
Offshore Oil Production to Drop 13% in 2011 Due to Effects of Federal Ban

And as the buying power of the dollar drops even more, we will see the price of oil rise even higher, which will, in turn will put upward pressure on the prices of pretty much everything...




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2010 Worst Year for Bank Failures Since 1992

Hey, FORMER Senatore Gregg, how's that TARP doing for ya?

Oh, and 98 more of the TRAP, uh, we mean TARP recipient banks are on the verve of insolvency, Juddy; thought you'd like to know.

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EPA Moves Unilaterally To Push for More Energy Restrictions and Expenses

Despite the fact that the sham they now call "Climate Change" used to be called anthropogenic "Global Warming" until some scientists began to explode the myth, these bureaucrats are scrambling to impose more costs on those who provide energy to us, with no real change for cleaner air, and with not even a nod to the Constitution.

Check out this piece, if you can stand the back-and-forth way the author keeps bouncing away from the main topic to talk about others. Ugh!

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Looks Like the Feds Are Cooking Up More Food Fears - Just In Time for SB 510 to Mega-Empower the FDA

This looks like another false flag put out at juuuuuust the same time that the feds will be voting ot give the FDA sweeping powers over food. s510 passed a few weeks ago, but was turned back on a technicality. Now, they're trying to push for the same regs all over again.

Great comments beneath the article. And note: Even if there IS a plot to poison foods, who best can handle it, one centralized bureaucracy for an ENTIRE nation, or the people on hand, working in the free market. AND, what could EVER inspire people to want ot KILL American civilians?

They hate the "debased American culture"? Funny, the murderers of 911 went ot strip clubs the night before the attacks. Guess they didn't mind American culture too much, did they?

FCC Heading for its "Net Neutrality" Nirvana - At the Expense of Freedom and Innovation

And it seems that certain vested interests in the telecom industry have agreed to back the new rules, because they get special favors to help exclude copetition.


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Great Piece from Stephen Smith on Estate Tax...

Take a look at this piece Stephen wrote over a year ago, when the move to tax estates was slightly different. It's an excellently written piece that holds in it some keen insight and criticism of those who push taxing estates. The principles still apply!


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WSJ Gets it Right on Bogus "Net Neutrality" Mandates

Why has it been so difficult for pop media outlets to understand that the imposition of political mandates on market structures will inhibit their growth, innovation and price decreases over time thanks to productivity gains?

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UK Facing Heating Oil Distribution Problems Due to Snow, Potential Shortage

But the UK gubment still will not entirely lift all the restrictions it has on the number of hours that truckers (sorry, "Lorrie Drivers") can drive to deliver the product. Nothing like increasing hassles and costs during a time when the UK guvernment already taxes oil and oil products like crazy and the UK is seeing incredibly cold weather.

What was that idea Adam Smith had? The invisible hand? Hmmmmmm............ Perhaps the Uk politicians ought to break out "Wealth of Nations". Be sure to watch the vid in this one!

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Food Prices Rise Sharply... Nooo. REALLY?!

As we like to stress to statists who have no clue about the causes of inflation or how the gubment tries to hide price increases in the CPI by removing food and fuel prices from the calculations, the increase in the MONEY SUPPLY is the inflation, causing a decrease in teh buying power of each unit of money as that liquidity moves through the system from the large banks to the little guy trying to keep his job. Once the little guy recognizes that prices are wayyyy up for things (oh, like, un... FOOD) he will begin to cut back on his spending, causing sellers to be stuck with new inventory they bought on the expectation of more sales. This leads to cut-backs in employment and orders for more goods, which causes more job loss systemically.

Huge Budget/Spending Bill Stopped in DC

Yep. The move by the Dems in DC to try to pass ANOTHER spending bill before many have to vacate their offices? It failed. So now we only have the 3.5 TRILLION or more that's been wasted since the last year of Bush AND all the other waste in the first three years and then there's Clinton, and then...

