DC Republicans Won't Repeal All of Unconstitutional Med Fascism Mandates

In addition to this piece, we will soon dicscuss in audio a recent "interview" (if you can call such a suck-up session an "interview") by a Wall Street Joural opinion writer and a congressman, in which the congressman states that the Republicans would not want to repeal the "good" parts of this wholly unconsitutional law. For example, he says, our great Republican saviors would hate to repeals the mandate that requires insurance companies to include children in adult plans at rates ordered by the government. Oh, no, we'd hate to actually let people be free of state commands. Of course, just a few minutes later, the same politician tells the interviewer that he's very much a booster of "free markets". Interesting bi-polar frission happening there, huh.............

Take a look at this, we'll get the audio and make a nice little show about the WSJ interview.


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