
6-9 No Idling! Gas Taxes, Old Friends

On Monday, June 9, Gardner Goldsmith got a message from an old friend, defended people who want to idle their cars, and welcomed Peter Sepp, of the National Taxpayers Union, to discuss gasoline taxes and other insane energy regulations. It’s a faun way to pass some time, so check it out! All from “Against the Grain” and! Get Gard’s new book, “Live Free or Die” at!

6-6-08 Bad Song, Speculators, NH v Mass

On June 6, 2008, Gardner Goldsmith held court on the claims by vapid politicians (hint, a former NH governor is one of them) who blame speculators in the oil market for the high price of gas. He also took aim at the NH legislature, which is so desperate to look “fiscally responsible”, and so unwilling to cut spending, that the members of the Democrat majority set up a bonding program, should tax funds not come in as they expect. Um, they haven’t been coming in as they expected for a year now! It’s all here, plus the Bad Song, “Muhammed Ali v. Mr. Tooth Decay”!!!

6-4 Gard v Collectivism! (ie. Obama, McCain, et al)

On Wednesday, June 6, Gardner Goldsmith let loose a salvo of logic, history and ethics against the growing forces of collectivism that are promoting themselves into elective offices on the federal and state level. It begins with Barak Obama, but Obama is only one part of the horrible picture that is being painted by those who would seize our liberties in the name of ‘security’. This is a good one, kids. Check it out. Then grab Gard’s new book, “Live Free or Die” at!

6-3 Cheney: No Gas Tax Relief! Unlawful NH Bureaucrats!

Dateline Washington! Gardner Goldsmith grabbed an overlooked headline that VP DICK Cheney opposes a reduction in the Federal Gas Tax, and then El G Grande let loose on the Veep for his lies and lack of ethics. Go get ‘em, Gard! Later, Gardner was joined by the head of a NH Charter School that was supposed to have gubment money given to it, but the legislature and governor didn’t get the money to them, as the law stipulates.

6-2 Capn' Trade Cereal! Fed Reinsurance?

Beginning this week, the politicians in Washington, DC, will begin plans for yet another unconstitutional burden on US citizens: Cap and Trade. What is it? How will it effect you? Why is it a bad idea? Listen to Gardner Goldsmith and Christopher Horner, the author of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism”, and Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. They’ll give you the lowdown. Then listen to Gard explain how the Congressional and Senatorial plans to establish federal reinsurance are some of the WORST plans in US history!

5-27 Memorial Day pt 2 - Constitutionalism is Seditious?

On May 27, the day following Gardner Goldsmith’s controversial Memorial Day broadcast, a listener called to complain that Gard’s comments about President Bush, Senator McCain and Senator Clinton. Gard’s position is that all those politicians praising those who “fought and died for our nation” but who did not bother calling for a Declaration of War for those military operations, all those politicians who would disregard the very US Constitution for which the soldiers are supposed to be fighting—those politicians ought to be ashamed of themselves.

5-26 Memorial Day Myths

On Memorial Day, 2008, author and radio host Gardner Goldsmith decided to take a different tack. He delved into the fallacies underlying many American beliefs about the Civil War and WWII Check it out! And look for Gardner’s new book, “Live Free or Die” at!

5-23 Texas n "Cults", BAD SONG!

On Friday, May 23, Gardner Goldsmith explored the flimsy rationales offered by the gub-ment of Texas for defying private property, freedom and even the statutes of Texas and the US Constitution to support its reckless handling of the polygamist sect case. Gard is in favor of voluntary societies, sans government, and he explains his reasoning here, exploring one facet of the way private industry and society better cares for kids. Then, Gard debuted for the audience the striking political song by Phranc, “Hillary’s Eyebrows”. Huh? Yeah, you got it! Check it out!

5-21 Energy: Prices, Speculators, Freedom

On May 21, Gardner Goldsmith used his program “Against the Grain” to debunk many of the myths regarding energy prices and speculators. He was joined in his effort by the great writer Sheldon Richman, editor of “The Freeman” magazine. Gard also explained why higher prices for gasoline do not cause inflation, but are indicators of inflation, which is the lowering of buying power of a currency. Good stuff, especially if you want to learn about political economics!

5-20 Obama's Wife, Trade "Deficit", Oil

On May 20, Gardner Goldsmith and his Radio Thinktank took on Barak Obama’s statements to “leave his wife out of this” when it comes to the presidential campaign criticism. Um, didn’t she voluntarily CAMPAIGN for him? Gard also explained why Americans don’t need to worry about the so-called “trade deficit”, and he got to start chatting with a writer who believes Americans can be free of foreign oil only if they are made less free by the US government. Nice tautology there, huh?

5-19 McCain's NRA Lies, Dr. Mary Ruwart!

On May 19, 2008, Gardner Goldsmith implored his audience to withhold their votes from John McCain, using as evidence of McCain’s perfidy the man’s deceptiveness at the recent NRA national convention. Listen, and see what the pop media are missing. Then, listen to a woman who does deserve consideration for the office of President: Dr. Mary Ruwart, who is one of the best proponents of individual liberty in America. Look for her book, “Healing our World in an Age of Agression” as well as Gard’s book, “Live Free or Die” at!

5-8 Gubment "Protection", G-M Food, MUSIC!

It was May 8, 2008, and Gardner Goldsmith took a look at just how insane the criminal justice system is, and why the state should be abolished. Want protection from predators of children? Want protection from pandemics? Don’t count on gub-ment in any way! But listen, if that gets you down, check out Mike Witthaus with Gard. Mike’s writing on music is found at and it is superb. This time, Mike and El G get into their favorite album covers! And then there is food.

5-1 May Day! Immigration, Bad Song!

Okay, not only is Gardner Goldsmith a very suave and intelligent man, he knows his music! So, after slamming socialists about May Day, and after putting a few conservatives straight about immigration, Gardner Goldsmith welcomed Mike Witthaus, whose website, is one of the best for true music fans. And then… Gard joined Johnny and Josie, of WMAY, in Springfield, Illinois, to offer the latest in the Bad Song series! This time? Yesssss… It’s THE MATTOID!!! The tune? “Makin’ Love”!!! Check it out!!! It’s a thing of awesome beauty!

4-30 Obama Stabs, NH Budget

On April 30, 2008, Gardner Goldsmith took a close look at Barak Obama’s sudden revulsion over his pastor of twenty years. Does anyone believe that Obama never actually heard until recently the kind of rhetoric Pastor Wright spewed? Please. Then take a listen to Gard’s study of the NH budget crisis, and the bogus claims of “fiscal responsibility” made by NH Gubnor John “parterning for our wellness” Lynch. All from “Against the Grain” and Remember to look for Gard’s book, “Live Free or Die” at!
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