Nothing like having the freedom to choose what to do with your own earnings and make decisions based on your own morals, huh?


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Senate Bill: Impose Fed Cyber "Security" Regs on Internet

In this piece, you'll read the arguments of MD Sineater Bennie Cardin, as he equates one unjustified rational for government actions (the fact that governments have taken over the roads since the mid-1800's) to pushing for government actions regarding "security" in the interwebs.

Not only is it unconstitutional, not only does it not allow individuals and owners of businesses to make up their own minds about how many resources they want to devote to internet security, it presupposes that the government will be MORE secure than private industry. Does anyone believe that?

US District Judge Rules Fed Medical Fascism Law Unconstitutional

But its interesting, this guy offers great comments about the federal gubment FORCING individuals to have to buy something. But he lets slide the JUST-AS-UNCONSTITUTIONAL idea that the feds can tell a business owner WHAT HE HAS TO SELL.

Only when we see gubment-types recognizing the primacy of individual choice which is at the heart of all free market transactions will this kind of double standard (evven within a ruling which will be applauded by many) eliminated.

Check it out, Strongbad!

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Prez Signs Law to Force Fed Rules on All Local Public School Food

Not only is the "Healthy Hunger-free Kids Act" blindingly unconstitutional, it's a great example of paternalism at its most rhetorically hilarious. Check out this quote by the Secretary of Agriculture (again, an unconstitutional position) about th eimposition of federal food rules on local schools:

"To ensure that these efforts are not undermined by foods from vending machines, a la carte lunch lines, and school stores, USDA will help make the healthy choice an easy choice for our kids by setting nutritional standards for all food sold in schools."

FAA To Force Re-Registration of Planes Every 3 Yrs

This one is not only unconstitutional, it's a totally useless effort -- unless the intent is to track law-abiding people and make them caugh up more cash every few years, broadening the creep of the FAA.


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Obama Admin Agrees to Hold off Tax Increases

But as part of the deal, so-called unemployment "insurance" is extended...

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A Great Piece on FCC's Move To Regulate Internet

As we've said before, the idea that bureaucrats and politicians should begin keeping everyone stuck in the same pool of internet users is not only unconstitutional, it is anti-economic and immoral. We will address in more detail the arguments in favor of so-called "net neutrality" in an upcoming audio program!

Here is the article:

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Update! S510 Passage Turned Back Due to Technicality!

So, for the time being, the bureaucrats in the FDA won't have the power to demand massive amounts of paperwork from small farmers, and people will still be able to "lawfully" sell and buy home-grown produce.

Check it out, Strongbad!

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FCC Ready to Impose One-Size-Fits-All, Bogus Net "Neutrality" Rule

So as certain customers demand more space and faster speed for their uses -- ya know, like Netflix and others who send very data-rich packages over the web -- EVERYONE will be stuck on the same "one size" lanes of web traffic.

So the next time you're driving on a government highway, and you get stuck behind some dolt driving slow in the fast lane and you have time sucked out of your productivity and your life, just remember, that will be the way the government forces us to operate on the internet. Yes, once more, the politically correct desire to make sure that all are "equal" means the equal sharing of mediocrity and sloth.

Nice. Oh, did we mention that regulation like this is unconstitutional? Has anyone noted that?

Fed Forced to Reveal World-wide Handouts From 2008

As we suspected, the connects, like General Electric, got cash from the gubment for below market rates, and many have not paid back.

What a surprise. And with the news that the US is "ready" to "bailout" the EU, this just seems like old news doesn't it? Yeah, we should juuuuuuust forget alllllll about it and go back to sleep.


US, Thru IMF, Ready to "Bailout" EU

So the gubment and central bank system can take your cash and the cash of your kids and grandkids to send it to other gubments and their central banks, but if you want to carry more than $10,000 overseas, the gubment can stop you.

Strange, isn't it?

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