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Net Neutrality - FCC Looks Prepared to Impose It
This issue is a perfect example of how the Marxist hatred of business -- and of those who risk and reap the rewards of those nusiness risks -- has sown itself into the psyche of many Americans. As they clamor for net neutrality, they actually work to smother the ability of private entrepreneurs to offer products and services to free individuals that can better their lives.
There is a darkness behind this that they don't even see.
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Feds Looking at Regulating Amount of SALT in Foods!
Wow, the busybodies keep getting busier!
Take a look! Gard will discuss this in the upcoming 10-22-09 production of the LC Audios!
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Doug Casey Sees Currency Controls in US Future
As he says in this interview posted at, the zombies are going to hunger to "eat the rich"...
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Feds Decide Not to Pursue Medical Pot Users/Suppliers in States Where Deemed Legal
Too bad it took them so damned long. And isn't it interesting that they don't mention the US Constitution in this policy change? The matter of medical pot or ANY pot is a state issue. But, of course, admitting this fact would set the feds on a path that would abolish about 99% of everything they do. No wonder they don't bring it up.
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Bogus Federal Misconception of "Net Neutrality" Leading to Further Regs on Internet Markets
If one were a producer who owned a recording studio, and rented space on it to allow people to record their work with you, would it be right for parties not invovled in the transactions between you and your clients to tell you whom you had to admit to record? If you wanted to admit only the best clients, and give them the highest quality recording services, but someone who couldn't afford your services wanted in, should you be forced to do business with him? If producers who dealt with crap bands demanded that you let them in, should the gubment force you, even though you would lose money by letting them in for a lower price and for the production of inferior material?
Lone Republican Snow Votes YES on Insurance Fascism - Moves It Outta Committee
Was anyone surprised by this? And how about that arrogance? Her quote about "history" calling, that's so sweet, isn't it?
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"Pro-Fascist Medicine" Reporters for AP Lament Insurance Corporations Pulling Away from Insurance Bill
Please listen to our next pod, coming out early Tuesday, 10-13, to find out more about this situation!
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Pop Media Avoids It: Dems Follow Bush Admin, Continue Unconstitutional Patriot Act
Not surprising. All the "civil libertarians" in the pop media who excoriated Bush and his criminal neo-con pals in the Republican Party for imposing the "Patriot Act" have now let Obama and Pelosi off the hook for doing the exact same thing as Bush. Nice.
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Conspiracy Believers Get More to Chew: Microchip Implant to Link Health, Credit Records and Soc Security
Now the operative term, "BE SEEING YOU", really comes into play.
Thanks, Carroll, for the heads-up!
FTC Sets "Endorsement" Regulations for Blog Sites!
Oi! It's getting hot in here!
When will people stand up and say, "Enough!"?
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Not An Isolated Incident: MI Woman Threatened with Fine for Watching Neighboor's Kids W/O License
In Massachussetts, the government is going to REQUIRE day care providers to create curricula for 2 YEAR OLDS, and to REPORT the kid's PROGRESS!
Here's the MI story:
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Senate Medical Fascism Bill Stalls
But don't let it get you too confident!
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A Fed Health Info Mandate Was Passed in the Spring - Will STDs and Abortion Medical History Be Kept?
It seems that there is a question about privacy -- duh. No kidding. The government says you will have a choice. Well real choice comes when NO government mandates on how one handles his health care are applied on people. But, hey, why would one think that people in the government would recognize the ethics of privacy and leaving one's neighbor alone?
Here's the story:
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Obama: Federal Gubment Should FORCE Kids to Go to School Longer
Funny, but one has a hard time recalling where the Constitution granted him or Congress the power to have anyting to do with this. Oh, and then there's the COERCION of it... Hmmm.....
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Washington Thirsts to Be Able to Control Internet, and Shut It Down in "Emergencies"
Note, in this piece, there's one major theme not explored: Constitutionality.
Funny, that...
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Speakin' Truth ta Powah - YES, There ARE FINES for Not Buying Insurance Under Dem Health Proposal.
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Hey! Surprise! The FDA Acted On Political Pressure!
Who woulda thunk it? Funny thing, though, after all its bad performances, do you think the FDA will get MORE money, or less, next year?
Another Reason to Dislike the Fraudulent "Small Government" Newt Gingrich -- His Stance on Health "Innovation"
For years, people who believe in liberty have been trying to tell 'conservatives" that Mr. Gingrich was about as "conservative" as Madonna's stage outfits. His latest project, the "Center for Health Transformation" is a perfect example. Although he does favor one positive legislative change in DC: the abolition of state regulations that prohibit insurance companies from selling in their states (said regulations breech the Contract Clause anyway, but no one bothers with that any more), Newt is very much in favor of the invasion of your medical privacy, the subsidization of health "initiatives" and "important research", and the manipulation of pharmaceutical companies.
Obama Claims that Fining US Citizens Who Don't Buy Health Insurance Won't Be Equivalent of Tax Increase?
It's almost laughable, isn't it? I mean, if it weren't so sad and scary and angering.
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Baucus Senate Health Fascism Plan Fails to Garner Enough Backers
We can breathe a little easier -- until the NEXT proposal!
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