central banking

Friday, July 11, on ATG - Rand Paul

Join El G Grande today, as Rand Paul is welcomed. Rand will discuss important topics that are often overlooked in the Presidential campaigns -- things such as, oh, the CONSTITUTION and FREEDOM, the dangers of central banking, and runaway government spending. Be like Strongbad, and "check it out", today at 1 pm, and prepare, grab friends, and head to Washington DC on Saturday, for the huge freedom march scheduled there! Here is more information:



1-22 Bernanke's Folly!

On Tuesday, January 22, 2008, Gardner Goldsmith decided to begin a series of programs on the folly of central banking. Ben Bernanke’s announcement of a .75 cut in the Fed Funds Rate was a good way to begin.

Check it out, plus a conversation about the NH Guboment trying to intervene in peacefully arrived-at loan rates for so-called “payday loans”. Good stuff from “Against the Grain” and www.libertyconspiracy.com!

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