Socialist Paul Krugman Berates Obama for TINY Tax Write-offs!

Take a look at the upside-down thinking of Mr. Krugman, the man who recently got a goofy award from a bunch of central bankers. Krugman is upset that Obama MIGHT actually let businesses get some tax breaks. The way to help the economy, according to Krugman, is to tax people and redistribute that cash to politically driven recipients.LISTEN for Gard to SLAM Krugman as he should on today's podcast!

Here is a portion of the piece:


National Safety Council Calls for Federal Ban on Cell Phone Use While Driving...

Are they just worried that we might be calling friends to inform them about how fascistic, paternalistic, anti-constitutional and anti-economic this proposal is?


Read on, MacDuff!

Feds Want to Regulate College "Bowl" System! From Stephen Smith, THANKS Mr. S!

Here is a lovely tidbit offered by CABAL member Stephen Smith. His comments are attached at the opening:


Stephen ( "What's next? Every time a coach challenges a call on the field, a Congressional committee will be convened to review it? This bill was introduced by a Republican - the small government party, right?"

"Fair Pay" Bills up for Vote in Congress...

Anyone ever think about the idea that the people actually involved in the CONTRACT between payer and receiver ought to be the only ones who determine what is "fair"? The gall of politicians and their political supporters forcing others to comply to what THEY think is fair, that is truly rich isn't it?

Music Fans Lose A Great Talent, Ron Ashton Dead at the Age of 60

We are saddened to report the passing of legendary Stooges and New Race guitarist Ron Ashton.

For those who love music, you already know all about him.

Here is his obituary, or at least one of the many, many that will be available for people to read. Gard will discuss this, and play some of his music, on tonight's podcast.

RIP Mr. Ashton. The Iron Cross will always be associated with Punk Rock.

Burris Denied Seat - Constitutional Question Crops up For Those Who Swore to Uphold It

Many of us don't subscribe to the idea that the Constitution has any authority over us, since we didn't sign it. But the politicians in DC swear oaths to uphold it, and it seems that they are, once more, breaking those oaths when they try to block Burris from taking his seat.

Take a look! Comment at our Forum on this one!

Be Seeing You!

The Cow Flatulence Tax Proposal Gains, uh, Steam...

The global warming alarmists can't actually quote climatology or atmospheric science as their justification. They can't use the US Constitution to justify the regulations. But they propose them anyway, and what the heck, let's add taxes to the regulations of the economy!

Enjoy the story!

Civil War Buffs and "Historians" Decry Move by Wal-Mart to Build NEAR, not ON, Battle Site...

Here is a very good example of the libertarian principle that if there are not enough people to support something in the market, yet people are forced to support it, then the "something" they've been forced to support should not exist in its present state. Not only have the liberties of the taxpayers been dampened, but their economic well-being has been hurt. It also allows us to reflect on the fact that as times change, people's interests change.

New Forum!

Welcome to the new forum, for all conspirators!

Asthma Sufferers Must Pay More for Inhalers, Due to Government Regulations to "Protect the Ozone Layer"

Only the government has the brilliance and foresight to stop depletion of the ozone layer, which, of course, has not been definitively connected to the propellants in things like asthma inhalers, but don't think about that too long. Just pay more and be happy.

Asthma Sufferers Must Pay More for Inhalers, Due to Government Regulations to "Protect the Ozone Layer"

Only the government has the brilliance and foresight to stop depletion of the ozone layer, which, of course, has not been definitively connected to the propellants in things like asthma inhalers, but don't think about that too long. Just pay more and be happy.

Oh, did we mention that the power to do this is not granted to the federal government or to state governments?


Gubment Energy Provider TVA Leaks Tons of Coal Ash Onto Private Property - ABC News Uses Case to Push Obama Anti-Coal Plan

For those who watched ABC "World News Tonight" and weren't throttled by the intense interest US network news reporters and editors have over what happens in Gaza, there might have been another story that caught your attention. The TVA spilled tons of coal ash out into private water areas and private lands. But, strangely, ABC didn't really discuss the fact that it was a government agency that screwed things up, didn't mention how difficult it would be for private citizens to get any sort of compensation from the gubment from the Tennessee government.

Alarming? More Detailed Reports of US Troops Deployed on US Soil, Contrary to Posse Comitatus Act

Please read this piece, and make sure to pay extra close attention to the John Warner national Defense Authorization Act of 2007!

Survey Says: Emergency Room Doctors Overwhelmingly Believe Police Use Excessive Force In Arrests

This tends to support what many people suspect, although one should consider that doctors don't see the people who are arrested and not brought into the emergency room because they are physically fine... Little consolation for those of us who already believe government has far too much power over private citizens.

Head of NSA Doesn't Know What Fourth Amendment Actually Says About Search and Seizure. Surprised?

Take a look at this.

Gard has been working the past two nights on a mega music pod for Christmas, but his audio program has now crashed THREE times, totaling about eight hours of work, so the music cast will have to come later, when he isn't ready to boot his computer to Titan.

For now, be prepared for some entertaining info, courtesy of the NSA. It shows how ignorant those dangerous people are.

Talk to you tomorrow via podcast!

Glenn Jacobs Hits a Home Run with New Analysis of Central Bank Threat, and Potential Upside for Libertarians

Take a look, conspirators!

Here is a copy for you!

-- GG

Crisis and the Libertarian Message

Because of time constraints, Gardner and I were unable to talk in detail about some of the issues that we were discussing. Specifically, what does the future hold for America? How bad are things going to get?

States Shake Down Mattel for Millions - Another Example of Twisted Contemporary Concept of Tort Law

Big thanks to Conspirator Andy, who sent this along to El G Grande. Gard's STILL without power, thanks to the NH gubment-enforced energy monopoly of Public Service of New Hampshire. He'll have some interesting, and perhaps angering, stories to tell on tonight's Liberty Conspiracy Audio, so tune in for that.

But Andy has sent over this tale, another example of how, since the time of the great "Lawsuit Against the Cigarette Manufacturers", contemporary views of tort law have changed, allowing state governments to claim damages for things that haven't damaged "states" in the least.

Bush: "I Had to Destroy Free Market to Save Free Market"

Kind of like a thief saying he had to steal in order to save your private property, or a rapist saying he had to rape in order to save a woman's chastity.

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