sheldon richman

5-12 Windfall Profits? Sheldon Richman! Brokaw!

On Monday, May 12, Gardner Goldsmith sallied forth into the maelstrom of politics and economics by concentrating on the recent talk that the US gubment will try to impose a “windfall profits” tax on US oil companies. Not a good idea! he and Sheldon Richman, the editor of “The Freeman” magazine, discussed the errors underlying this kind of policy prescription, and they went on to discuss how free markets solve racial divides, and why free markets are important for an increasing standard of living. Meaty stuff from these titans of the individual liberty movement.

11-16: Gubment n Gas, Markets n Freedom

On Friday, November 16, Gardner Goldsmith welcomed Debbie Schlussel, of, to talk about movies and how she sees the threat of terrorism. He also had the great opportunity to explain the balance of trade, and to express the fundamentals of why government should not be involved in directing any aspect of the economy, including energy.

He then welcomed Phil Kerpen, of Americans for Prosperity (, to talk about the bad ideas floating around Washington when it comes to gas and energy “policy”. Check it out, cats!

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