Looks Like the Feds Are Cooking Up More Food Fears - Just In Time for SB 510 to Mega-Empower the FDA

This looks like another false flag put out at juuuuuust the same time that the feds will be voting ot give the FDA sweeping powers over food. s510 passed a few weeks ago, but was turned back on a technicality. Now, they're trying to push for the same regs all over again.

Great comments beneath the article. And note: Even if there IS a plot to poison foods, who best can handle it, one centralized bureaucracy for an ENTIRE nation, or the people on hand, working in the free market. AND, what could EVER inspire people to want ot KILL American civilians?

They hate the "debased American culture"? Funny, the murderers of 911 went ot strip clubs the night before the attacks. Guess they didn't mind American culture too much, did they?

Hmmm..... Perhaps it's something else. Something reflected by an angry Afghani man who recently revealed the identity of a CIA operative in his country -- because US troops killed this native man's innocent FAMILY and he got NO RECOURSE. Strange, how undeclared "wars" against amorphous "threats" can take innocent lives and cause hatred of Americans and their political system. Enough hatred to drive people to try to kill innocent American civilians, like the innocent Afghani civilians who have been killed by the US military in an unconstitutional military conflict.

Here, read this:


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