
Lieberman Backs Away (Not Really) from Internet "Kill Switch"

But remember, this power the feds want to be able to shut down portions of the web would only be used it "terrorists" shut... down... portions of. Hmmm...


Read on MacDuff! See what the proposal could be used to do?,2817,2365393,00.asp


Be Seeing You!

Obama Admin WARNS Insurers about Price Increases

Gee, why would insurance companies suddenly raise their premiums prior to being forced to take people with preexisting conditions?


Be Sseeing You!

FCC Ready to Control Prices and Services of Web Providers

You knew this was coming. Even if they end up NOT regulating prices and services, the bureaucrats have set up a perfect game for the politicians to garner lots of money from lobbyists, haven't they?


Be Seeing You!

US "Cracking Down" on Child Agricultural Workers

Note that in the piece it mentions the blueberry crop that has had people flocking to pick for years... Note also how the piece fails to mention the fact that most children choose to work in the fields, and that, especially in the cases of migrant workers, their options back home are relatively WORSE, which is why they take the opportunity to work for farmers in the US. Some might say that the US farmers are "exploiting" the migrant workers, but that is a fallacy. In most cases, the profit margins for the farmers is very slim, because the PRODUCTS don't fetch beyond a certain level of remuneration from the consumer. The consumer is unwilling to pay beyond a certain level of price, and will choose another option once that threshold is reached.

Alarming News from Campaign for Liberty

This e-mail arrived in many boxes today. Think about acting on the message from the Campaign for Liberty to stop this bill.


ICE Agent Accused of Shooting a 14 yr Old Child at Border

But we have to make sure the border is secured by the US government, right?


Be Seeing You!

Canadian Gubment to Reassess "Priorities" in Bankrupt Socialized Medical System

No kidding. This is only the umpteenth time they've had to "reassess" things. Costs keep going up and up and up. Duh?

Perhaps this time they'll take Tom Brokaw's suggestion and let the old people die. Or turn to cannibalism; that could cut costs.


Be Seeing You!

Transportation Sec Proposes More Unconstitutional and Burdensome Rules

This never ends.


In the article, the Transportation Sec, LaHood, is quoted as saying, "passengers have rights". Sure, passengers have rights, and so do the airline business owners and operators. They ALL make exchanges with each other in the market that they intend to be beneficial to themselves. What LaHood really means is that the federal government will begin to tell one side what to do in that private exchange (which is already royally messed up by standing government regulations and the air route and security system the gubment has imposed) -- then the gubment will claim they are "helping".


Check this out.


Be Seeing You!

Schumer and Republocrat Want to Ban Pre-Paid, Anonymous Cell Phones

There comes a point when even the most dim-witted begins to reqalize he is living in a nation where there are NO assurances againt government coercion.

Is this such a point? Perhaps for a few...

Bile of blog ofbile, Found this on Schumer trying to outlaw anonymous pre-paid cell phones


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Coming Up in Audio: A Look at Government, Civil Rights, and Freedom, with Jerry McClellan

In the 5-25-10 production, Gard features audio derived from a conversation between Megan Kelly, of FoxNews, and John Stossel, of Fox Business Network. The conversation centers on the so-called "Public Accommodations" portion of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As you listen, you'll hear Gard pick up on some of the themes introduced by Mr. Stossel, and then you'll get to hear a portion of a video response by a man named Jerry McClellan, who posts at Youtube under the name JMcClellan54321. We hope you will watch the video in its entirety, and visit his blog site.


To see more videos by Mr. McClellan, simply go here:


And for his blog, visit this site!

TSA Keeping Files on Fliers Who Make Security Thugs Feel "Threatened"

Is anyone really surprised? If the thuggery at the heart of government is ever questioned or threatened, the thugs will target those who make them feel uncomfortable and feel their retribution.

Be Seeing You!

House Votes to Expand DNA Sampling of Non-Convicts

You only have to be ARRESTED by a local or state cop, and the feds will pay your state gubment to collect your DNA to be put into the federal database.

If you would like more information on the over abundance of "federal crimes", please listen to our 5-20 and 5-21 Audio Productions. Better yet, download them at Podomatic!


Be Seeing You!

Senate Passes Massive Financial Regulation Bill

Look forward to all your private transactions being monitored by the federal government, massive powers to bailout banks given to the Federal Reserve, mortgage controls and loan controls, and further dampening placed on economic innovation and investment.

The bill still has to be "reconciled" with the House version.

Sorry, must go puke. Will return later...

Be Seeing You!

Fed Financial Reg Bill Would Give Govt Power to Snoop on ALL Your Transactions.

Isn't it strange that under this new "pro-civil liberties" Administration, we seem to be posting more and more stories that "tab" "privacy" in the category line? Hmmmmmm...........

Big thanks to Stephen Smith, of and Glenn Jacobs, of for the info!

Be Seeing You!

Obama Admin's Push for Forced Drug Tests in Local Doctors' Offices Exposes Failure of "War" on Drugs

Took them long enough, and it's only a rhetorical tool to get people to accept the invasion of privacy they're going to eventually push.

Take a look. All they needed to do was contact Law Enforcement Against Prohibition for the stats on the amounts spent on the drug "war" and the numbers of people still using "hard" drugs. 

Be Seeing You!

Bill in Congress Would Limit Direct Wine Sales

Ahh, it's the new Prohibition thinking from the anti-constitutionalists in DC!


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Kagan's Law Review Piece: Federal Reg of Speech Can be Fine!

Of COURSE she would think that. To her, rights can be attenuated if there's a "compelling state interest"...

Translated: The individual is always less important than government. You shut up now...

This clearly indicates that this person has no clue what the First Amendment actually states, and why.

Be Seeing You...

Fed Drug Policy to Mix with Socialized Medicine - Will Eventually Force Drug Tests

In reading this article, how long do you think it will be before federal officials begin REQUIRING doctors to do urine/blood tests on patients as part of the gubment's ALREADY unconstitutional anti-drug agenda?

As we've said before, goodbye Fourth Amendment.

Be Seeing You!

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