Another Reason to Dislike the Fraudulent "Small Government" Newt Gingrich -- His Stance on Health "Innovation"

For years, people who believe in liberty have been trying to tell 'conservatives" that Mr. Gingrich was about as "conservative" as Madonna's stage outfits. His latest project, the "Center for Health Transformation" is a perfect example. Although he does favor one positive legislative change in DC: the abolition of state regulations that prohibit insurance companies from selling in their states (said regulations breech the Contract Clause anyway, but no one bothers with that any more), Newt is very much in favor of the invasion of your medical privacy, the subsidization of health "initiatives" and "important research", and the manipulation of pharmaceutical companies. For those who might criticize us for standing up against federal "scientific research", we must remind them that pro-liberty people are not against medical research. We are merely opposed to the anti-constitutional theft and redistribution of wealth that occurs when the feds decide they want to fund research for one malady or another. Who gets the funds? What about the other malady that missed out? What about the person who could have funded research through his own donation or investment in a new company? Why does science have to bow to politics in a zero-sum game?

Check out this website, and drop them a line to let them know how confused they are!

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