CA Becomes First State to Ban Trans-Fats

Fans of the writer F. Paul Wilson will recall his short story, "Lipidleggin'", republished in the great anthology, "Soft". Well, Paul's speculative fears about government-run health care (fears penned in the early 1970's) are coming true. California has just banned trans-fats.

Here's the news report. Can anyone still remember individual responsibility, the good neighbor policy, the contract clause of the US Constitution, reason?

Here is a link to a very good audio version of Paul's short story!

cover of Soft and Others: 16 Stories of Wonder and DreadSoft and Others: 16 Stories of Wonder and Dread

Obama Calls Himself and Germans "Citizens of the World", Overlooks Destructive Socialism to Praise Coming Together -- Get it?

Check out the text of this guy's speech, right at the site where government separated people and killed thousands under communist rule. People have to be nuts to vote for a perfidious man like Obama. Come to think of it, they have to be nuts to vote for a perfidious man like McCain as well.

Tricky, this gubment thing, isn't it. Perhaps there's a better way...

Here's the text. Don't eat just prior to reading.

Federal Housing "Plan" Will Tax Internet Sales, Require Fingerprinting of Lenders, Spill MORE $ Into Market

Gard today will explore this incredible attack on private enterprise.

He'll also cover the FCC "permission" for XM and Sirrius to merge -- as long as they pay 19 million Dollars for "Compliance" fines. Nothing like freedom of contract, huh...

Oh, and here is some information on the new unemployment figures. Enjoy! (The piece does not mention that the unemployment claims numbers went up the fastest in three years)

HAHAH? John Edwards Helps "Little Man" by Getting Caught With His Alleged Mistress

A little something to highlight the classy mentality and ethics of people who would tell you how to live your life! Can't help but laugh uncomfortably even as one sees how troubling it must be for his wife and kids. Yes, the class act of Edwards is hard at work, while his wife battles cancer.

Hamdan Case to Go Forward in Military Tribunal - Despite Supreme Court Decision

As Conspirators know, El G Grande has been very outspoken about the anti-Constitutional manner in which the military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have been conducted. Without a Declaration of War by Congress, the combatants captured on the battlefield have to be tried under US Code. Since this process would mean affording the "detainees" habeas corpus hearings (as is required under the US Constitution, unless Congress universally lifts the Writ, citing a time of insurrection), the Bush Administration attempted to try them in their "Military Commissions".

As Mentioned 7-15 on ATG - SEC To Suppress Criticism of Malinvestment and Imbalance in Financial Industry

As Gard discussed yesterday, the Securities and Exchange Commission (something most of the Founders would have thought repugnant) is "investigating" brokers and financial advisers who "spread rumors" about the flimsy bottom lines of lending, investment and savings institutions.

Supposedly, this is being done to quell reckless profiteering by the rumor-mongerers, who "place financial institutions in jeopardy" with their lies.

John McCain in His Own Words - Grow Government, Increase Socialism, Increase Regulation

As this piece from MSNBC illustrates, John McCain is very much in favor of continuing the anti-constitutional approach. He wants to continue regulating political speech (if only Sam Adams could hear that), while increasing regulations on energy producers and consumers. Soo, if you're a consumer or supplier and you don't like it? Try speaking out against it 60 days prior to an election.

Ahh, freedom...

Check it out, Strongbad!

Federal Judge Stops Oil Drilling in MI -- Another Example of the Bad Consequences of Breaching US Constitution

There's nothing like adding insult to injury. In the case of the energy needs of American consumers, the high prices caused by federal devaluation of the Dollar, ethanol requirements and restrictions on exploration and refining have been combined with the fact that the federal government owns land it is not supposed to own, like, oh, this parcel in Michigan...

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - "Too Big to Fail"? - Nonsense from McCain, the "Constitutional Scholar"

Wow, just when you thought they couldn't say anything DUMBER, the politicians prove ye wrong!

Check out the blather from the fascists and socialists in DC regarding the unconstitutionally created Fannie Mae and Fredie Mac! How about we let them FAIL, clear the housing and business markets they've artificially inflated, and let the market work to then utilize the worthwhile ventures in a profitable way -- a way GUBMENT has no incentive to explore!

Here's the piece!

Friday, July 11, on ATG - Rand Paul

Join El G Grande today, as Rand Paul is welcomed. Rand will discuss important topics that are often overlooked in the Presidential campaigns -- things such as, oh, the CONSTITUTION and FREEDOM, the dangers of central banking, and runaway government spending. Be like Strongbad, and "check it out", today at 1 pm, and prepare, grab friends, and head to Washington DC on Saturday, for the huge freedom march scheduled there! Here is more information:

Fed Chief Fascist Bernanke Indicates Intent to Coerce market Participants MORE, Bailout MORE -- Says Taxpayers Won't Lose

As you read this, see if you can tell Mr. Bernanke about "opportunity costs". Remind him that the moment someone's money is taken from him against his will, he begins losing opportunities to utilize that liquidity in the way HE prefers, and is, instead, forced to see his cash go into ventures he would not have chosen. It's called a LOSS, Mr. Bernanke. Get it?

Jeesh. This guy is bad news, cats!

NH Gov Signs Law Madating Licensing of Mortgage Providers -- Govt. Created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac See Even BIGGER Losses!

Yep. Leave it to the politicians to tell you they will protect you, even as they take more of your money to fund the parasitic organizations that have been wasting your tax money supporting below-market rate loans to risky individuals!

Glenn Jacobs on Independence Day -- Great Piece, Spread the Word!

Please take a moment on this Independence Day to read Glenn Jacobs' piece on the Declaration and freedom. It is superb!

Compliments to FreedomsPhoenix and Ernie for getting this up at their site!

Happy Independence Day!

Here's the text for all the leftists to dismiss.

How long is the train now, Conspirators?

US Gitmo Interrogators Took Their Cues From Communist Chinese Techniques

Remember, the Bush Admin asked Congress NOT to declare war, specifically so that (they believed) they could conduct this kind of interrogation).

All while the US citizenry was being told that the people being held in Gitmo didn't need to have the evidence against them brought up in a criminal trial.

Against the Grain - 6-13-08 Gitmo, Habeas

On June 13, Gardner Goldsmith explored more of the implications of the Boumediene case recently decided by the US Supreme Court. Check it out!
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