
Fishermen Say Fed Regs Destroy Livelihood, Prompt Suicide Attempts

This one comes from NH, but the problem is universal. Anytime government steps in, there is no way to allow for private property rights to attenuate the use or clamation of a resource based on the needs of consumers and providers. There is no way to husband a resource properly. You get arbitrary regulations made by people far from the problem who don't have any stake in anything. Bad mojo, baby. Leave it to private markets, private property rights, and private arbitration, and you see a system that arises similar to what western ranchers had  for their cattle -- no government needed to handle it.

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"Timmy" Geithner Becomes a Comedian!

Yeah! He REALLY said that he will defend a "strong" Dollar! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!


Oh, that's so good.


He be here all week. Please tip your waiters.


Be Seeing You!

Dollar Decline FINALLY Being Acknowledged by Pop Media!

Libertarians have been warning about it ever since the Bushies started us on this inflationary path. Now, with the inflating of the money supply already far beyond what anyone has seen in history, NOW the prices are on their way up, up, up. Tis not the end, friends, not even the midpoint.

Hope you got some gold or silver a couple years ago, as we recommended.

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Five Nations Take Steps to Move Away from Dollar

Perhaps the higher gold, silver, platinum, oil, food and other prices have something to do with the massive amount of money the Fed has pumped into the economy since 2002, and the incredible spending the DC gubment has engaged in for decades.


This is only the beginning. The inflation has already occurred, the price increases are beginning now. Hold tight. Zombie time is coming.

Share of US Pop Not Working Highest Since Early '80s

But remember, as long as politicians take money from those who actually produce things and serve customers, and said politicians pay people who aren't productive with said graft, everything will be fine!


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Obama Admin Threatens VETO to Sustain Fascistic Net-Regs

What's interesting about this move is two-fold. First, it is the FCC that imposed these regulations, which are unconstitutional not only in that it is an extra-Congressional body doing it, but also in that Congress doesn't even have the power to regulate the net! So, you have an unconstitutional regulatory agency establishing unconstitutional rules to force ISPs and internet providers to have to conform to federal rules rather than market rules, then a number of Congressman feel that they are forced to have to pass a law to stop it. They pass the law (remember, a LAW to stop a REGULATION) and then the Prez threatens to VETO the law in order to keep the REGULATION in place!


Welcome to Bizarro World, Superman.


Fed Gubment Lost MORE Than They Said in GM Bailout

No way! Really? But, we were told it was a good "investment". Have you ever been "investmented", ie, ROBBED?

Yeah, that's how gubment operates. It "investments" people! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


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More Americans Work for Gubment than Manufacturing, Farming, Forestry, more COMBINED

But, but... Won't it help employ people in the free market if money is taken out of the free market where people would decide for themselves what bettered their lives and it's syphoned through politicians and bureaucrats towards projects THEY like? Won't that help? And won't it be good for ALL of us if the gubment invents a bunch of money with the help of the Federal Reserve and pumps that scratch into the market, thus diluting all our buying power and taxing out kids?

Won't that HELP!


Hey, let's go break some windows! The broken window fallacy is alive and well... Sadly.


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Fannie, Freddie Heads to Be Paid MILLIONS via Bailout Funds

But hey, as long as "federal regulators" approved it, then this unconstitutional handing out of stolen and counterfeited money is totally FINE!




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Bernanke Forced to Reveal: International Banks Got Bulk of Secret Bailout $

Not that it matters who got it, it is immoral and illegal anyway, but the key here is to recall the rationale for why Bernanke would not release the info on who got aid from the Fed. Remember how he said that if the names of the banks and the amounts they got were made public (um can you say TRANSPARENCY?) then that could cause "instability" in the eyes of the public?


In other words, he implied that Americans shouldn't be told what banks got help because that might cause a rush on those banks and Americans would be hurt by the damage caused those banks due to "unwarranted fears".


Wal-Mart CEO Warns of Higher Prices Coming Due to Inflation

Of course, the article doesn't call it price increases due to inflation of the money supply, they think the price increases are the inflation. Wrong. The Inflation has already occurred, now the prices will rise.


Stock up ASAP on non-perishables.


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Gold Becoming World's Reserve Currency?

Hmmm... Who woulda thought that central banks pumping liquidity into the system might inspire SOME people to recognize the necessary consequence: devaluation of each monetary unit in those nations? Who COULD POSSIBLY THINK THAT WOULD HAPPEN?

And so gold and other precious metals continue to rise in price. WOAH! WHAT A SHOCKER!


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US Supreme Court: Fed MUST Release Detail of Bailout Banks


Let's see if Congress comes up with some lame new law to try to let the Fed squirm out of this, like the Congress did when the Supreme Court ruled against Bush's "Military Tribunals" in 2006...

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US State Dept. To Pay BBC $600+K in Special Deal

Supposedly, this is a new US State Department Program to help the Brits combat "censorship" in places like China. Has anyone informed the politicians that there's another side to censorship, which is having the government FORCE people to PAY for the dissemination of ideology through government channels? Evidently the promoters of NPR and this dumb idea don't seem to mind if they force you to pay for ideas you might find disagreeable. They just don't like seeing the gubment censor in more obvious ways.




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WSJ FINALLY Reports What Libertarians/Austrian Economists Have Been Saying 4 Yrs

It looks like the WSJ is finally, FINALLY talking about the painfully obvious: Prices are starting to climb.
They call it inflation, which puts the cart before the horse -- since the inflating of the money supply has already occured and is still happening thanks to the Fed's Q-E1 and Q-E2.

Did you get any precious metals yet?

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Food Prices Jump, Housing Starts Drop Most Since 1984

But, but... We keep hearing the pop media tell us that "there's a recovery"... So there MUST be, right?


As we've mentioned for about two years, there is no way to escape the crushing price increases caused by inflation of the money supply.

Nuke Engineer Critical of GE Design 25 yrs Ago

But hey, it's GE, the same company that electrified Nazi Germany and lobbied for the creation of the Federal Radio Commission, so how could they POSSIBLY get in bed with governments and offer designs that might be less-than-optimal?

"TIMMY!" Geithner Calls for MO-Money Handed Out 'Round the Globe

Yeah. And it's nice because he seems to feel that your neighbor's cash is HIS. How sweet, huh?


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