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TSA Grope Called a "Condition of Flying" - video
Take a look at this, as the man who shot it leaves his video cam running in his bag, and gets the audio footage of what happens when you are given the false choice of being felt up, photographed naked, or not flying.
Listen to the TSA folks. Then consider. If you're walking to work and a gangster puts a gun to your head and says, "strip, lady, or I won't let you pass", is that somehow being presented with a real choice?
They constrain your options and then say you have options.
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The Anger over TSA Groping and Porn Scans Grows
James Babb, of, will be our guest this week. Thanks, Mr. Webb! Keep up the good work.
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Revolt Against TSA Nakedizers Begins! ThxGiving Travel at Risk!
Remember, the move to "opt-out" en masse as a massive protest is going to be concentrated on November 24th!
But don't just isolate it to one day. If you travel, never comply. Always fight back.
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Meg McLain Tells of Her Experience Being Bullied by the TSA
Good for her to resist... Great job covering it by FTL.
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San Fran Gubment Bans Happy Meals!
Not only is this an immoral imposition of government between consenting participants in a voluntary exchange, it is also unconstitutional (a breach of the Contract Clause) and assumes that adults are somehow FORCED to buy the food for their kids.
Then there's the other insane assumption, which is that McDonald's food is going to make kids fat. It's called intake of calories nd expenditure of calories. How one gets the calories doesn't make much difference.
Once again, Marx's old canard that the "owners of the means of production MAKE people buy things" is accepted by poitical busy-bodies.
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GOP Surge in House Will Mean Little
Despite the excitement expressed by many "Tea Party" members and traditional conservatives, the massive sweep of nearly all House elections across the US, and of many Senate races, means little policy-wise. The leftist socialists still control the Senate. This means no substantive changes will be made on any social spending programs. However, we might possibly see the Tea Party antipathy for "illegal" immigration push new, more stringent and anti-constitutional immigration laws, with the complicity of the Dems, who will want to "appeal" to the populist sentiment out there (especially among those Senators from southern states).
Homeland Tsar Won't Volunteer for Airport Body Scan...
And, of course, if people actually READ the US Constitution, they'd see that air security isn't a power delegated to the feds anyway, but hey, it's just the set of rules they swear an oath to protect and defend. Perhaps that Constitution hasn't been able to constrain them? Hmmmmm... Ya think?
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Pilot Refuses Full Body Scan, Says TSA Doesn't Help
Good for him... Now he has to see if he can keep his job...
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Boeing Forced to Alter Employee Insurance Plan Due to Feds
But remember, the statists told us that the federal medical fascism plan wouldn't force costs up for our private insurance policies...
As we predicted, this is the first phase of the eventual takeover by the feds. Years ago, we explained that the plan is to force so many costs onto private insurance companies (through "guaranteed issue" mandates of people with pre-existing conditions) that the insurance companies will be forced to raise their rates. This will cause even more people to drop their coverage, driving up rates even more, and so on. It will also inspire a clamor in the public for further federal regualtion of the "evil" insurance companies as prices go up.
Judge Allows State Suits Re Medical Fascism to Proceed
A glimmer of constitutionality in a sea of corruption.
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Health Fascism Law Shoots to Kill MSAs
Don't say pro-freedom folks didn't warn people about this.
And to all you leftists who tell us you believe in "privacy", where's the fourth amendment when it comes to one's priate medical data?
Oh, is that the tell-tale sound of hypocrisy we hear?
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US Student Finds Tracking Device on Car - FBI Wants It Back
Gee, we wonder if the FBI had a warrant to be invading his private property and tracking this guy... Wanna lay any bets?
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Admin: Select Corporations Get 1 Yr Exemption from Health Fascism
Corporations such as McDonalds and twenty-nine others have been granted a one-year reprieve from the medical fascism law. Why? Because they can't afford the mandates and still retain all the employees they pay.
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As Predicted: Health Insurance Co Stops Selling Plans Due to Fed Medical Law
As we have mentioned, this is exactly what has happened in many US states that have already instituted these kinds of mandates on insurance companies. The politicians tell the people who started the businesses (and those who have already gotten policies based on the risks the insurance companies accept) -- they announce that the way the companies do business isn't "acceptable". Then the politicians break the Constitution to "regulate" (ie push around and tell how to do business) the companies and the people who have already gotten policies with them.
House Dems Drop Anti-Constitutional "Net Neutrality" Madates
But don't chalk it up to them actually reading the Interstate Commerce Clause with a modicum of honesty. It was dropped because they didn't have the votes. And remember, this is another of the "GENIUS" proposals from Congressman Henry Waxman, the same man who proposed a Congressional "investigation" into the prices of boxed breakfast cereals!
Catch Lucky! Those charms need to be regulated by the politicians!
Here's the piece on the net neutrality item.
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US Gubment Seeks Backdoor to All Electronic Communications
Oh, yes, don't forget, voting changes everything. Government will stop growing, stop invading privacy, stop stealing, stop coercing -- just vote and change.
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New Fed Mandates Come Thurs to Push Health Ins Costs Up
This is the first phase of so-called "reform". IN the linked piece, notice how the report opens with an anecdote, a sad story about a family who has a child with hemophelia and has reached the total limit for their insurance pay-outs. The reporter then gushes about how, under the "new health care reform law" the family won't, as the mother says, "have to worry about that."
DC Republicans Won't Repeal All of Unconstitutional Med Fascism Mandates
In addition to this piece, we will soon dicscuss in audio a recent "interview" (if you can call such a suck-up session an "interview") by a Wall Street Joural opinion writer and a congressman, in which the congressman states that the Republicans would not want to repeal the "good" parts of this wholly unconsitutional law. For example, he says, our great Republican saviors would hate to repeals the mandate that requires insurance companies to include children in adult plans at rates ordered by the government. Oh, no, we'd hate to actually let people be free of state commands. Of course, just a few minutes later, the same politician tells the interviewer that he's very much a booster of "free markets". Interesting bi-polar frission happening there, huh.............
Fed Court Rules Against PA Town's Fines For Hiring "Illegals"
Yeah, there's this nagging little thing called the "Contract Clause"? It's nutty! It prohibits any town or state government from interfering in private contract.
Wouldn't it be great if the proscription were actually applied more often?
Wouldn't it be great if there were NO gubment to interfere at all?
Take a look at the story!
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German Court Rules Against Youtube re Copyright
Again, the unresolved problem of government and IP management comes to the fore. Check out our audio library for a great series of shows on this topic!
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