
Bid to Lift Liability Cap for Oil Spills Fails in DC

A mixed bag here. Considering the fact that the Interior Department told us everything was safe, having the oil companies be the only ones liable, and the only ones CULPABLE, seems a bit off. Why not hold all politicians and bureaucrats involved as memebrs of a joint liability situation? In fact, why not force all politicians to be liable for the ills their legilsation causes? And why not hold all the people who voted for them as liable as well?


That would probably stop about 90% of all legislation from ever being proposed. If thes people had to operate as PRIVATE COMPANIES did, then we'd be in a lot better shape in society!


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Rand Paul Wins by Large Margin in KY Senate Race - Reflects Anger over Spending, Regulation

While Rand isn't in line with many major portions of the pure free-market principles, his race is significant.

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Once More, Govt. "Safety" Inspectors Fake Out Public - Oil Rig Is Just One Case

When will free people wake up and realize that the artifice of government bureaucrats "protecting" them from bad food, bad products, or dangerous endeavors such as oil drilling is not protection they can count on? When will they realize that private interactions -- sans government and politicians and bureaucrats -- based in private property and liabilitiy and opportunities to succeed or fail based on a competitive marketplace will spur a better paradigm for protection of land and sea?

Here we have an article that details the shoddy, corrupt and false work of so-called "safety inspectors" employed by the feds.

Fed Financial Reg Bill Would Give Govt Power to Snoop on ALL Your Transactions.

Isn't it strange that under this new "pro-civil liberties" Administration, we seem to be posting more and more stories that "tab" "privacy" in the category line? Hmmmmmm...........

Big thanks to Stephen Smith, of and Glenn Jacobs, of for the info!

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Obama Admin's Push for Forced Drug Tests in Local Doctors' Offices Exposes Failure of "War" on Drugs

Took them long enough, and it's only a rhetorical tool to get people to accept the invasion of privacy they're going to eventually push.

Take a look. All they needed to do was contact Law Enforcement Against Prohibition for the stats on the amounts spent on the drug "war" and the numbers of people still using "hard" drugs. 

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Bill in Congress Would Limit Direct Wine Sales

Ahh, it's the new Prohibition thinking from the anti-constitutionalists in DC!


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Another Example of the Anti-Constitutional Behavior of DC Politicians -- More Debit Card Regs

This time, the politicians in the Senate (a species known by their scientific title as Conceitus Giganticus) has voted to force credit card companies to reduce their fees for debit charges. Guess what will happen? Yeah, you got it, higher charges elsewhere, fewer options for consumers... It's all been seen before. Last year's "Credit Card holders' Bill of Rights", that passed with numbskull bipartisan support, merely inspired the credit card companies to shift costs and fees, and offer fewer special bonuses to customers.


Why not get the government out of the financial business, and all businesses for that matter...

Abu Dhabi Hotel is Second in World to Install Gold Vending Machines!

This is great! Many people think they'll see these in the US -- which might come to pass. BUT, you can bet that the federal gubment will get on them fast, and ban them for some reason or another.

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Obama Admin Ready to Impose New Oil Tax

So, we'll all pay even MORE, since much of the tax will be passed on to consumers.

The politicians say it's necessary, in order to shift money over to cleanup and to compensate parties who have been damaged by oil spills.


Wouldn't a much better paradigm be to have a set of well-established and defined property rights in the region, and allow interested parties to sue for damages in private arbitration, rather than pull EVERYONE into this mess?

Fed Drug Policy to Mix with Socialized Medicine - Will Eventually Force Drug Tests

In reading this article, how long do you think it will be before federal officials begin REQUIRING doctors to do urine/blood tests on patients as part of the gubment's ALREADY unconstitutional anti-drug agenda?

As we've said before, goodbye Fourth Amendment.

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Freddie MAC Seeks Billions More after MASSIVE LOSS... Um, Duh?

Why are we not surprised? Why is it we in the free market sphere predicted this would happen? Why is it we know it's going to GET WORSE?

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US Financial Regulation Bill Gives Fed Reserve + Treasury Massive New Powers

But don't forget, the "Know Your Customer" Law applied to banks starting under GW Bush already requires bankers to report "unusual" transactions, more than three online transfers between savings and checking accounts,  and those deposits or withdrawls over $5,000... Sooo, this is all juuuust fine, right?


All of it. Right?


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Govenment Is Now Backer of 96.5% of ALL Mortgages...

But remember, this is a free nation; it's a "capitalist" country... Not fascist in any way... Nope.

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Utah Fines Bar Owners for Not ELECTRONICALLY Scanning IDs

Anyone want to be a Prydonian, like the Doctor, and see around that next corner?


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Assistant Energy Sec Heavily Invested in "Green" Companies Getting Fed Policy Support

But, of course, once the Bushies are out, no pop media group can be bothered to look at favoritism in government any more. Consistency... Ahh...

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Leftist Ninth Circuit Allows Bias Suit Against Wal Mart to Proceed.

In a nation -- and perhaps a world -- where it is viewed as the place of government to intercede in private matters where there may be disputes about what some parties consider "fair", this kind of thing is a given. In a world where private affairs are just that, affairs between consenting individuals, the argument that "discrimination" needs to be fixed by government bills or court proceedings is unfounded. Why... Unless there is breach of contract or fraud, the parties are free to work with or not work with each other. How a business treats employees -- of both sexes -- will reflect on that company, thus having an effect on the kinds of people who work there. More skilled people will not work there, thus harming the company.

Feds Move to SEIZE Restaurant Property in Immigration Case

At what point do people start wondering if they're living in a fascist nation?

There is no private transaction that is not open to scrutiny by the feds, despite the fact that the feds aren't given the power to do it, and have no power over immigration except in the first thirteen states (a close reading of the Constitution spells out this fact.)

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It's Coming... Food Prices Rise Most in 26 Years -- The Result of Inflating the Money Supply

This is the first sign... Along with it we will see a supposed "recovery' for a few quarters... Watch out.

If anyone wondered why foreigners won't buy US Treasury Bills, they will, in a year or so, really, REALLY understand why...

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