughter until two months ago.

The NH House falls into the hands of the Dems, the Senate appears to be going that way at the time of this writing.

The NH Governorship is easily held by the lefties with a D in their title.

The US Congress goes Democrat, the US Senate appears to be headed in that direction as of this writing. It could end up tied, but functionally Democrat, when considering the leftist ideas of the RINOs still there.

The Lynch Lingo Is Growing Tiresome

“Lynch Lingo”
October, 2006
P. Gardner Goldsmith

Tell me if these words sound familiar:

“Together, working in a bi-partisan way, we… Uh, came together! Partnering in an inclusive fashion, to put partisanship to one side, to move forward for the people of New Hampshire and impact the wellness of all our children, all our seniors, and all our working people. That’s what leadership is all about.”

If you watched the WMUR/Union Leader debate between Governor John Lynch, and Representative Jim Coburn, you probably recognize lots of those phrases, and if you’re like I, you didn’t appreciate them.

Gore-Brit Alarmism on Global Warming

Here is an excellent press release from Myron Ebell, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Myron will be on ATG on Tuesday, October 31. The subject, the British report on Global Warming, and the move by the UK to HIRE Al Gore to give the UK government advice on the supposedly man-made warming problem.

Here is the press release from CEI:


Competitive Enterprise Institute

British Economic Review of Global Warming Fuels Alarmism;
Economist Cherry-Picks Data to Forecast Overblown Scenario

Washington , D.C. , October 30, 2006—A new report commissioned by the British government on the potential costs of global warming and its prevention is deeply flawed and should not be used to justify a global emissions trading scheme, the Competitive Enterprise Institute warned on Monday.

Missing Any Older ATG Sound? Go Here!

This is a storehouse for the sound of "Against the Grain", including old material that is not available on the pages of the Liberty Conspiracy website. Have fun!


Note: Truth does not have an expiration date.

Refer to the information on John Lynch recently posted here at the Liberty Conspiracy.

John Lynch's Disingenuous Debate Style and...

... the mindset of those who support him. Those two topics are front and center in the latest audio from "Against the Grain".

Keep in mind, Governor Lynch is backed by the same people who supported the deceptive and nasty Jeanne Shaheen, who offered provably false claims in news conferences, and was never taken to task for them. Listen to Lynch's words, and judge for yourself if he is being straight with people, or he is spouting prepared phrases for public consumption.


Lynch's claims that "together, we balanced the budget without new taxes" overlooks the fact that 80 millioon Dollars in taxes that previously were not taken from people will be taken from smokers when they engage in peaceful, private commerce. When John Lynch says "no new taxes", he wants people to believe there were no aggregate increases in taxes, which is false. He is deceiving through semantics. That is base and sad. He is also unable to actually answer questions about things like the Supreme Court's unjustified and fallacious series of rulings on education funding, and he is incacapable of telling a questioner where he would make cuts.

Bill Frist and Gardner Goldsmith: Pleasant Confrontation

The appearance of Bill Frist on "Against the Grain" has inspired some discussion. Senator Frist may run for President. In his recent conversation with Gardner Goldsmith, Senator Frist attempted to offer his rationale for federal funding for scientific research, including fetal stem cell research. He also sounded off about REAL ID, and how he believes the United States is a "pluralistic" nation. Hear the details on our audio player.

In addition, many people may not know that the US government has the power to ban things such as Vegemite from being brought into our country. Freedom has never tasted so bad, but the freedom to eat vegemite ought to be afforded the people of the US, shouldn't it?

The ATG Interview with Tom DiLorenzo Is Here!

On Monday, October 23, Gardner Goldsmith had the opportunity to talk to economist-historian Thomas DiLorenzo, a fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and author of the new book, "Lincoln Unmasked".

Look for the interview on the Liberty Conspiracy site, and look for Tom's book at www.amazon.com!

Bill Frist to Appear on ATG Tuesday, October 24

There will be a RINO in the room tomorrow. Keep your eyes open for the sound file here, or tune in for the conversation. Gard is looking forward to... questioning Dr. Frist.

Meanwhile, check the audio files here for the coverage of the ABC News propaganda machine. Their latest wrongdoing? Pushing national health care (a malapropism if there ever was one). We also have the latest on Michelle's Law coming from NH to manipulate insurance companies on the national level. Beautiful!

The Military Commissions Act of 2006, and NH Politicians Trying to Buy Temple Mt.

