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5-13 Barr Enters Prez Race, NH Ed Issue, Separation of Powers
5-12 Windfall Profits? Sheldon Richman! Brokaw!
McCain's Fake Free Market Solution to Supposed Anthropogenic Global Warming - Cap and Trade Is Just Regulation Under A New Name
The "Constitutional Scholar" is at it again. Can't wait for him to be President.
Check out this story, and remember, the "Cap" part of "Cap and Trade", is all you need to see to set off alarm bells.
5-9 New Achusetts, THE BAD SONG!
5-8 Gubment "Protection", G-M Food, MUSIC!
Private Aid to "Burma" Stopped by Gubment, US Senate Hinting at Windfall Profits Tax on Oil Companies, Govt to Decide Who Lives
Check out this story from the Washington Post, a story for which the author actually observes that private charity is ALREADY moving, and is being STOPPED by government.
Also, on Wednesday, May 7, the US Senate started seriously looking at levying a "windfall profits" tax on US oil companies, because... the government wants to... um... help lower the cost of... oil and gas?
5-7 Hill's Status, McCain "Mr. Conservative", RGGI
As Expected, Fannie Mae Announces HUGE Losses, and Bush Wants It to LEND MORE!
Nothing like government efficiency and pandering. CLOSE THIS BOONDOGGLE DOWN!
5-6 Pot. Oil "Gougers", and Gubment Slicksters
Prez Signs Uncontitutional Military Family and Medical Leave Act
Nothing like a President who upholds his oath to defend the US Constitution. But then again, George Bush was once cited by a White House friend as having said that the Constitution was "just a piece of paper".
5-5 Obama-slick, Feducation, Massahampshire!
State Politicians Trying to Outlaw TOYS That Look Like Guns
If only the politicians had a better grasp on how the presence of firearms INCREASES safety, they might not feel such fear when seeing TOY weapons.
WCBS Reports: Congressmen Lease Luxury Cars on US Taxpayer Dime
Congressman Rangle explains that this shows how much he "respects" his constituents.
5-1 May Day! Immigration, Bad Song!
4-30 Obama Stabs, NH Budget
Treasury Looks at New Powers for Fed -- Translation: Snooping, Breaking Constitution, Injecting Liquidity to Increase Inflation
The Financial Times of London reports:
4-29 US Apocalypto! McCain, MD?
Clueless Constitutional Scholar McCain Proposes MORE Federal Involvement in Health Insurance Industry
As Gard has spelled out in "Live Free or Die", the health care market is a market just like any other. Government manipulation of it has increased costs, decreased choices, and led to even more cries from Americans that they need help. As the vicious cycle continues, the same government pinheads who caused the problems now step up to "solve the problems of the market". Anyone with any understanding of the history of federal health insurance legislation and its negative consequences knows that if the market were LEFT ALONE, it would reduce costs, and increase efficiency.