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Bernanke's Scary New Powers
Just take a look at this piece. Deapite the nonsense spouted about how much "faith" people have in Bernanke (um, he had the smallest margin of support for any fed chair EVER), the piece DOES cover all the new ways in which Bernanke can manipulate and mess with the market. Not good.
And not much different than early Nazi Germany.
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US Government Pushes Its Assassination of Citizens Policy!
Ahh, nothing like that "change" the Obama-ites promised. So different than the Bushie threats to civil liberties, huh?
Mmm... The sweet smell of justice for all.
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Wanna read Some Socialist Silliness? Read This Piece on "Obesity" and "Structural Violence"
The federal gubment is ready to impose requirements on fast food restaurant owners to force them to post calorie content in all their establishments. How anyone can justify employing the force of government to tell anyone how they run a restaurant where customers VOLUNTARILY enter the place, and are free to turn to competitors or make their own meals, is beyond comprehension. But it's happening.
But wait... Someone DOES try to justify it! Read this amazing piece of drivel from Arizona, and note the wwriter's masters degree mentioned in the bio!
Amazing Article on Steig Larsson's Girlfriend, State Marriages, and Inheritance!
Eva is probably not opposed to the state in general, yet all of the problems she describes have at their root regulations imposed on free people who might want to get married, and assumptions made by people about the benefits state-sanctioned marriage provides. The Larsson family's reluctance to include her in any inheritance is terribly problematic, but none of these troubles would exist in a stateless society that had at its core no regulations about marriage, and which prompted couples in love to take care of their assests through private arrangements and arbiters.
A fascinating and troubling story about the author of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"...
State Takes Kids from Crazy US Nazi Parents, Due to Names
Those 'wacky' racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, religionist statists. But hey, now we have a dilemma. You have jerkish Nazi's on one side, and the fascist state taking their kids because (it seems) of the names the parents gave them. Shouldn't the Nazi parents applaud the state taking their kids from them? After all, the state knows best, right, Nazis?
Crazy all around.
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Feds Admit Body Scan Devices Store Images
No kidding.
Again, we must reiterate that when supposed "rights" run up against spheres of government control, the government will "regulate" them away.
Try to carry a gun onto a plane. You supposedly have Second Amendment rights which can't be touched by gubment, buuut, since the feds took over the airways (in a clearly unconstitutional manner beginning in the 1920's), your right to self-protection is regulated away.
Try to record video in many courtrooms. Nope. Yet, we've been told the gubment cannot restrict journalism...
CA District Judge Rules in Favor of Same-Sex Marriage, but for Wrong Reasons
Our upcoming audio will get into this in detail!
Is it possible that a judge might actually READ the text of the 14th Amendment "Equal PROTECTION" clause and realize it's not about "equal treatment"?
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Grandstanding Repubs in DC Want Review/Repeal of 14th Amend. Birth-Citizenship Clause
If they only understood that immigrants aren't a threat to liberty. If they only understood that the only threat to liberty is government, and all the programs it creates by stealing money from us and generations to come.
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White House Proposal Would Ease FBI Rules on Invading Web Communication...
Welcome to the non-Bush Presidency, lefties. Yeah, so much "change".
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Portions of AZ Anti-Immigrant Law Ruled Unconstitutional
It's strange to hear so-called "conservatives" try to overlook the clear provision in the US Constitution that requires all searches MUST be supported by WARRANTS. Thus, a police officer cannot compel you to show ID without first obtaining a warrant.
The provision in the AZ law that requires residents to have the "proper ID' to obtain a legal job is also unconstitutional, because it violates the "Contract Clause", which prohibits all states from interfering in private contract.
"Hope n Change" Obama Admin Sets Record for Fines and Deportation of Immigrants
Combine fears over terrorism with the "drug war" and dislike of "illegal" immigrants, and what do you get?
The United Police States of America.
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Healthcare Fascism Bill Includes Firearm Tax-Track Provison
Suppose we can never underestimate the capacity of politicians to rig the law so that they can get done what they desire with as few people noticing as possible. In this message from Pro-Gun New Hampshire, the federal health fascism bill is dissected to reveal a new provision that will tax all gun sales over $600, allowing the IRS to be aware of and track virtually all firearm sales (unless we who would like to be free come up with creative ways to skirt the law, such as breaking the transactions into multiple transactions, including "services" like gun-cleaning that would becomje the bulk of the sale, while the actual physical gun becomes the minor part, comprising less than $600). Take a look at what the Pro-Gun NH people found hidden in the "health care" law...
White House Backs Senate Bill to Further Invade Employee Privacy
Ostensibly, it's to "better enforce" anti-pay-discrimination laws. But if people believe they are being paid unfairly, they can already bring suit under those unconstitutional laws. (This is not something the Feds are supposed to handle, based on the original writing of the constitution, and it is something no government should handle. The market and the rights of the property owners -- the employer, employee and consumer -- are the only factors that should have any say in these situations.)
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The Gold Coin and Precious Metals Tax in Health Fascism Bill
Nice, huh?
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Detroit Parents Who Miss School Meetings? Jail?
There's nothing quite so warm and fuzzy as compulsory state schooling and the compulsion the state uses to extract tax money to pay for it. What a system. The Prussians would be proud.
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US Supreme Court rules on State and Local Firearms Bans
As the people who wrote the rules for the operation of the US government would have observed, any government constraints on the ownership of firearms is unconstitutional.
Now, we all know that the Constitution hasn't fared well in holding back the intrusions of government into the lives of individuals, and even though this ruling looks to uphold the tradition of the writers of the document, it's another example of how contemporary figures shave the explicit wording of the Founders to fit their own political/ideological agendas.
6 Yr Old Ohio Girl Placed on TSA No-Fly List
Once more (twice in two weeks) we see the centralized bureaucracy not only screwing things up, but NOT responding in a proper or timely fashion (wouldn't those be the same? Yeah.) Something to ponder: In addition to the fact that the US Constitution does not grant the federal gubment the power to regulate air travel, and the fact that a private paradigm -- run on the interests of the consumers, the air carriers, and their insurance companies (without which they would be unable to take to the skies) -- one can consider a simple question...
Senate Passes New Financial Reg Bill
... And as that oh-so-honest and freedom-oriented guy Chris Dodd says (ya know, Chris one of 'em who said Fannie and Freddie weren't in any trouble), as Chris says, "no one will know how it works" until it's in place.
It's rumored that as he and many others left the Senate chambers, Dodd turned to Barney Frank and said, "Smell that? I love the smell of fascism in the morning!"