Major News President Ted Gatsas Pushes for Constitutional Amendment re: Education Funding

Contrary to the views of many, the move by Senate President Ted Gatsas to offer a Constitutional Amendment that would take the NH Supreme Court out of education policy is unecessary. Instead, what is needed are legislators, senators and a governor who understand the separation of powers, the fundamentals of civics, the nature of "rights" being protective, and the NH Constitution, which gives the towns the right to contract with their teaching professionals.

This is an extremely important matter, probably the most important in the state.

Read the state Constitution, and understand why the justices must be removed. Unfortunately, not enough politicians have read it, and they are not going to do what is proper and necessary.

Just loaded is a conversation between Gardner Goldsmith, of "Against the Grain", Charles Arlinghaus, of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, and Senate President Gatsas.

Get ready for a very important political battle. The future of the NH Constitution depends on your vigilance and action.