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Department of Justice Memo Leaked - States that All Guns Must be Confiscated from Citizens in US
The feds won't move to do this now, but the memo shows that it is a clear, long-term goal among many of those in government. Interesting that the so-called "Justice" department is supposed to be making sure that the constitutional protections afforded Americans are kept intact. Seems like, again, peoples' faith in government to protect rights has been shown to be unfounded.
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The Boycott We and Other Liberty-Minded People Espoused Gains Ground
Gun and ammo dealers in thirty-four states are cutting government out of their business transactions.
If you have one such gun or ammo business in your area, and you approve of their pushing back against the state, give them your business and tell them why!
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Some Positive Things Being Done to Oppose Federal Power in the US
Big thanks to Free Talk Live for getting the word out about this!
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Financial Times Reports - US Businesses Ready to Cut Hours, Take Penalty Due to US Med Fascism Law
So let's see. The "Affordable Care Act" breaches the Constitution by employing a misreading of the interstate commerce clause. It invades and destroys the 4th Amendment's proscription against unwarranted searches and siezures (by taking your medical records), it forces on insurance companies the mandate that they accept high-risk folks at rates far below the real costs the folks will likely cost in claims, and it (like minimum wage laws) prices low-skilled employees out of the workforce.
But that's okay. It feels so cozy.
Fascism often did to those who wanted it in Europe.
As Public Image Limited said, "This is what you want. This is what you get."
Washington State Firearms Ban Bill Would See Cops Bust Into Homes to Search
But just forget about all those libertarians who predicted these kinds of bills would pop up. As the penguin said in "Madagascar", "You didn't see annnything..."
Enjoy those 4th and 2nd Amendments! They're really done well in protecting your rights, huh?
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Fact-Checking the Obama State of the Union Speech
How is it a union if the parties involved aren't free to leave?
Fact: Obama's claim that govt-run Pre-K does anything to increase test scores of kids beyond third grade is false.
Fact: Obama's claim that gas mileage standards have doubled the distance an average car can travel on a gallon of gas is false.
Fact: Obama's claim that there would be drastic "cuts" if there was not a budget deal is false. There would only be smaller increases in the ever-growing government beast. His implication that it was the Republican Congress that proposed the so-called "sequester" is also false. He proposed it as a way to try to get Republicans to pass increased taxes on the middle and high earning citizens in the US.
Obama Administration Ready to Issue Unconstitutional Executive Order Re Cyber Networks
As we have often mentioned, so-called Executive Orders originally were orders the President of the US issued to facilitate movement of people like guards at the White House - simple functions that needed tweaking where the President worked. But since the executive branch has been given so much power by Congress, since there are so many agencies under Executive control, Executive Orders stretch to things like creation of parks, to the take-over of any building should the President want to, etc. This "voluntary" order seems like it will have a lot of involuntary things in it, or will have attached to it special benefits for those companies that comply. We will see...
Great Work by CNS News: Fed Medical Fascism Plan Will Cost US Families $20K per Year
They published this a couple of days ago. Good job CNS!
So we have the regulation of businesses (both the insurance companies and the other companies forced to buy insurance) and individuals contrary to the Constitution, as well as the invasion of the 4th Amendment, wherein the feds collect your private medical data without warrants.
Sheep on a farm.
Animal Farm.
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British Health System to Demand Drinking, Weight, Waist Size Info
But don't worry, this invasion of your privacy is all for your own good.
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Wyoming House Approves Bills Exempting State from New Fed Gun Restrictions
Too bad the politicians reduced the level of infraction from a felony to a misdemeanor, but it is still a hopeful sign for state legislatures invoking nullification of unconstitutional laws...
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San Diego Police Chief Says Guns Will Be Taken off Streets in a Generation - Suuuure. Just Like Drugs.
Of course, his department makes a lot of money off the eternally unwon "war' on drugs. So now he and his thuggish mates can claim that they just need more time and money to win the "war" on firearms.
Meanwhile, as firearm ownership has skyrocketed in the US over the past sixteen years, the violent crime rate has plummeted.
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Cheers to David Mamet! He Comes Out Strong for Individual Liberty, Free Markets and the Right to Self Defense!
Awesome. Kudos to Mr. Mamet for not only writing such a powerful defense of the subjective nature of all economic decisions, but also for such a fiery verbal punch into the gut of conceited statism.
Beautiful to see. Mr. Mamet recently announced that he had turned away from his former left-statist ideology. He has clearly been diving deep into the waters of free market economics and libertarian philosophy, and he has clearly been using logic to great effect. Great essay.
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List of US Sheriffs Refusing to Comply to Fed Gun Grabs Skyrockets
Good for them, and for the concept of natural rights.
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Sen Feinstein ready to Attack Second Amendment Today
The aggressors act, you defend rehtorically, and you are painted as the aggressor. Crazy world.
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NYPD Ready to Use Anti-Fourth Amendment Scanners to Detect Firearms
We predicted this kind of thing once the TSA went into the airports.
Now, Why Did We Expect This?
How is it that libertarians can ask the rhetorical question re gun laws: "Will that apply to the agents of the state?" and know the answer will be "No"?
Once again, we're proven to have asked the right question, and expected the same answer. Case in point, the new NY State law on gun clips. The "lawmakers" mistakenly applied it to their own crowd of "enforcers". And we know they just can't have that, can they?
One can ask. If those who would like to curtail the second amendment want to stop private citizens from owning certain kinds of guns and ammo and certain kinds of clips, why are they in favor of agents of the state having them? Is it because they believe the agents of the state might enter dangerous situations?
Missouri Bill Would TAX Video Games that Depict 'Violence'
Nothing like those baby-boomers who were all for freedom of expression long, long ago. Again, we must note that a video game, a movie, a book or piece or music or painting CANNOT be VIOLENT unto itself! They are depictions, or all kinds of things, and do not bring direct harm to another person. The very term "violent video game" is erroneous and works to prejudice people before the argument is even engaged.
Also, we must note that as video games have become more and more popular, violent crime in the US has DROPPED. There is no way to prove causation, but the correlation is very strong. In no way can a politician claim that videos that depict violence lead to violent acts on the part of real people.
TSA Screener Assaults and Threatens Passenger over T-Shirt
Not one of the TSA thugs caught on video has ever been able to offer a constitutional justification for the presence of this federal agency in the airports, not will they ever be able to. The TSA is not sanctioned by the US Constitution, and infringes on the 4th Amendment's clear command that any search of a person or his effects/property that a government agent wants to conduct MUST be accompanied by a WARRANT, issued by a JUDGE, upon the JUDGE'S deetermination of PROBABLE CAUSE.
Good to see more people fighting back with moves like this!
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Homeland 'Security' Announces New Anti-Civil Rights, Anti-Firearms Moves to Link to Prez Orders
More spending, more glad-handling, more invasions of private information (through the 'research' end of this)... The brown shirts are starting to become visible beneath the white collars of the bureaucrats.
But, we're SURE janet Napolitano can name the provisions in the US Constitution that allow her agents and pals to do these things... Right?
As Cosby said, "Riiiiiiiight."
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