
Obama: Health Insurance Companies are "Holding People Hostage"

Remember, there will be ONE common characteristic in all the "reform" proposals coming from the House, Senate, and White House: madates on the health insurance companies that they will have to carry people with preexisting conditions. This is the chess move they will make in order to push private insurance rates even higher over the next two years, and then, they will have the public clamoring for more "reform". That's when the gubment takeover will be finalized.

Take a look at this, and Obama's rhetoric.


Be Seeing You!

US Gubment to Pursue Criminal Charges Against Citizens Who Placed $ in Swiss Banks

As one conspriator has pointed out, the Obama Administration has been successful in doing what the Nazis were unable to do: invade the Swiss banks.

So now the government will get more money, which will... uh... help us?



Be Seeing You!

Another Wasteful Gubment Insurance Program Needs ANOTHER Bailout

Ahh, federal flood insurance: inspiring reckless home settlement, waste, corruption and the stifling of productivity since 1968.

Isn't America great?


Here's a good piece on it from Sheldon Richman:



Be Seeing You!

NH Free State Member Stands Up for Civilty and Individual Liberty At Obama Health Care Show!

William! Hooray! Well done, man! If you, the visitor haven't already heard, Chris (the former employee of Tip O'Neill) Matthews tried to spit through the camera at a friend of ours who protested DOWN the street from an Obama health care rally populated by people bussed in from out of state. Matthews has the gall to say near the end of thisattempted grilling that he wants to be "polite" to William. Laughable. Watch as a sovereign individual sticks to his "guns" against a dumbass on MSNBC.


Be Seeing You!

Statists ADVERTISE on Craigslist to Get Help From Supporters of Gubment Health Plan

Desperation. But remember, the Republicans and Blue Dog Dems will compromise in the end, and mandate "guaranteed issue", which will be the second to last chess move to bring about socialized mediciine in a couple of years. Mark that as a prediction.

Here's the ad! It would be funny to reply and pretend to be a defender, then screw up all their plans :-)! Just a little mischief makes the world more fun when one is defending against aggressors!


Be Seeing You!

Campaign for Liberty Member Tossed from GA "Town Hall Meeting" for Mentioning Consitution

It just gets more and more intense, and the blowback against the statists will grow in strength and scope. Can't wait!


Be Seeing You!

Beautiful New Video - Arlen Spectre Gets Excoriated by Indignant Citizen - Watch This!

Spread the word that this kind of righteous indignation is NOT a bad thing! Keep it up! To quote John Lydon: anger is an energy!



Be Seeing You!

The First Liberty Conspiracy VIDEO is Out! "Introducing the Conspiracy"

We've just published the first of the Liberty Conspiracy VIDEOS! Spread the word! There's a group of plotters out there who will never tire in fighting for liberty!




Be Seeing You!

Obama's Use of US Military in Afghanistan Is Getting Little Coverage

Antiwar is ready to call the Obama Administration on the massive push in Afghanistan. But most purported "peace" activists are silent. Hmmm... http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2009/08/09/obamageddon/

Be Seeing You!

Obama: "I don't want the folks who created this mess to do a lot of talking..."

Funny thing is, if he understood economics, his statement would imply that he doesn't want POLITICIANS to do a lot of talking.

Nothing like those lefties and their "openness" to "free speech"!



Be Seeing You!

US Officials Considering a NEW Bailout for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - But It's Not Being Called That

Wow. Either the people at MSNBC are really thick, or they are completely complict in the scheme of Washington politicians to shield the public from the fact that the money already thrown to FM and FM hasn't saved those corrupt and unconstitutional entities. NOW, they want to avoid the term "bailout", and just "create a new bank" that will "buy" the bad asset-backed securities that the FMs own.



Be Seeing You!

Bond and Gregg Will Vote to Confirm Sotomayooooor to S. Court

Judd Gregg says he might disagree with her, but she is qualified.

First, we should note that Gregg is FAR from a Constitutionalist in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. But one might ask him, "Judd, if a person shows that he or she is philosophically antagonistic to the US Constitution, that he or she is an enemy of the Constitution, how can he or she be QUALIFIED to become a Justice assigned to uphold that Constitution and fight its enemies?"

Just wondering.


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