On october 17, 2006, President Bush signed into law a bill that will selectively lift the Writ of Habeas Corpus for "detainees", who once would have been prosecuted as either prisoners of war or as terrorists under US criminal code.

This is a very troubling development. Americans can be categorized as "Enemy Combatants" and held as "detainees", questioned without access to attorneys and without the protections of the Geneva Conventions. Not since FDR imprisoned Japanese Americans has such a breach of civil liberties been witnessed in the US. At least FDR had the guts to ask for a declaration of War after he goaded the Japanese into the "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor.

Time to Get Il!

... As the Beasties said, "it's time to get ill!" Just check out our sound files to hear a bit of their "schizophrenic verse words".

That was 1984. Today, it's Kim Jong Il, and it's time to get a bit of information on everyone who messed up the "negotiations" to stop Il and his dedicated staff from making "nucular" weapons.

All week, the talk news programs featured politicians from the Republican and Democrat parties blaming each other for the apparent reality that North Korea had tested a "nucular" weapon, as president Bush might say.

Well, since Il did not test a "nucular" weapon, and may not have tested a nuclear weapon, perhaps some people in America view this debate as academic. It is not.

Religious Controversy Coming, Author Robert Spencer to Appear Oct. 12, on ATG!

Thursday, October 12, Gardner Goldsmith will engage in conversation Robert Spencer, the author of the new book "The Truth about Muhammed: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion". This will begin at 12:15. We hope all conspirators with an interest in religion, politics, and freedom will listen. This is particularly true for Muslims, who may want to challenge Mr. Spencer's assertions.

Devote Extra Attention: Congress/Senate Move to Selectively Suspend Writ of Habeas Corpus

The US Congress this week set forward something unprecedented: the selective suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus for so-called "enemy combatants". This ambiguous term has been applied, and may be applied once more, to American citizens.

Not since Abraham Lincoln (hero? no) tried to suspend the previlege of a Habeas Corpus hearing has the United States seen a more flagrant breech of civil liberties. It all stems from the Bush Adminstration's attempt to capture, hold, and try people (both foreigners and US citizens) in a manner which is not consistent with Common Article Three of the Geneva Conventions. Both Iraq and Afghanistan are Signatory Powers to the Converntions, and as such, even the non-uniformed fighters in their territories must be afforded the protection of the Conventions. Either the Adminstration and Congress recognize that they should try terrorists as they have tried terrorists in the past -- under US criminal codes -- or they must declare WAR, a term of art which is the only means by which the us military may be properly used according to the Constitution.

New Interrogation, Clinton, Wallace, and Grommit...

The Bush Administration has told us for over a year that its "detainees" were being treated according to the Geneva Conventions.

If so, then why, when the Supreme Court found that Bush had to either prosecute them under US Criminal Codes or try them as prisoners of war, did Bush then say that such a ruling would not allow them to interrogate the prisoners the way they had, and they would be unable to get the vital information they had been getting in order to save American lives?

See our audio files for more on it, and listen to Senator Bill "RINO" Frist try to explain why he cannot give details of the interrogation agreement which was sold to us as an agreement on details!

Chavez to thank Charlie Bass for his Wealth? Plus, Ed Funding in NH, and Michelle's Law Goes National

To begin this week, the Conspiracy hosts sound files concerning the Londonderry Education Ruling and the constitutional amendments proposed, Hugo Chavez and Mahmud Amadenajad at the UN, Michele's (really bad) Law going to Washington, and something for music lovers.

Soon, look for the "Against the Grain" interviews with Tony Blankley, Chuck Douglas, and more with Debbie Schlussel, as Gardner Goldsmith investigates the mid-east turmoil, America's role, and just what New Hampshire citizens can to to stop the Supreme Court AND state legislature from meddling in local education affairs.

Major News President Ted Gatsas Pushes for Constitutional Amendment re: Education Funding

Contrary to the views of many, the move by Senate President Ted Gatsas to offer a Constitutional Amendment that would take the NH Supreme Court out of education policy is unecessary. Instead, what is needed are legislators, senators and a governor who understand the separation of powers, the fundamentals of civics, the nature of "rights" being protective, and the NH Constitution, which gives the towns the right to contract with their teaching professionals.

This is an extremely important matter, probably the most important in the state.

Read the state Constitution, and understand why the justices must be removed. Unfortunately, not enough politicians have read it, and they are not going to do what is proper and necessary.

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