
Obama: Health Insurance Companies are "Holding People Hostage"

Remember, there will be ONE common characteristic in all the "reform" proposals coming from the House, Senate, and White House: madates on the health insurance companies that they will have to carry people with preexisting conditions. This is the chess move they will make in order to push private insurance rates even higher over the next two years, and then, they will have the public clamoring for more "reform". That's when the gubment takeover will be finalized.

Take a look at this, and Obama's rhetoric.

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US Gubment to Pursue Criminal Charges Against Citizens Who Placed $ in Swiss Banks

As one conspriator has pointed out, the Obama Administration has been successful in doing what the Nazis were unable to do: invade the Swiss banks.

So now the government will get more money, which will... uh... help us?


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Beautiful New Video - Arlen Spectre Gets Excoriated by Indignant Citizen - Watch This!

Spread the word that this kind of righteous indignation is NOT a bad thing! Keep it up! To quote John Lydon: anger is an energy!


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The First Liberty Conspiracy VIDEO is Out! "Introducing the Conspiracy"

We've just published the first of the Liberty Conspiracy VIDEOS! Spread the word! There's a group of plotters out there who will never tire in fighting for liberty!


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Congressional Medical Plan Would Tax Americans to Pay for, and Force Coverage of, Abortions

Nothing like introducing moral conflicts for those who will see their tax money taken for an act they find immoral. Ahh, freedom...


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A Great Example of the Deceptive Rhetoric of Pro-Gubment Medicine Pushers

First, take a look at this collection of video cuts featuring Barack Obama stating his intent to establish single-party, gubment medicine for all Americans:

Next, see Linda Douglass' online rebuttal. Linda used to be the White House reporter for ABC News. In a TOTAL STUNNER, this "unbiased reporter" took a job heading up Obama's Health Care Press Department!

On Returning to Districts, Congressmen Get Swarmed by Supporters of Health Freedom

As Sheldon Richman, at wrote, that's why they wanted a vote on government medicine before they went into their summer recess...


And here's some niiiiice video of pro-freedom individuals who spontaneously organized to confront Lloyd Doggett, Rep. from Texas! If only there were more reactions like this to statist jerks like Doggett!

Sheldon Richman Exposes the Collectivist Mentality and Terminology Embedded in Health Care "Reform" Debate

Leave it to Sheldon Richman, editor of "The Freeman" magazine and great defender of freedom, to say it so well.

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CNN-Fortune Report (SURPRISE!) Five Essential Medical Freedoms You'll Lose Under Fed Medicine

It's amazing to see how the upside-down idea that people have "rights to" things can be used to blind the populace into believing that government-run medicine will give them better and less expensive care than the free market. On one side you have the coercive force of government, which has regulated and mandated private health insurance companies until their charges have had to rise to handle all the burdens. Government, with mandates on doctors and over-utilization by people who don't pay their own bills, with cost-shifting and capitation.

Senators Said to Be Near Compromise on Imposition of Gubment Medicine

Kasparov v. Deep Blue. The Machine will continue to move its chess pieces until Check Mate is reached.;_ylt=At5lCx9GZbe_8OVr...


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Cheney's 2002 Plan to Use US Military on US Soil

Thanks to novelist and former CIA agent Barry Eisler for his Twitter Post on this!


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Senate Rejects Concealed Weapons Freedom

Besides the fact that the Second Amendment prohibits ANY restriction on the right to keep and bear arms, the "full faith and credit" clause of the Constitution would seem to apply in this case as well. But leave it to the US Senate to disregard their oaths and the fundamental rights of supposedly free individuals.

The pot grows hotter, hotter...

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