John Lynch's Disingenuous Debate Style and...

... the mindset of those who support him. Those two topics are front and center in the latest audio from "Against the Grain".

Keep in mind, Governor Lynch is backed by the same people who supported the deceptive and nasty Jeanne Shaheen, who offered provably false claims in news conferences, and was never taken to task for them. Listen to Lynch's words, and judge for yourself if he is being straight with people, or he is spouting prepared phrases for public consumption.


Lynch's claims that "together, we balanced the budget without new taxes" overlooks the fact that 80 millioon Dollars in taxes that previously were not taken from people will be taken from smokers when they engage in peaceful, private commerce. When John Lynch says "no new taxes", he wants people to believe there were no aggregate increases in taxes, which is false. He is deceiving through semantics. That is base and sad. He is also unable to actually answer questions about things like the Supreme Court's unjustified and fallacious series of rulings on education funding, and he is incacapable of telling a questioner where he would make cuts.

The man should not be believed, just listen to his words and think about what he is doing with them.