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Survey Says: Emergency Room Doctors Overwhelmingly Believe Police Use Excessive Force In Arrests

This tends to support what many people suspect, although one should consider that doctors don't see the people who are arrested and not brought into the emergency room because they are physically fine... Little consolation for those of us who already believe government has far too much power over private citizens.

Treasuuuurrrrre Secretary Paulsen Moves to Buy, Buy, Buy! Welcome to the Constitutional Republic!

Alexander Hamilton's rancid idea of "internal improvements" writ large. Get "the state" involved in business, and this is the poisonous result.

A Cute Creation: The "Zero Dollar" Bill!

The Federal Reserve and US Treasury are working on getting the Dollar to that level! Seems an artist has already beaten them to it!

Check it out, Strongbad!

The Death of George Carlin

Gard was up late last night, caught this story about 2 am.

Carlin was often a hero for liberty. Wouldn't it be nice to play on the radio his "Seven Words You Can't Say on TV" routine, uncensored?

Of course, the government won't allow it.

Ah, freedom...

State Politicians Trying to Outlaw TOYS That Look Like Guns

If only the politicians had a better grasp on how the presence of firearms INCREASES safety, they might not feel such fear when seeing TOY weapons.

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