5-13 Barr Enters Prez Race, NH Ed Issue, Separation of Powers

Check it out! On May 13, Gardner Goldsmith reported that former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr had thrown his hat into the ring for the libertarian party nomination to run for President. Gard believes Dr. Mary Ruwart will get the nomination. Hear why. Then, listen as Gard talks to congressional candidate Grant Bosse, who is one of the closest things to a strict constructionist one can find in any political race. Gard disagrees with Grant on a few matters (such as immigration and the federal role in it), but he sees Grant as a real kindred spirit on many issues.

5-12 Windfall Profits? Sheldon Richman! Brokaw!

On Monday, May 12, Gardner Goldsmith sallied forth into the maelstrom of politics and economics by concentrating on the recent talk that the US gubment will try to impose a “windfall profits” tax on US oil companies. Not a good idea! he and Sheldon Richman, the editor of “The Freeman” magazine, discussed the errors underlying this kind of policy prescription, and they went on to discuss how free markets solve racial divides, and why free markets are important for an increasing standard of living. Meaty stuff from these titans of the individual liberty movement.

McCain's Fake Free Market Solution to Supposed Anthropogenic Global Warming - Cap and Trade Is Just Regulation Under A New Name

The "Constitutional Scholar" is at it again. Can't wait for him to be President.

Check out this story, and remember, the "Cap" part of "Cap and Trade", is all you need to see to set off alarm bells.


5-9 New Achusetts, THE BAD SONG!

Join Gardner Goldsmith as he defends freedom, with the help of Charlie Arlinghaus, the president of the Josiah Bartlett center for Public Policy, as they discuss many of the reasons Gard suspects New Hampshire is becoming Massahampsire, or New Achusetts. It’s telling stuff, and important for anyone talking about freedom. Then, relax with Gard and Johnny Molson, of WMAY, Springfield, Ill, as they enjoy the dulcet tones of Missa T, singing a song about his mom. It’s all for you, Mom, happy mother’s day. Now, if you love your mom, buy Gard’s book, “Live Free or Die” at amazon.com!

5-8 Gubment "Protection", G-M Food, MUSIC!

It was May 8, 2008, and Gardner Goldsmith took a look at just how insane the criminal justice system is, and why the state should be abolished. Want protection from predators of children? Want protection from pandemics? Don’t count on gub-ment in any way! But listen, if that gets you down, check out Mike Witthaus with Gard. Mike’s writing on music is found at www.localrhythms.com and it is superb. This time, Mike and El G get into their favorite album covers! And then there is food.

Private Aid to "Burma" Stopped by Gubment, US Senate Hinting at Windfall Profits Tax on Oil Companies, Govt to Decide Who Lives

Check out this story from the Washington Post, a story for which the author actually observes that private charity is ALREADY moving, and is being STOPPED by government. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/07/AR200805...

Also, on Wednesday, May 7, the US Senate started seriously looking at levying a "windfall profits" tax on US oil companies, because... the government wants to... um... help lower the cost of... oil and gas?

5-7 Hill's Status, McCain "Mr. Conservative", RGGI

This one is great, ladies and gentlemen. On May 7, 2008, Gardner Goldsmith, New England’s most recognized defender of individual liberty, sped into four major stories with universal import. First, he discussed the near-death experience of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, asking the eternal question (and a play on the Clash), “should she stay or should she go now?” Then Gard studied the claims by the sudden defender of the Constitution, John McCain, that he would appoint strict constructionists to the federal courts.

5-6 Pot. Oil "Gougers", and Gubment Slicksters

On May 6, author and radio host Gardner Goldsmith took on the popular misconception that oil companies are somehow enriching themselves at the expense of innocent Americans. As Congress prepares to call oil executives before Congress to provide the masses with the spectacle of political torture of supposed bad guy capitalists, it might behoove viewers to know who is really to blame for high energy prices: the government. It’s undeniable. Gard also caught up with Matt Simon, of www.nhcommonsense.org.

Prez Signs Uncontitutional Military Family and Medical Leave Act

Nothing like a President who upholds his oath to defend the US Constitution. But then again, George Bush was once cited by a White House friend as having said that the Constitution was "just a piece of paper".

5-5 Obama-slick, Feducation, Massahampshire!

On Monday, May 5, Gardner Goldsmith dissected the conversation between Barak Obama and Tom (my-lips-are-chapped-from-kissing-arse) Russert that was broadcast on NBC the day previous. Gard discovered a very telling flub by Barak, one that indicates what most of us know, that he is LYING when he claims he had “no idea” about Pastor Wright’s most controversial statements. Gard also took a look at policy, studying Obama’s and Clinton’s ideas regarding gas taxes, and he took a chunk out of John McCain for not bothering to conform to the US Constitution when it comes to education.

State Politicians Trying to Outlaw TOYS That Look Like Guns

If only the politicians had a better grasp on how the presence of firearms INCREASES safety, they might not feel such fear when seeing TOY weapons.


Japanese Women Who ROCK!

If you like discovering new music, check it out!


WCBS Reports: Congressmen Lease Luxury Cars on US Taxpayer Dime

Congressman Rangle explains that this shows how much he "respects" his constituents.



5-1 May Day! Immigration, Bad Song!

Okay, not only is Gardner Goldsmith a very suave and intelligent man, he knows his music! So, after slamming socialists about May Day, and after putting a few conservatives straight about immigration, Gardner Goldsmith welcomed Mike Witthaus, whose website, www.localrhythms.com is one of the best for true music fans. And then… Gard joined Johnny and Josie, of WMAY, in Springfield, Illinois, to offer the latest in the Bad Song series! This time? Yesssss… It’s THE MATTOID!!! The tune? “Makin’ Love”!!! Check it out!!! It’s a thing of awesome beauty!

4-30 Obama Stabs, NH Budget

On April 30, 2008, Gardner Goldsmith took a close look at Barak Obama’s sudden revulsion over his pastor of twenty years. Does anyone believe that Obama never actually heard until recently the kind of rhetoric Pastor Wright spewed? Please. Then take a listen to Gard’s study of the NH budget crisis, and the bogus claims of “fiscal responsibility” made by NH Gubnor John “parterning for our wellness” Lynch. All from “Against the Grain” and www.libertyconspiracy.com Remember to look for Gard’s book, “Live Free or Die” at amazon.com!

4-29 US Apocalypto! McCain, MD?

On April 29, Gardner Goldsmith hit upon a realization, that the US government has begun a process of world population depletion. Sure, it wasn’t planned, but what the heck, why not cause starvation in nations that rely on low-priced wheat? Why not raise gas taxes on Americans even as the politicians claim they are making us “energy independent” and excoriate the oil companies for large profits? And why not disregard the fact that John McCain, the so-called pork buster, is in favor of a $7 billion a year entitlement for US citizens to get government health insurance?

Clueless Constitutional Scholar McCain Proposes MORE Federal Involvement in Health Insurance Industry

As Gard has spelled out in "Live Free or Die", the health care market is a market just like any other. Government manipulation of it has increased costs, decreased choices, and led to even more cries from Americans that they need help. As the vicious cycle continues, the same government pinheads who caused the problems now step up to "solve the problems of the market". Anyone with any understanding of the history of federal health insurance legislation and its negative consequences knows that if the market were LEFT ALONE, it would reduce costs, and increase efficiency.

4-28 Pledge Busters, Bush and Colleges

On April 28, Gardner Goldsmith explored the many facets of one woman’s resistance to standing while she as a government school teacher was supposed to lead her students in the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a much larger issue than some people realize, and has ramifications for how we view the proper role of the state. Gard then explored the new Bush policy of expanding student loans for college. Hasn’t there already been enough government-inspired increases in college tuition? Check it out, kids, and then get Gardner’s new book, “Live Free or Die”, at amazon.com!
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